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A free service that allows you to exchange instant messages with your friends and get personalized Stocks, News and Scoreboard updates using your Palm organizer.

What can I do with Yahoo! Messenger from my Palm Organizer?
You can send instant messages to any other user of Yahoo! Messenger, includingdesktop PC users. You can also view Sports, News, Weather, Stocks, and other information from My Yahoo!.

How do I get a Yahoo ID and Password?
To register for a free Yahoo! ID, just click the 'Get your Own My Yahoo!' link on the My Yahoo! home page (

How do I connect to Yahoo! Messenger?
You will need a Yahoo! ID and a modem for your Palm Organizer, such as the wired modems available from Palm Computing, or the wireless modems available from GoAmerica and Omnisky. If you're using a wired modem, you will also need an Internet Service Provider (ISP). You can use the same ISP you use to access the web from your desktop PC. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to attach your modem and set up your connection.

You can test your connection by downloading a browser such as Handweb, Avantgo, or Proxiweb to your Palm Organizer and pointing the browser to any web site.

Once your connection is working, you can start Yahoo! Messenger. Login with your Yahoo ID and Password and click on 'Connect'. It will automatically dial out and log in to your service provider.

What does 'Remember my ID and Password' mean?
The next time you start Messenger, Yahoo! will remember your ID and Password so you won't have to type it in each time. If you share your Palm Organizer with someone else, they can login with a different Yahoo ID and Password at any time.

What does 'Hide my Login to all users' mean?
When you select this option, others will not be able to see that you are online. You can use this feature if you want to discourage others from sending messages. You can uncheck this box at a later time if you want to let others know that you are online.

What does 'Show Only Online Friends' mean?
Once you login, you will see your list of Friends, including both online and offline Friends. 'Online' means that they are connected to the Internet and are using Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo! Games, or Yahoo! Chat.

What is the difference between 'Delayed Disconnect' and 'Immediate Disconnect'?
If you use the 'Delayed Disconnect' feature, your modem will remain connected for a few minutes after you exit Yahoo! Messenger. This is a useful feature if you want to use another connected application, such as a browser, or if you want to leave Messenger temporarily and start using it again in a few minutes.

I was disconnected. Why?
This could be because you went out of your service provider's coverage area. This can also happen if your Palm Organizer is left idle, since the device will turn off, and the modem will disconnect. If this happens, login again.

Where can I go for additional help?
Additional help and feedback forms are available from your desktop PC. For questions on using Yahoo! Messenger, go to For questions on mobile devices, go to

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Exit2̈ VrGetting Started n$ OK2l3 ` PhPlease Wait aSending data to server.Add a FriendTo add a friend, click the 'menu' button and then select 'Msgr', then 'Add a Friend'.OKIgnoreYou can't block your Friends. To do so you must remove them from your friend list.OKWhat do I need to use Messenger? An Active (free) Yahoo Account" A Palm III IIIx or V organizerLogoutYou have been logged out as you have logged in on another machine.OKMessage NotificationsThis will cancel message notifications.OKCancelLost ConnectionYou have lost your connection.ReconnectExitWarningThis function cannot be performed offline.OKFriend ListUse stored friend list?YesNoDeleteDelete this Friend: ^1 ?OKCancelDatabase Error^1 ^2 ^3StopContinueData SourceUse saved data?YesNoConnection Failed^1 ^2 ^3OKData SourceUse Modem?YesNoRemove Failed!^1OKIgnore Failed^1OKDelete Failed^1OKNotice^1 ^2 ^3OKDebug^1 ^2 ^3OKAbout^1 ^2 ^3OKMail^1 ^2 ^3OKAdd Failed^1OK ?<Error^1OKMessenger2.04192.0419