;DVD/CD-ROM/R/RW Boot Diskette ;created 12-01-98 ;[common] lastdrive=z device=HIMEM.SYS /testmem:off device=emm386.exe noems ;device=ramdrive.sys 1024 /e dos=high,umb files=60 buffers=30 stacks=9,256 [Menu] menucolor=15,1 menuitem=SCSI,For systems with an Adaptec UW (SCSI) CD or DVD menuitem=LVD,For systems with an Adaptec U2 (LVD) CD or DVD menuitem=IDE,For systems with an IDE/Atapi CD or DVD (Default) menudefault=IDE,0 ;set menu default to IDE and by pass menu change "0" to = number of seconds [SCSI] devicehigh=cdrom\aspi8dos.sys /d devicehigh=cdrom\aspi8cd.sys /d:Micron ;set cdrom=Micron [LVD] device=cdrom\ASPI8U2.SYS /d:Micron DEVICE=cdrom\ASPICD.SYS /D:Micron ;set cdrom=Micron [IDE] devicehigh=cdrom\oakcdrom.sys /d:Micron ;set cdrom=Micron ;[common] SET ENDFLAG=1 ;Flag to denote the end of the config.sys file.