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The parameter type %d is not supported in fAddIDEParams.bepbpecycleseccforcelogincmode:nanodmanolognomedianosmartprocinfosofterrtbtrstmedia:xitmedia:captiveabortdstcheckdstcompletedstretrydststartdstfIDE DevicesDell Computer Corp.This module provides tests for IDE hard disks, IDE CD-ROMs, and IDE tape drives.IDE Hard disk #nIDE Hard diskIDE Tape drive #nIDE Tape driveCD-ROM drive #nCD-ROM driveCD-RW drive #nCD-RW driveDVD-RAM drive #nDVD-RAM driveDVD+RW drive #nDVD+RW driveInvalid disk block parameters, beginning block %lu may not be greater than ending block %lu.Invalid disk block percent parameters, beginning value %u may not be greater than ending value %u.Device initialization failed. %s.IDE device failed: %s.Block %lu: %s.IDE device failed: %s. Block %lu, Offset %lu - Data was %02Xh, Should be %02Xh.IDE format test failed.Error register: %04Xh Sense information: (%X-%02X%02X) - %s. Sense data:No additional sense informationCylinder %4.4u Head %2.2uInsert diagnostic diskette in drive %c if not already there (or a formatted diskette on second drive if necessary).Remove diskette from drive %c to test disk change line.If the test does not continue, type any key to fail the test. Waiting...Disk change line in drive %c detected.Unknown error.Disk change line on drive %c terminated by user.Timeout on drive %c disk change line.Insert diagnostic diskette in drive %c if not already there.Attempting to correct ECC data at cylinder %d, head %d, sectors %d through %d.Incorrect ECC data was corrected at cylinder %d, head %d, sector %d.Testing block %08lu of %08luWriting block %08lu of %08luVerifying block %08lu of %08luDo you hear the CD audio through the headphones (or speakers on portable computers)?Initialization failed: %sPlease insert a CD in the Drive.If you continue, the tape write test will erase any data on the tape. Do you want to continue?Data on the tape is about to be erased. Do you want to continue?The CDRW media must be formatted in UDF format for this test. Do you want to continue?The DVD+RW media must be formatted in UDF format for this test. Do you want to continue?Data on the media is about to be erased. Do you want to continue?The Format test will take 20 ~ 30 mins and the user can not interrupt the test. Do you want to continue?Please insert Pre-formatted CDRW mediaPlease insert Pre-formatted CDRW or DVDRW mediaPlaying track %d.A CD containing digital data such as a software installation disk is needed for this test.The user defined test start point is larger than the end pointThe Media Type in removable drive is %s, Please insert %s MediaTest Exiting - Be sure %s Media is in removable DriveProgress-%d%%%% Estimated time to complete this test is %u minutes. DVD-RAM media needed for this test.Invalid PCM audio file name.Fail to generate tone wave infomation. Vendor: %s Firmware revision: %s Device type: %s Removable media: %s Command type: %s Block size: %lu Total blocks: %lu Total capacity: %luMB Serial number: %s LBA supported: %s UDMA supported: %sReport soft errorsEnding cylinderBeginning cylinderEnding blockBeginning blockEnding block (pct. of total blocks)Beginning block (pct. of total)Test removable media devicesBlocks to skip during testsNumber of ECC corrections allowedForce overwrite of invalid log informationBlocks used in tape testAudio trackTest modeRandom test cyclesDon't enable CD-ROM audio inputPrevent use of ultra DMAPrevent hard disk drive information loggingDisable automatic S.M.A.R.T. checkStart test with ANY/FDD/UHD mediaEnd test with ANY/FDD/UHD mediaUse captive mode for self-testsAbort a currently running drive self-testBegin a drive self-test then exitCheck drive self-test status and returnComplete a drive self-testAuto retry aborted drive self-testProcess information for information loggingPCM audio file nameYesNoEnabledDisabledIDE DiskIDE CDROMIDE TapeIDE CDRWIDE DVD-RAMIDE DVD+RWNONEDevice Self TestSeek TestRead TestVerify TestWrite TestFormat TestZero Drive TestZero Drive Test, No VerifyInvert Data TestSector Uniqueness TestWrite Random TestStart unit (Idle) commandStop unit (Standby) commandEnable S.M.A.R.T. operationsDisable S.M.A.R.T. operationsS.M.A.R.T. TestMedia Eject TestMedia Detect TestCD-ROM Audio TestCD-ROM Audio Test OffCD-ROM Audio Test OnCD-ROM Audio Test With File OffCD-ROM Audio Test With File OnIDE StatusS.M.A.R.T. Off-line TestConfidence TestSignals TestUltra DMA 66 Cable TestTape Retension TestTransfer Rate TestLog TestS.M.A.R.T. Short Self TestS.M.A.R.T. Long Self TestRunning IDE self diagnostics testRunning IDE seek testRunning IDE read testRunning ATAPI tape write testRunning IDE write testRunning IDE format testRunning IDE data destructive write testRunning IDE forced error code correction testRunning IDE CD-ROM audio testRunning IDE audio on testRunning IDE audio off testRunning IDE media eject testRunning IDE media detect testRunning IDE start testRunning IDE stop testRunning IDE S.M.A.R.T. disable testRunning IDE S.M.A.R.T. enable testRunning IDE S.M.A.R.T. drive self-testRunning IDE S.M.A.R.T. status testECC error corrected at block %lu%u seconds remainingNo problems have been found with this drive so far. Now the test will collect S.M.A.R.T. off-line data. This will take about %d seconds. Do you want to continue? (Recommended)No problems have been found with this drive so far. Now the remainder of the media surface will be scanned for errors. This will take about %lu minutes. Do you want to continue? (Recommended)Performing the drive's internal self-testPerforming a read test at the beginning of the mediaPerforming a read test at the end of the mediaPerforming a non-destructive write test at the end of the mediaPerforming a data destructive write test at the end of the mediaPerforming surface scan of the remainder of the mediaPerforming random seeks in the middle of the mediaPerforming S.M.A.R.T. off-line data collectionThe drive failed to perform the confidence test properly. This may indicate that the drive needs to be replaced (if this is a removable media device, try different media).The CD inserted in your CD-ROM drive does not contain any digital data. You must insert a CD containing digital data such as a software installation CD if you would like to try again. Would you like to try again?The CD inserted in your CD-ROM drive does not contain any audio tracks. You must insert a music CD if you would like to try again. Would you like to try again?No problems have been found with this drive so far. Would you like to perform a data destructive write test?Loading tapeUnloading tapeTest unit readySelect tape modeWriting pattern %dRewindReading dataComparing dataWriting filemarkPausing %d seconds for unit %dThis test runs tests which may be performed by IDE devices on themselves to verify proper operation.This test forces the generation of an ECC (Error Code Correction) error on an IDE device and verifies that it is detected.This test verifies the ability of an IDE disk drive to position its read/write heads.This test verifies the ability of an IDE drive to read data.Performs a read test on IDE devices with data verification, for devices which support the verify feature.Performs a write test on IDE devices.Performs a format test on IDE devices.Performs a write test on an IDE drive with a data pattern of all zeros.Performs a write test on an IDE drive with a data pattern of all zeros. DESTRUCTIVE.Performs a write test on an IDE drive by inverting existing data patterns.Performs a write test on an IDE drive using data blocks numbered with a leading block number and followed with random data.Performs a write test on an IDE drive using randomly generated data.Performs a start-up test on an IDE drive.Performs a stop test on an IDE drive.Verifies the ability of an IDE drive to enable its S.M.A.R.T. (self-monitoring) facility, if supported.Verifies the ability of an IDE drive to disable its S.M.A.R.T. (self-monitoring) facility, if supported.Checks the IDE drive's self-monitoring status, if provided by the drive.Ejects the media for device's with removeable media under device eject control.Detect whether the media is still in the device.Verifies the ability of an IDE device (such as a CD-ROM or DVD drive) to play audio tracks. Requires a source disk with audio tracks, and an audio subsystem or direct connection from drive to speakers.Verifies the ability of an IDE device to enable its audio path.Verifies the ability of an IDE device to disable its audio path.Verifies the ability of an IDE device to enable its audio path without CD media.Verifies the ability of an IDE device to disable its audio path without CD media.Performing S.M.A.R.T. off-line data collection.Performs a quick but comprehensive test of the selected drives to make sure they are operating properly.Verifies the connectivity of signals to and from the IDE device.Verifies that an Ultra DMA 66 capable cable is attached to the drive channel specified.This test can be used to perform a tape retension operation. Tape drive errors may be caused when the tape cartridge needs retensioning.This test performs a transfer rate test on the specified drive.This test displays the information logs from the specified drive.Performs the S.M.A.R.T. short self-test on the specified drive.Performs the S.M.A.R.T. long self-test on the specified drive.Specifies that a disk test should pass if soft (correctable) errors are detected.Defines the beginning cylinder of a disk from which to start testing. Applies to seek, read, and write tests.Defines the ending cylinder of a disk at which to end testing. Applies to seek, read, and write tests.Specifies the beginning logical block at which to begin testing.Specifies the ending logical block at which to end testing.Defines the starting position for testing a disk expressed as a percentage of its total capacity.Defines the ending position of a disk test expressed as a percentage of the disk's total capacity.Indicates that IDE tests requiring external media should not be run.Indentifies the block increment, that is, number of blocks to skip, for the IDE tests.Specifies the maximum number of ECC errors allowed before failing the test.Specifies that invalid information in the log sectors should be overwritten.Specifies the number of tape blocks to test.Specifies the track number from which to play audio on the IDE audio on test.Specifies the test mode for the specified test.Specifies the number of test cycles to use for random mode testingSpecifies that no attempt should be made to enable the audio card CD-ROM inputSpecifies that ultra DMA modes shold not be used during testing.Specifies that hard disk information should not be logged during testing.Specifies that S.M.A.R.T. status should not be automatically checked at the end of testing.Specifies a media type of ANY, FDD, or UHD for the media to be in the drive during testing.Specifies a media type of ANY, FDD, or UHD for the media to be left in the drive at the end of testing.Specifies that captive mode should be used for drive self-tests instead of off-line mode.Specifies that Delldiag should abort a previously started drive self-test. Must be used with -checkdst.Specifies that a drive self-test should be started in off-line mode and Delldiag should then return without waiting for completion.Specifies that Delldiag should check the status of a previously started drive self-test and return status.Specifies that Delldiag should wait for a previously started drive self-test to be completed.Specifies that a drive self-test should automatically be restarted if it was aborted by a reset.Specifies process related identification information for information logging.Specifies the PCM format audio file name that will be transfer to the drive's internal buffer. If no file is specified, internal test tone buffer will be played repeatedlyUser chose not to run tests requiring removable media.Unknown test requested.The command was aborted by the target device.This test is only supported on ATAPI devices.Cannot perform destructive write testing since logical partitions exist on the drive.Cannot perform the test without user interaction.User chose not to overwrite the tape.User chose not to write to the CD.User chose not not format the media.The device does not support this test.The S.M.A.R.T. offline test is not supported.User must use headphones to continue testing.An audio CD must be inserted in the drive to complete this test.The CD inserted in the drive does not contain any digital data tracks.An erasable media must be inserted in the drive to complete this test.S.M.A.R.T. not supported.S.M.A.R.T. disabled or not supported.The drive does not support play audio from files.The internal buffer of drive is not large enough for the PCM audio file.Could Not find a supported audio subsystem. You may continue this test by plugging headphones directly into the CD-ROM drive. Do you wish to continue?Press any key to continue...None XPh Dd,D`x(@`ph(Hl4x4xLd<p @`,Pp8T(H\t Dp0\x < T l         P x     ( H h <Xp     0LxL(T 0T| L|  <h,Hd 0Pl$H h!!"$%& &,&D&\&&&''','T'p'(())0)D)\)****+,(,@,\,-/00 08 0d 0 0 0 0 0  0D 1l 1 2 2 2 38 4L 5` 5| 5 5 5 6 7$ 98 :X :l : ; ; ; ;$ ;X ;h ;t ; ;  ;  ;  ;  ; ;<;\;x;;;;;=><>h>?????@4@@@T@@@@@<@L@\@pABCDEFHIHJ`KtLNPPPQ$R4SDS`StUUWXYZZHZhZ[[[[\\\(\@]\]]^^^^<^``aaabcc dHddexffffg,gDgtgggggh4iPilijkkklm0nPqprrrrr<shs|ssss 4H`x`W-<@Ș-<@X|-<@(8-<@Hؘ-<@xs*?)*?@( *?0((Z. 5. ج(h+ . xș* H8/, hX ȹ+=Ю )X8 p*=ؙ0N*? , @, `xؼ, XT, @hy, `*= 8 , xH ,+ hxQ+h@xQ+:xv+(Ⱥ+ + @ -?ȭP2-< `ԚA= PؚA=ܚA d=pAdd= A=   بA8= A=@(ȫ<ȩ@x? @ (@?0@ p8 H@h? PPA0xpT`< @XAp hhAx8   ( HX ت ̛<V1109.0DefaultUpDownButterflyRandomAny(Ordinary Floppy)(Ultra High Density)ANYFDDUHDNo errorCommand was successful with some recovery action performedDevice cannot be accessed, possibly medium not presentFlaw in medium or an error in the recorded data. If this is a removable media device, try different mediaNon-recoverable hardware errorIllegal request - possible use of incorrect mediaReset or medium changedRead was requested on a block that is protectedBlank checkVendor specific errorCopy abortedAborted commandEqualVolume overflowData compare errorReserved for future useTimeout waiting for drive not busyExpected request for commandExpected request for data inExpected request for data outData transfer count doesn't match expected countNot enough data was transferredIllegal length indicationEnd of media detectedMedia change requestedAn unknown error occurredTimeout waiting for IRQTimeout waiting for DRQ to be deassertedTimeout waiting for DRDY to be assertedUnknown diagnostic failureFormatter device errorSector buffer errorECC circuitry errorMicroprocessor errorSpecified audio track not foundNo audio outputCannot perform test, media not present for testingIncompatible CD for testingA possible failure is predicted by the drive's S.M.A.R.T(Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) status. It is advisable to immediately back up your dataUser aborted the testAddress mark not found or media errorNo media in removable media deviceAddress not foundMedia changedUncorrectable data error or media is write protectedUltra DMA CRC error detectedDrive failed to detect an ECC errorTimeout waiting for DSC to be assertedTarget drive aborted the commandA target or master abort was encountered while transferring dataS.M.A.R.T. off-line data collection was never startedS.M.A.R.T. off-line data collection was suspended by a host commandS.M.A.R.T. off-line data collection was aborted by a host commandS.M.A.R.T. off-line data collection was aborted by a fatal errorUnknown S.M.A.R.T. off-line data collection statusDevice Address or Command Select (DA, CS0-) signals are not workingControl Select (CS1-) signal is not workingThe Interrupt Request (INTRQ-) signal is not workingThe Data signals (DD) are not workingA PIO transfer failed. The IORDY signal may not be working correctlyThe Passed Diagnostics (PDIAG-) signal was not detectedToo much data was transferredThe removable media in the drive does not match the requested densityThe self-test routine was aborted by the hostThe self-test routine was aborted by the host with a hard or soft resetA fatal or unknown error occurred during the self-test routineThe self-test failed for an unknown reasonThe self-test failed the electrical portion of the testThe self-test failed the servo portion of the testThe self-test failed the read portion of the testAn invalid status value was returned by the self-testATAPI devices do not support the identify device commandTimeout waiting for DRQ to be assertedAn 80-pin Ultra DMA 66/100 cable was not detectedDevice initialization failedError reading logging informationPrior DST failure logged in the SMART self-test logIDE CD-RW/DVD+RW format test failedThe self-test code took an unexpected pathThe self-test took too long to runThe media is still in the deviceNo additional sense informationFilemark detectedEnd-of-partition/medium detectedSetmark detectedBeginning-of-partition/medium detectedEnd-of-data detectedI/O process terminatedAudio play operation in progressAudio play operation pausedAudio play operation successfully completedAudio play operation stopped due to errorNo current audio status to returnOperation in progressCleaning requestedNo index/sector signalNo seek completePeripheral device write faultNo write currentExcessive write errorsLogical unit not ready, cause not reportableLogical unit is in process of becoming readyLogical unit not ready, initializing command requiredLogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredLogical unit not ready, format in progressLogical unit not ready, rebuild in progressLogical unit not ready, recalculation in progressLogical unit not ready, operation in progressLogical unit not ready, long write in progressLogical unit does not respond to selectionNo reference position foundMultiple peripheral devices selectedLogical unit communication failureLogical unit communication time-outLogical unit communication parity errorLogical unit communication crc error (UDMA)Track following errorTracking servo failureFocus servo failureSpindle servo failureHead select faultError log overflowWarningWarning - Specified temperature exceededWarning - Enclosure degradedWrite errorWrite error - Recovered with auto reallocationWrite error - Auto reallocation failedWrite error - Recommend reassignmentCompression check miscompare errorData expansion occurred during compressionBlock not compressibleWrite error - Recovery neededWrite error - Recovery failedWrite error - Loss of streamingWrite error - Padding blocks addedId field crc or ECC errorUnrecovered read errorRead retries exhaustedError too long to correctMultiple read errorsUnrecovered read error - Auto reallocate failedL-EC uncorrectable errorCIRC unrecovered errorData resynchronization errorIncomplete block readNo gap foundMiscorrected errorUnrecovered read error - Recommend reassignmentUnrecovered read error - Recommend rewrite the dataDe-compression crc errorCannot decompress using declared algorithmError reading upc/ean numberError reading isrc numberRead error - Loss of streamingUnrecovered error, sparing failedAddress mark not found for id fieldRecovered data w/o ecc using previous sector IDRecovered data with ecc using previous sector IDAddress mark not found for data fieldRecorded entity not foundRecord not foundFilemark or setmark not foundEnd-of-data not foundBlock sequence errorRecord not found - Recommend reassignmentRecord not found - Data auto-reallocatedRandom positioning errorMechanical positioning errorPositioning error detected by read of mediumData synchronization mark errorData sync error - Data rewrittenData sync error - Recommend rewriteData sync error - Data auto-reallocatedData sync error - Recommend reassignmentRecovered data with no error correction appliedRecovered data with retriesRecovered data with positive head offsetRecovered data with negative head offsetRecovered data with retries and/or CIRC appliedRecovered data using previous sector idRecovered data without ECC - data auto-reallocatedRecovered data without ECC - recommend reassignmentRecovered data without ECC - recommend rewriteRecovered data without ECC - data rewrittenRecovered data With retries, data auto reallocatedRecovered data with error correction appliedRecovered data with error correction & retries appliedRecovered data - Data auto-reallocatedRecovered data with CIRCRecovered data with L-ECRecovered data - Recommend reassignmentRecovered data - Recommend rewriteRecovered data with ECC - Data rewrittenDefect list errorDefect list not availableDefect list error in primary listDefect list error in grown listParameter list length errorSynchronous data transfer errorDefect list not foundPrimary defect list not foundGrown defect list not foundSeagate Unique Diagnostic CodeMiscompare during verify operationRecovered id with ECC correctionPartial defect list transferInvalid command operation codeLogical block address out of rangeInvalid element addressIllegal functionInvalid field in CDBLogical unit not supportedInvalid field in parameter listParameter not supportedParameter value invalidThreshold parameters not supportedInvalid release of active persistent reservationInvalid field parameter - check sumInvalid field parameter - firmware tagWrite protectedHardware write protectedLogical unit software write protectedAssociated write protectPersistent write protectPermanent write protectNot ready to ready transition(medium may have changed)Import or export element accessedPower on, reset, or bus device reset occurredPower on occurredIDE bus reset occurredBus device reset function occurredDevice internal resetParameters changedMode parameters changedLog parameters changedReservations preemptedCopy cannot execute since host cannot disconnectCommand sequence errorToo many windows specifiedInvalid combination of windows specifiedCurrent program area is emptyOverwrite error on update in placeCommands cleared by another initiatorIncompatible medium installedCannot read medium - Unknown formatCannot read medium - Incompatible formatCleaning cartridge installedCannot write medium - Unknown formatCannot write medium - Incompatible formatCannot format medium - Incompatible mediumCleaning failureCannot write - Application code mismatchCurrent session not fixated for appendMedium format corrupted. The drive must be low level formattedFormat command failedNo defect spare location availableDefect list update failureNo spares available - too many defects on one trackTape length errorEnclosure failureEnclosure services failureUnsupported enclosure functionEnclosure services unavailableEnclosure services transfer failureEnclosure services transfer refusedRibbon, ink, or toner failureParameter roundedSaving parameters not supportedMedium not presentMedium not present - Tray closedMedium not present - Tray openSequential positioning errorTape position error at beginning-of-mediumTape position error at end-of-mediumTape or electronic vertical forms unit not readySlew failurePaper jamFailed to sense top-of-formFailed to sense bottom-of-formReposition errorRead past end of mediumRead past beginning of mediumPosition past end of mediumPosition past beginning of mediumMedium destination element fullMedium source element emptyEnd of medium reachedMedium magazine not accessibleMedium magazine removedMedium magazine insertedMedium magazine lockedMedium magazine unlockedInvalid bits in identify messageLogical unit has not self-configured yetLogical unit failureTimeout on logical unitTarget operating conditions have changedMicrocode has been changedChanged operating definitionInquiry data has changedInvalid APM parametersRam failureDRAM parity errorDiagnostic failure in NVRAM odometers or bias magnetDiagnostic failure in NVRAM configurations or limited laser lifeDiagnostic failure in NVRAM logsDSP poweron failureDM exception (unexpected flag) or temperature alarmSensor failureDSP diag error12V line failureBuffer memory test errorData path failurePower-on or self-test failureMessage errorInternal target failureSelect or reselect failureUnsuccessful soft resetInitiator detected error message receivedInvalid message errorCommand phase errorData phase errorLogical unit failed self-configurationOverlapped commands attemptedWrite append errorWrite append position errorPosition error related to timingErase failureCartridge faultMedia load or eject failedUnload tape failureMedium removal preventedSystem resource failureSystem buffer fullUnable to recover table-of-contentsGeneration does not existUpdated block readOperator request or state change input (unspecified)Operator medium removal requestOperator selected write protectOperator selected write permitLog exceptionThreshold condition metLog counter at maximumLog list codes exhaustedRpl status changeStatus changeSpindles synchronizedSpindles not synchronizedFailure prediction threshold exceededMedia failure prediction threshold exceededFailure prediction threshold exceededLow power condition onIdle condition activated by timerStandby condition activated by timerIdle condition activated by commandStandby condition activated by commandLamp failureVideo acquisition errorUnable to acquire videoOut of focusScan head positioning errorEnd of user area encountered on this trackPacket does not fit in available spaceIllegal mode for this trackInvalid packet sizeVoltage faultAutomatic document feeder cover upAutomatic document feeder lift upDocument jam in automatic document feederDocument miss feed automatic in document feederConfiguration failureConfiguration of incapable logical units failedAdd logical unit failedModification of logical unit failedExchange of logical unit failedRemove of logical unit failedAttachment of logical unit failedCreation of logical unit failedLogical unit not configuredData loss on logical unitMultiple logical unit failuresParity/data mismatchInformational, refer to logState change has occurredRedundancy level got betterRedundancy level got worseRebuild failure occurredRecalculate failure occurredCommand to logical unit failedDecompression exception long algorithm idSession fixation errorSession fixation error writing lead-inSession fixation error writing lead-outSession fixation error - Incomplete track in sessionEmpty or partially written reserved trackCD control errorPower calibration area almost fullPower calibration area is fullPower calibration area errorProgram memory area update failureProgram memory area is fullUnknown sense codeUnknown diagnostic16-bit DOS diagnostics32-bit DOS diagnosticsWinMTA storage moduleDiskDiskSERVICE_GET_SYSTEM_TYPESERVICE_GET_RSVD_MEM_PTRSERVICE_GET_RSVD_MEM_PTRDisk:Fatal: Cannot locate %sDisk:Fatal: reserved memory pointer NULLSERVICE_GET_RSVD_MEM_PAGESSERVICE_GET_RSVD_MEM_PAGESDisk:Fatal: cannot locate %sDisk:Fatal: reserved memory size too smallDisk:Info: %u pages of contiguous memory at physical address %p, buffer 2 at %pdiskinit.c%s/%d Finding IDE controllersdiskinit.c%s/%d Finding IDE devicescIdeCdSvcDiskcMchModule%s%s %u%s%s %u%s%s %u%s%s %u%s%s %u%s%s %u%s%s %uDeviceMnemonicIDE Validating found param %sSERVICE_AUDIOSERVICE_GET_PORTABLEcIdeCdSrvpMsgErrDetailed was not initialized. This could be because the CD-ROM service does not support this function.pMsgErrSimple was not initialized. This could be because the CD-ROM service does not support this function.SERVICE_CD_ROM     !! !(!4!@!P!X!`!l!x!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""0"TestUnitReadyRewindRequestSenseFormatReadTapeWriteTapeWriteFilemarkInquiryStop/StartReadFormatReadCapacitySeekVerifySyncCacheReadSubChanReadTOCPlayAudioGetConfigReadDiscInfoReadTrackModeSenseModeSelectBlankLoadCDReadWriteSetCdSpeedMechStatSendPCMDataPlayBufferStart/StopCableTestCableTestBufferCapacityDiskDiskChecking Mediaide.c%s/%d Starting IDE diag testSMART not supported or is not enabledstartstopide.c%s/%d Starting IDE %s testenabledisableide.c%s/%d Starting IDE SMART %s testide.c%s/%d Starting IDE SMART testDisk: The internal buffer capacity is %x %xDisk: PCM Audio file name %srbDisk: PCM Audio file length %ldDisk: The file length is %x %xide.c%s/%d Starting IDE audio on testUnit %d TOC InformationTrack %d -- Starting block %luTrack 0xAA -- Starting block %luDisk: Playback operation status -- %xide.c%s/%d Starting IDE audio off test %02Xhide.c%s/%d Starting IDE seek testide.c%s/%d Starting IDE write testChecking MediaWrite test failed, %d retry.The average sustained read/write/verify transfer rate was %ld KB/sec.ide.c%s/%d Starting IDE format testDisk.mdm: Checking MediaDisk.mdm: Not a erasable media.Disk.mdm: Change the write parameters of the device.Disk.mdm: Format capacity = %ldIDE format test finished %d percentDisk.mdm: Format capacity = %ldide.c%s/%d Starting IDE destructive write testThe average sustained write transfer rate was %ld KB/sec.The average sustained read transfer rate was %ld KB/sec.ide.c%s/%d Starting IDE read test, startblk=%lu, endblk=%luThe average sustained read transfer rate was %ld KB/sec.ide.c%s/%d Starting IDE media eject testide.c%s/%d Starting IDE media eject testide.c%s/%d Starting ATAPI tape testTapeBlocks default = %dTapeBlocks to write = %datapi_tape_test loadCheck_ide_status returned %02x after atapi_start_stop_unit_cmdatapi_tape_test write %datapi_tape_test write filemarkatapi_tape_test write rewindatapi_tape_test readatapi_tape_test verify g_ResMemPtr1(%p) to g_ResMemPtr2(%p), %d blocks, %d bytesFirst track (0x%02.2X), Last track(0x%02.2X)Read track informationDrive Status=0x%02XIdentify Status=0x%02XInquire Status=0x%02X Found %d devices on all IDE controllersSERVICE_DVD_AUDIO_ENABLESERVICE_AUDIO %02Xh %02XhATAPIATAReqSense failed*unknown***+++(+8+D+P+X+d+p+|+++RecoveredNotReadyMediumErrHardwareErrIllegalReqUnitAttentionDataProtectBlankCheckVendorCopyAbortedAbortedCmdObsoleteVolOverflowMiscompareRsvdData error (count:%u, buflen:%lu)Reason not data in (reason:%d, direction:%d, buflen:%lu, cmd=%Xh)Reason not data out (reason:%d)Invalid direction in _do_ata_cmdfTestUnitReady: Waiting for unit %d, device "%s", verbose %dfTestUnitReady unit %d timeout %d seconds elapsed, still not readyUnit %d reports UNIT_ATTENTIONUnit %d reports MEDIA_MAY_HAVE_CHANGED%-8.8s%-16.16sCD-RW CRX100EUJDA310CD-RW CRX140ECD-RW CED-8080BCD capabilities and mech status Byte 2 (0x%02.2X)CD capabilities and mech status Byte 3 (0x%02.2X)Unit %d Total blocks = %luBlock size reported = %dBlock size used = %d#####--> atapi_soft_reset_cmd on unit %dUnknown S.M.A.R.T. off-line data collection status is %02Xhcaptiveoff-lineide.c%s/%d Starting IDE SMART drive self test in %s modeSMART self test status is 0x%02XShort poll time is %u minutes. Long poll time is %u minutes.%ldKB/sCould not calculateData transfer rate : %sChecking MediaSetting Drive up for WriteSet max write and read speed to the max write capabilitiesChecking MediaSetting Drive up for WriteSet max write and read speed to the max write capabilitiesLS-120 VER5LS-120 Media Check %dRemovable diskRemovable diskCD-ROMCD-ROMDVD-ROMDVD-ROMDVD-RAMDVD-RAMUnable to retrieve GET CONFIGURATIONGET CONFIGURATION Word 4 (0x%04.4X)%s media detected.Not availableNot availableCD-ROMCD-ROMCD-RWCD-RWDVD-ROMDVD-ROMDVD+RWDVD+RWUnable to retrieve GET CONFIGURATIONGET CONFIGURATION Word 4 (0x%04.4X)%s media detected.V1109.0V.V._PASS__FAIL__HSIL_JanJanFebFebMarMarAprAprMayMayJunJunJulJulAugAugSepSepOctOctNovNovDecDec%02d --- Host System Information Log --- Error reading the Host System Information log. DellUnknown%d, %s, %04Xh, %s Unknown record type %d encountered. --- Success Log --- Error reading the Success log. %u, %s, %u, %u, %u, %u.%u, %u %u, %s, %u, %u, %u, %u.%u, %u, 0x%08X Unknown record type %d encountered. --- Failure Log --- Error reading the Failure log. %u, %s, %u, %u, %u, %u.%u, %u, %u, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %I64u %u, %s, %u, %u, %u, %u.%u, %u, 0x%08X, %u, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %I64u Unknown record type %d encountered. --- SMART Error Log --- Error reading the SMART error log. SMART error log version : %02Xh Error log index : %u Device error count : %u %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %lu, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %02Xh, %u --- SMART Self-Test Log --- Error reading the SMART Self-test log. Self-test log data structure revision number : %02Xh Self-test index : %u %02Xh, %02Xh, %u, %02Xh, %lu, %02XhZ0M888Z8M889q$909<9$T9|99!$999K$9: :J$8:\:h:$:::$:::$ ;,;8;$P;p;|;f;;;F;;;;<<f,<@<L<fd<x<<Z0 <<<PROMISE ULTRA100ATA_100PROMISE ULTRA-100 IDE AdapterPROMISE ULTRA66ATA_66PROMISE ULTRA-66 IDE AdapterIntel PIIX4EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel 82801AA I/O Controller Hub (ICH)EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel 82801AB I/O Controller Hub (ICH0)EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel 82801BA I/O Controller Hub (ICH2)EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel I/O Controller Hub (ICH2m)EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel I/O Controller Hub (ICH3)EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel I/O Controller Hub (ICH3m)EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel I/O Controller Hub ICH4mEMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerIntel I/O Controller Hub ICH4EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerServerworks CSB5EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerCMD PCI0646EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerCMD PCI0680EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerServerworks CSB6EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerServerworks CSB6EMBEDDEDOn-Board IDE ControllerPROMISE ULTRA100 TX2ATA_100PROMISE ULTRA-100 TX2 IDE AdapterSERVICE_PCIfindide.cpp%s/%d PCI Service not foundfindide.cpp%s/%d Found a %s IDE controller, instance is %dfindide.cpp%s/%d Invalid controller type %d.isis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the primary channel.endisfindide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA %sabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%disis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the secondary channel.endisfindide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA %sabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%dfindide.cpp%s/%d Claimed primary compatibility port.findide.cpp%s/%d Error: More than one device claimed the primary compatibility port.findide.cpp%s/%d Claimed secondary compatibility port.findide.cpp%s/%d Error: More than one device claimed the secondary compatibility port.isis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the primary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA enabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%disis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the secondary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA enabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%dfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable is not present on the primary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA disabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%dfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable is not present on the secondary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA disabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%disis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the primary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit 0 has UDMA disabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit 1 has UDMA disabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%disis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the secondary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit 0 has UDMA disabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Unit 1 has UDMA disabled.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel %d-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%dendisfindide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA %sabled.isis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the primary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Claimed primary compatibility port.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel 0-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%dfindide.cpp%s/%d Error: More than one device claimed primary compatibility port.endisfindide.cpp%s/%d Unit %d has UDMA %sabled.isis notfindide.cpp%s/%d 80-pin cable %s present on the secondary channel.findide.cpp%s/%d Claimed secondary compatibility mode.findide.cpp%s/%d Channel 1-CmdBase:0x%04X, AltStat:0x%04X, BmBase:0x%04X, IRQ:%dfindide.cpp%s/%d Error: More than one device claimed secondary compatibility mode.SERVICE_SMBIOSUnable to locate the SMBIOS service in fGetServTag.Unable to allocate memory for sType3 structure in fGetServTag.Service tag is %s.Unable to get SMBIOS structure in fGetServTag.Invalid pointer specified (pModuleName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pVendorName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleVersion:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pModuleHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcDeviceHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a device help object (%s) to more than one module help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pDeviceHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcTestHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a test help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pcParamHelp:%p).Help.cppAttempt to add a parameter help object (%s) to more than one device help object.Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestName:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTestHelpStr:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamPrompt:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamMnemonic:%p).Help.cppInvalid pointer specified (pParamHelpStr:%p).Help.cppUnable to allocate memory for error message.DevVirt.cppError allocating memory for device %s.DvDevice.cppError allocating memory for module %s.ModDev.cppInvalid pointer specified (defaultVal:%p).ParStrng.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParStrng.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParStrng.cppInvalid pointer specified (pList:%p).ParList.cppInvalid pointer specified (pList[%d]:%p).ParList.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParList.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParList.cppInvalid pointer specified (pTrueString:%p).ParBool.cppInvalid pointer specified (pFalseString:%p).ParBool.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParBool.cppError allocating memory for parameter class.ParBool.cppQUnknownSERVICE_EMS%%s %%s DIAGS 999 999 %%s %s FIND_EMS_SVC DIAGS_INIT Fail The Error Messaging Service could not be located.;\1\M\i\;899:,;\1\M\i\ؕؕؕؕؕ"@_@Y@`@@?\\1\M\i\L^ؕkhhiiiiij,jHjdjjj@i\i^^`a3aOaka^|ddddde^8fTfpfff^ggh5hQhmhXmOlklllll3lm4m,pokhhiiiiij,jHjdjjj@i\il|F܊Ջjǀl|F܊Ջhl|B܊Ջdl|>܊Ջ`|l|J܊Ջ~ͅl|Ӈ܊Ջ2l|ԉ܊Ջ3Ol|ؕ܊Ջۓ/}Kܔ0(p̰|Ʊαֱޱ (2<FPX`fpxβڲ|Ʊαֱޱ (2<FPX`fpxβڲmsvcrt.dll??2@YAPAXI@Z??3@YAXPAX@Z_ftol_onexit_purecall_stricmpatoiclockctime_daylight_environfclosefopenfreadfreefseekftellmallocmemcpymemmoveprintfputsrandsinsprintfsrandstrcatstrcmpstrcpystrlenstrncmpstrncpystrtok_sys_errlist_sys_nerrtime_timezone_tznamevsprintfP(8H]]]P]Y_eqDisk.mdmfExitfInitfModuleHelpfStartUp000011k1w11111<2H2r22222 334+414O4g4t444444455(5<5V5[55555556666#6)6/6A6F6]6b6u666667 7727N7777778"848@8888999999999999: :::0:^:::::;; ;;;!;';/;4;9;>;X;;< <<<(<-<2<8'>,>2>C>H>M>S>_>d>j>r>w>|>>>>>>>?? ???$?,?1?6?;?x?}??????????????? +0L0\0i0s000011G1t111111 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