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QSUccf@*kgf gkfc_fE`ccfCccf?&gksf@okgcf@Lkg[f@)kgwf@kgf@uxkgu\gjuF5o oJu&5{ {"aJQ)YQYQYQ YQVW 5=ftJCf_^YP=Ntff#Of;ft1Jf#f%#%rCfXP5ff;ft+Jf##CfXfH?-HU`fO?JENfffu g1f=Nuf uK5kf ku.=Nt%5g1f;aJÛ=NtfH-HfÛ-Aj2f?j2f?%h %l %t %x % % % U'9SystemSystemUU$         @SystemSystemSERVICE_GET_EISA_SYSTEMfDmaRegTest EisaSvc=%p eisaSystem=%Xh&(&P&x&&н&&0'X'''' '`''ؿ''H''(( (P())** *@*`*++++0h@x(HxSystemSystemSystemSystemSystemSystemA@BABA@BABȵp0(hxxض@8xpxpU @߿SystemSystemPcmcia search %Xh=%XhPcmcia found!Pcmcia detect csn=%Xh vendor=%Xh Prod=%XhSystemSystemRTC tick test rate=%ld, old=%ld new=%ldRTC rollover year=%x, month=%x, day=%x, hour=%x, min=%x, sec=%xSystemSystemSYSTEMcpu%ddmartctimerpicspeakerfpupcmciadmartccmossys_timersintr_ctlrspeaker87_calc87_exceptionpcmciaMemory allocation failure creating %s.System Board DevicesDell Computer Corp.The system module is a collection of tests that operate on devices normally found on the motherboard.System SpeakerIntegrated speakerThe system speaker generates simple tones by programming an interval timer. The speaker may be a traditional cone speaker, a piezo-electric device, or routed through an audio card.Speaker Functionality TestThis test generates a series of tones to confirm that the speaker is working. The operator is prompted to determine if the tones were generated.Tone %dDid you hear %d speaker tones?Please make sure the speaker is connected and enabled in Setup if your system supports disabling the speaker. Would you like to retry the test?Speaker could not be heard. The operator replied 'No' to the prompt indicating that the tones were not heard from the speaker.System Timer8254 compatible interval timerThe timer is a programmable counter/timer that contains three channels numbered 0, 1, and 2. Channel 0 generates the system clock. Channel 1 is used for general purpose timing. Channel 2 is for general purpose timing and also generates tones on the system speaker.Timer Functionality TestThis test checks the accuracy of the programmable timer/counters for channels 0 and 2.Channel %d, timer mode %dThe interrupt routine is not being called. Channel 0 (mode 0) is not generating interrupts. It might not be counting properly or the interrupt mechanism is not working.Interrupt IRQ0 is at the wrong frequency. Channel 0 (mode 3) is generating the wrong interrupt count per second. Expected :%d, Actual: %d.Channel 2 is not operating correctly. %sIn mode %d, it is not correctly asserting and deasserting the OUT signal after being programmed.No periodic ticks were generated. The realtime clock is probably not functioning.Wrong time period (milliseconds) for a full count-down in mode %d. Expected: %d, Actual: %d.The initial clock output level in mode %d is incorrect. Expected: %d Actual: %d.The failure was intermittent. Failed %d of %d repeated attempts.Realtime ClockMC146818 compatible realtime clock with non-volatile storageThe realtime clock (RTC) is used to maintain the time and date. The RTC has its own battery backup to maintain the settings while the computer is turned off. The RTC also contains non-volatile storage (known as CMOS) that is used by the BIOS and operating system to store configuration and Setup items.RTC Functionality TestThis test confirms the operating accuracy of the realtime clock.CMOS Confidence TestThis test performs a data pattern and address uniqueness test on the CMOS memory.Checking RTC against system timerVerifying rolloverTesting CMOS storageThe 'Seconds' register is not updating. The register is not updating or is updating too slowly. The part may be bad or the 32-KHz crystal might not be functioning.The time registers did not increment correctly. The RTC did not generate the expected time after it was set for the maximum value and allowed to roll-over.The CMOS battery failed. Status Register D of the RTC chip indicates that the CMOS is not valid because the backup battery is not working.CMOS failed the pattern test. Location: %02Xh, Expected: %02Xh, Actual: %02Xh.DMA Controller8237 compatible DMA controllerThe direct memory access (DMA) controller moves data between the system memory and an external peripheral such as a diskette drive. The controller is typically used for devices that exist on older ISA or EISA buses and was intended to perform the operation more efficiently than the processor.DMA Functionality TestThis test writes patterns to the page and channel registers of the DMA controller.Verifying DMA transfer capabilityIncorrect data testing the DMA %s. Port: %02Xh Expected: %02Xh Actual: %02Xh.registersport latchInterrupt Controller8259 compatible interrupt controllerThe programmable interrupt controller (PIC) manages interrupts from devices. The system contains two PICs cascaded together.PIC Functionality TestThis test verifies that interrupts are triggered and serviced.Testing IRQ%d - %s interruptThe interrupt controller, or a device attached to it, is not working. No interrupt detected for IRQ %d - %s.diskette controllerfloating point unitkeyboardrealtime clocksystem timerPCMCIA Controller82365SL compatible PC card interface controllerThe PC card controller (PCIC) is the interface to one or more PCMCIA slots. When a card is inserted in a slot, the controller enables the software to access the card and configure it for use.PCMCIA Functionality TestThis test checks the PC card controller registers to ensure that they are functioning correctly.Number of PCMCIA sockets in the system. (0=disable override)socketsOverrides auto detection of the number of PCMCIA sockets in the system.Verifying the PCMCIA interfacePCIC Socket %cA PC card is not seated properly. Check the card in socket %c (index %Xh, base %Xh).Unable to access any PCIC register. First error: Socket: %c (index %Xh, base %Xh) Register index: %Xh Test pattern: %Xh Data read: %Xh Bits tested: %Xh One or more PCIC registers failed. First error: Socket: %c (index %Xh, base %Xh) Register index: %Xh Test pattern: %Xh Data read: %Xh Bits tested: %Xh Press any key to continue. Testing PCIC register %02Xh of socket %c.Socket %c registers not tested because a card is installed.Revision: %XhWARNING: A battery warning condition has been detected.Card status changed interrupt: %sReservedInterface Type: %sI/O OnlyMemory OnlyMemory and I/ODisable/Resume Resetdrv: %sPC Card Power: %sActiveNot ActivePC Card: %sNone DetectedNOT Fully SeatedPresent and Fully SeatedPC Card Condition: %sBusyReadyPC Card Power: %sAutomatic Power Switch: %sEnabledDisabledVpp%d Control: %sNo ConnectVccVpp2Vpp1Processor 0Processor %dProcessor %d - %sProcessor %d - %s, Local APIC %Xh (version %d), Enabled=%d, %sThe central processing unit (CPU) is the device that controls the rest of the system. Some systems may have more than one CPU to enhance the performance of the system (only if operating system supports multiprocessing).Boot Strap ProcessorApplication ProcessorUnknown8028680386SX8038680386SL8048680486SX80486SL80487SXOverdrive (P23T)IntelSX(TM) - SLIntelDX2(TM) - SLPentium(R)80486DXIntelDX2(TM)Overdrive (P24T)IntelDX4(TM)IntelSX2(TM) - SLIntelDX(TM) - SLPentium(R) ProPentium(R)/MMXPentium(R) IICeleron(R)Pentium(R) IIIPentium(R) 4Xeon(R)**Intel**Floating Point UnitIntegrated numerics processorThis device performs complex mathematical operations. In older systems, the floating point unit (FPU) was a separate chip, but in newer systems, it is tightly integrated with the processor.FPU Calculation TestThis test checks the use of different numerical data types (integer, single-precision floating point, and double-precision floating point) and the ability to make correct calculations.FPU Error Exception TestThis test checks the ability to handle errors and to send interrupts to the processor.Verifying calculationsVerifying exception handlingFailed to load and store constant 0.0.Failed to load and store constant 1.0.Failed to load and store constant 'pi'.Failed to load and store constant log2 of 10.Failed to load and store constant log2 of 'e'.Failed to load and store constant log 2.Failed to load and store constant ln 2.Failed to load and store integer 1.Failed to load integer 1 and store as short real 1.0.Failed to load integer 1 and store as long real 1.0.Failed to load integer 1 and store as BCD.Failed to load integer 32767 and store as short real 32767.0.Failed to load integer -32768 and store as short real -32768.0.Failed to load short real -1.0 and store as integer -1.Failed to load short real 0.0 and store as integer 0.Failed to load short real 1.0 and store as integer 1.Failed to load long real -1.0 and store as integer -1.Failed to load long real 0.0 and store as integer 0.Failed to load long real 1.0 and store as integer 1.Wrong status after comparing 1.0 and 1.0.Wrong status after comparing 3.0 and 2.0.Wrong status after comparing 2.0 and 3.0.Wrong status after 1.0 / 0.0.Wrong stack tags after 'fadd' instruction.Wrong stack tags after 'faddp' instruction.Wrong status after 3.0 + 2.0.Wrong status after 3.0 - 2.0.Wrong status after 2.0 - 3.0.Wrong status after 3.0 * 2.0.Wrong status after 3.0 / 2.0.Calculation error of 3.0 / 2.0.Calculation error of the square root of 2.0.Calculation error of arctangent (tangent (pi/4.0)) * 4.0.Calculation error of log2(((2 ** (pi/8)) -1) + 1) * 8.Wrong status after purposely performing an invalid operation.Wrong status after generating a denormalized operand.Wrong status after performing a divide by zero.Wrong status after generating an overflow.Wrong status after generating a precision failure.Wrong status after generating an underflow.No IRQ13 following an invalid result.No IRQ13 following a denormalized operand.No IRQ13 following a zero divide.No IRQ13 following an overflow.No IRQ13 following a precision exception.No IRQ13 following an underflow.%s Expected: %04Xh Actual: %04Xh.%s Expected: %08Xh Actual: %08Xh.%s Expected: %08X%08Xh Actual: %08X%08Xh.%s Expected: %08X%08X%04Xh Actual: %08X%08X%04Xh.%s The error information from the test is not valid.V1109.0 (08@HP`Xhȹع0@P`pSystemSystemSERVICE_GET_EISA_SYSTEMSERVICE_GET_EISA_SYSTEMSysInit cannot locate %sSERVICE_SYSTEM_FEATURESSysInit StdCfg type=%XhCpu Device (%p) %d=%sSysInit Bsp=%Xh BioMp=%XhCpu Device (%p) CPU %d=%d=%sSystem%s %s DIAGS 998 998 %s System MODULE_HELP DIAGS_INIT Fail Unable to allocate memory.SERVICE_BIOSMPSERVICE_PNPSERVICE_CONSOLESystemSystemSERVICE_GET_DRACD_TYPEWarning, did not find DRAC Disable type serviceDisable SMIs on Gecko and Newt: dracd type =(%X)Enable SMIs on DracD type =(%X)Unable to allocate memory for error message.DevVirt.cppError allocating memory for device %s.DvDevice.cppError allocating memory for module %s.ModDev.cpp UnknownSERVICE_EMS%%s %%s DIAGS 999 999 %%s %s FIND_EMS_SVC DIAGS_INIT Fail The Error Messaging Service could not be located.Invalid pointer specified (pModuleName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pVendorName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleVersion:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcDeviceHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a device help object (%s) to more than one module help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcTestHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a test help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcParamHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a parameter help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamPrompt:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamHelpStr:%p).Help.cpp?G?@@@@@@AFI@xT@;? 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