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The Mouse Test confirms that the mouse itself is functioning properly. If the test is successful, but a mouse problem persists, check the batch file that installs the mouse or the mouse driver program. If these appear to be properly constructed, check the command line that is referenced when the program using the mouse is loaded.MouseThe mouse device is the logical pointing device on the system, and may be a mouse, trackball, or touch pad.Pointing StickThe pointing stick device is a secondary pointing device on the system, and is in addition to a mouse, trackball, or touch pad.Mouse TestThe mouse test verifies the ability of the mouse to generate cursor positioning data and button clicks.Pointing Stick TestThe pointing stick test verifies the ability of the pointing stick to generate cursor positioning data and button clicks.Touch Pad Tap TestThe touch pad tap test verifies the functionality of the touch pad presure sensor.Pointing Stick Tap TestThe touch pad tap test verifies the functionality of the touch pad presure sensor.forceForce Alps/Synaptics detectionForce pointing device to detact as either Alps or Synaptics.Starting Mouse TestRestoring Mouse StateStarting Tap TestNONEBusPS/2 2-buttonSerial:1 2-buttonSerial:2 2-buttonSerial:3 2-buttonSerial:4 2-buttonIntegratedLogitech 2-buttonLogitech 3-buttonLogitech 3-button w scrollSerial:1 3-buttonSerial:2 3-buttonSerial:3 3-buttonSerial:4 3-buttonSerial:1 ballpointSerial:2 ballpointSerial:3 ballpointSerial:4 ballpointPS/2 ballpointPS/2 Touch PadPS/2 Pointing StickVirtualized PS/2Microsoft IntelliMouseUnknown mouse type$,4<DLT\dlt|@<84ܲ0س,Դ(|е$x|ж$x̷ tȸpĹlhd `\XXTPLHD@<<840,(|$x tx tplhd `\X\XTPLHD@The user has requested an abort of the currently executing test.This test must be run in interactive mode.Unknown mouse type. The test was called with an unknown type of %Xh.Could not disable mouse. The keyboard controller did not acknowledge a mouse disable command.Could not disable keyboard. The keyboard controller did not acknowledge a keyboard disable command.Could not set sampling rate. The keyboard controller did not accept a command to set the mouse's data sampling rate.Could not enable mouse. The keyboard controller did not acknowledge a mouse enable command.Could not enable keyboard. The keyboard controller did not acknowledge a keyboard enable command.A parity error was detected. The keyboard controller status indicates a data parity (corrupted data) error.Keyboard transmit timeout error. The keyboard controller failed to accept data within 0.0%u seconds.Keyboard receive timeout error. The keyboard controller failed to receive data within 0.0%u seconds.Timer expired before any keyboard or mouse data was found.Both buttons were detected as pressed.V1109.0<DL088Ph@pХؤ(@X MOUSE TEST Ŀ To exit, press the ESC key. To complete test, activate both boxes. Ĵ To activate this box, move the To activate this box, move the cursor over it and press the cursor over it and press the LEFT mouse button. RIGHT mouse button. BUTTONS POSITION Ĵ Left: Right: Row: Column: POINTING STICK TEST Ŀ To exit, press the ESC key. To complete test, activate both boxes. Ĵ To activate this box, move the To activate this box, move the cursor over it and press the cursor over it and press the LEFT pointing stick button. RIGHT pointing stick button. BUTTONS POSITION Ĵ Left: Right: Row: Column: TOUCHPAD TAP TEST Ŀ Touchpad POINTING STICK TAP TEST Ŀ Pointing stick Ŀ To exit, press the ESC key. To complete test, activate the box. Ĵ To activate this box, double tap the MOUSE TEST Ŀ To exit, press the ESC key. To complete test, activate all four boxes. Please position the mouse on the RIGHT side of the keyboard for the test. Ĵ These buttons are on the UPPER part These buttons are on the LOWER part of the mouse, CLOSEST to the cord. of the mouse, AWAY from the cord. To activate this box, move the To activate this box, move the cursor cursor over it and press the TOP over it and press the TOP mouse mouse button. button. To activate this box, move the To activate this box, move the cursor cursor over it and press the BOTTOM over it and press the BOTTOM mouse mouse button. button. BUTTONS BUTTONS Ĵ Top: Bottom: Top: Bottom: ROW COLUMN Ĵ MOUSE TEST Ŀ To exit, press the ESC key. To complete test, activate all three boxes. Ĵ To activate this box, To activate this box, To activate this box, move the cursor over move the cursor over move the cursor over it and press the LEFT it and press the it and press the RIGHT mouse button. MIDDLE mouse button. mouse button. BUTTONS POSITION Ĵ Left: Center: Right: Row: Column: MOUSE TEST Ŀ To exit, press the ESC key. To complete test, activate all five boxes. Ĵ To activate this box, To activate this box, To activate this box, move the cursor over move the cursor over move the cursor over it and press the LEFT it and press the it and press the RIGHT mouse button. MIDDLE mouse button. mouse button. Ĵ To activate this To activate this box scroll the box scroll the mouse wheel up. mouse wheel down. BUTTONS POSITION Ĵ Lt: Ctr: Rt: ScUp: ScDn: Row: Column: NONEALPSSYNAPTICSSERVICE_GET_SYSTEM_TYPEMouseMouseSERVICE_GET_PSTICK_TYPESERVICE_GET_PSTICK_TYPEMouseMouse%s %s DIAGS 998 998 %s Mouse MODULE_HELP DIAGS_INIT Fail Unable to allocate memory.MouseMouse: Forced ALPS detection.Mouse: Forced SYNAPTICS detection.MouseMouseMouseMouseMouseSERVICE_SERIALSERVICE_USBSERVICE_CPUSERVICE_CPUMouse cannot locate %s (V%d)SERVICE_CONSOLEUnable to allocate memory for error message.DevVirt.cppError allocating memory for device %s.DvDevice.cppError allocating memory for module %s.ModDev.cpp 0` (05600038400192009600480024001200300Invalid pointer specified (pList:%p).ParList.cppInvalid pointer specified (pList[%d]:%p).ParList.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParList.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParList.cpp UnknownSERVICE_EMS%%s %%s DIAGS 999 999 %%s %s FIND_EMS_SVC DIAGS_INIT Fail The Error Messaging Service could not be located.Invalid pointer specified (pModuleName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pVendorName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleVersion:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcDeviceHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a device help object (%s) to more than one module help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcTestHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a test help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcParamHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a parameter help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamPrompt:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamHelpStr:%p).Help.cppHak````bbeDc(c`c|cd8dTdpddddddccgfffggwffxggPjieDc(c`c|cd8dTdpddddddccĂT8,p݁ĂT8,pb_{ψ9gЉxxی/x@\x̐x4Plxݓ1(  l       !!!&!0!:!J!V!b!      !!!&!0!:!J!V!b!msvcrt.dll??2@YAPAXI@Z??3@YAXPAX@Z_onexit_purecall_snprintfabs_daylight_environsprintfstrcpystrlen_sys_errlist_sys_nerr_timezone_tznameP0(080H0-babaZ0`0f0r0Mouse.mdmfExitfInitfModuleHelpfStartUpl00$1G11L3o3 44S5668899:>::::4<<==b=>>>->U>]>k>>>>??C?J?O?T?[?`??????? 000)00070a0l0000000001(1C1J1Q1|1111111o244$5,5Y5a555555556G6s6x6666666 77c7h777777788"8@8t8x8|88888888y999>:::::::::;;;;;<<->1>5>9>=>A>n>r>z>>>>?3?C?r??0D0^0000001111112(2/23272;2?2222222 3N3Z3333344&4L4_4d4o45555696=6P6_6n6}6666666666666666677+727G7N7U7777782888889%9W9j99999,:?:\::::::;;C;;;;;,<<<<<<== >(>>>$?:?P?e?????????@(0"0+0g0s0{0R1|11111i2222*363>3344#4"505g5u5556:6H6V6E7J7P7[7`7f7s7777777777777778.848888&9=9R9i9999:):E:J:O:z:::::::::::; ;;;-;O;j;o;v;{;;;;;;;;;;<<"<)<. >>?>I>N>>>>>>>???P0'0,0M0e0n0{00002x33 4m444444"54677<8888899T9f:;;Q<<<<<= ==<========>>)>6><>J>O>T>Z>g>}>>>>>>>???,?4?]?c??`0050R0Z0|001112S2X2s2{22 55$5A5555555556:6B6i68Z888V9]9b9h9999::J;Q;V;\;s;;;;<<\ >J>P>>>>?pP;;<<0<8<_>>> ??7??????00 00d0k0p0v00000(1/141:1233334444444444 5`5n5{555555555556(606a6i6666666%7-7U7]777777788D8L8$99]::::::; ;;;@;G;L;R;{;;;;;< < >>>>>>>>>>z????????L11(1-131\1f1k1q111112222223 33:3D3I3O3R4X4d4j4p4444P6T6X6\6`6d6h6p6t6x6|6666666666666666666666666666666777 77777 7$7(7,7074787<7@7D7H7L7P7T7X7\7`7d7h7p7t7x7|77777777777777777777777777777777888 88888 8$8(8,8084888@8D8H8L8P8T8X8\8`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|88888888888888888888888888888888999=======================>>> >>>>> >\8`8d8h8l8p8t8x8|888888888888888888888888888888888999 99999 9$9311111111(9,9094989<9@9D9H9L9P9T9X9\9`9d9h9l9p9t9x9|999999999999999999999999999999999::: ::::: :$:(:[Version] V1109.0 [Dependency] cpu.mdm serial.mdm usb.mdm