One of my first wood projects...
I bet you're wondering what the hell this thing is?  This is one of my first wood projects.  It is a dog house for my Delta table saw.  It only made sense that, the first day I got my table saw (April 27, 2001), the first thing I should build is a place to keep it!  Oh, the irony.  So I built this "dog house" for my table saw.  It was built in one day.  Here's a couple pictures of it open...
At the time of this project I had no wood-working skills other than what I learned in Mr. Long's Woodshop class in the 8th grade.  I'm a self-taught wood-worker, so consequently a lot of my stuff is unconventional, and not very pretty.  At any rate, the dog house is functional and still works great to this day.  Note the nifty-shifty tri-folding design...<:^)
This page is up as of March 6, 2005 - 11:45 PM.
Comments?  Corrections?  Questions?  Please
e'mail me to tell me about it.
All pictures & material Copyright © 2005 Donnie Frank