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Unable to create %s.Failed to disable caching for video memory under test.Failed to enable caching for video memory under test.Local Graphics MemoryDell Computer Corp.Check if the Graphics Memory Controller supports add-on, or system board local memory, or an AGP slot memory module. If the add in memory is present, test the address lines, data lines, and test for coupling faults, opens, or shorts in the memory cells.Intel 81x GMCHIntel 81x GMCHIntel 81x GMCH %s local video display cache. contains an AGP cardis emptycontains an AIMM moduleGMCH has AIMM registers mapped at %08X.AGP Inline Memory Modules can be integrated into the system board or be installed in an AGP slot. If the add in memory is present, test the address lines, data lines, and test for coupling faults, opens, or shorts in the memory cells.AIMMAIMM module presenceThis test determines if the system board supports AGP integrated memory, or if an AIMM memory module is present in the AGP slot.AIMM Memory Address Line TestThis test checks the memory address lines of the memory chips on the AIMM module.AIMM Memory Data Line Test - QuickThis test checks the memory data lines of the memory chips on the AIMM module.AIMM Memory Data Line Test - FullThis test checks the memory data lines of the memory chips on the AIMM module.AIMM Memory Bit Coupling TestThis test checks the memory chips on the AIMM module for "stuck-at" faults, transition faults, and multiple access faults.AIMM Memory Mapping TestThis test checks the memory mapping of the AIMM module. This tests for the ability to uniquely address the AIMM memory in 4K-byte increments.AGP slotThis parameter indicates what state the AIMM module presence is being tested for. If set to YES, then the AIMM memory must be present in the system for the test to pass. If set to NO, then no AIMM memory is expected. If the AGP slot is empty, or contains an AGP card the test will pass.Performing AIMM detection testPerforming AIMM Memory Data Line testPerforming AIMM Memory Address Line testPerforming AIMM Memory Bit Coupling testPerforming AIMM Memory Mapping testPerforming AIMM Memory Data Line testYESNOxTest Messages Text Goes HereError : Failure when reading register %04X in the GMCHThe slot test found the AIMM memory to be %s. Expected %s.Error : No AIMM memory present for the GMCH to useError : AGP slot contains an AIMM, expected AGP card or empty slotError : Local Graphics Memory data lines failed the integrity test. Failure at offset %dLocal Graphics memory failureOffset into video memory isbit IDands., Error : Failure. Expected %08X Found %08XError : Failure. Expected %08X Found %08XTest stopped because the user replied 'Cancel'.V1109.0SERVICE_EMS%s %s DIAGS 999 999 %s GRFXMEM FIND_EMS_SVC DIAGS_INIT Fail The Error Messaging Service (Ver 2) could not be located.GRFXMEMSERVICE_PCIGrfxMem: PCI services are not available. Unable to determine if GMCH is present.SERVICE_MEMORY_TESTGrfxMem: Memory Test services are not available.GrfxMem:Exit: Unable to locate an Intel GMCHGrfxMem: Detected an Intel 81x GMCH controller. DID = %04X. Add test for local video memory.GRFXMEM%s %s DIAGS 998 998 %s GRFXMEM MODULE_HELP DIAGS_INIT Fail Unable to allocate memory.withwithoutAIMM: AGP slot does not contain an AIMM. -- 0x%08X0x%08XAIMM: Graphics Memory Address Line TestGRFXMEMAIMM: fAimmMemAddrLineEntry() %08X %08XGRFXMEMAIMM: Graphics Memory Data Line Test - LongGRFXMEMAIMM: fAimmMemDataLineLEntry() %08X %08XGRFXMEMAIMM: Graphics Memory Data Line TestGRFXMEMAIMM: fAimmMemDataLineQEntry() %08X %08XGRFXMEMAIMM: Graphics Memory Bit Coupling TestGRFXMEMAIMM: fAimmMemBitCouplingEntry() %08X %08XGRFXMEMAIMM: Graphics Memory Mapping TestAIMM: Save : GR06 = %02X GR10 = %02X GR11 = %02X ACE = %02XAIMM: Read : GR06 = %02X GR10 = %02X GR11 = %02X ACE = %02XAIMM: Page Index = %02X Offset 0x00 Value Read = %02X Expected %02XGRFXMEMAIMM: fAimmUniquenessEntry() %08X %08XGRFXMEMGMADR - Grapics Mem. Range Addr.AIMM: %-33s %08XMMADR - Mem. Map Range Addr. Reg.AIMM: %-33s %08XMMADR - after apply maskAIMM: %-33s %08XMMADR - as being usedAIMM: %-33s %08XMMADR selectorAIMM: %-33s %08XVideo memory selectorAIMM: %-33s %08XDRT - DRAM Row TypeAIMM: %-33s %02XDRAMCL - DRAM Control LowAIMM: %-33s %02XDRAMCH - DRAM Control HighAIMM: %-33s %02XGR06 - Misc. RegisterAIMM: %-33s %02XGR10 - Address MappingAIMM: %-33s %02XGR11 - Page SelectorAIMM: %-33s %02XAIMM: AIMM Memory module presence testAIMM: DRT Register : %02XGRFXMEMAIMM: fAimmPresetEntry() %08X %08XGRFXMEMUnable to allocate memory for error message.DevVirt.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pVendorName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleVersion:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcDeviceHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a device help object (%s) to more than one module help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcTestHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a test help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcParamHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a parameter help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamPrompt:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTrueString:%p).ParBool.cppInvalid pointer specified (pFalseString:%p).ParBool.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParBool.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParBool.cpppD%B===?T@p@@@@@@A4A??<;<5<Q< ?V%B===?T@p@@@@@@A4A??BBBC7CSCCCoCDD8DTD`FWEsEEEEE;E FW>t>>\bhtGRFXMEM.mdmfExitfInitfModuleHelpfStartUp@00#0)070F0L0h0000011 1!1;1@1F1222H2M2S2w2|2222222233+303?3E3r3w333333+40454444444:5A5F5555557777888899)9.9W9\9k9q999999:::T:Y:`:e::::::::: ;%;4;:;x;};;;;;;; <<<u>>>>>>> ? ?*?B?S?d?y???????? 01j2y22A3G3m3r3z333333333334$4*474<4B4666677777777777888%8Z8_8e8r8w8}8k:z::7;=;c;h;p;|;;;;;;;;;;<< <-<2<8<>>>>x?~???????????0$000P0U0[0h0m0s0s1x1~1222I3N3T33 4444444 55!5)595>5D5\5a5i555555555666%696>6C6I6`6e6j6p6666666667 777:7?7D7J777777777 8888G8L8R8_8d8j88888889 9,9;9A9b9h99999999999:::y;;;;;;<<=%=q=y=9>A>I>a>>>>>>d?l???@E1M1\1y111111122U2Z2y2222334445667!7&7,7U7\7a7g777777777O8V8[8a8888899999:::$:M:W:\:b:::::&;0;5;;;;;;;<< <&???#?L?V?[?a?????Ph00000#1*1/151111111112223/373[3c3333334.464w4444555r6x666666p0000000000000000000000111 11111 1$1(1,1014181<1@1D1H1L1P1T1X1\1`1d1h1l1p1t1x1|111111111111111111111111111111111222 22222 2$2(2,2024282<2@2D2H2L2P2T2X2\2`2d2h2l2p2t2x2[Version] V1109.0 [Dependency] pci.mdm memory.mdm