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Corey FiskJoseph StadolnikTapDownSaveTapColorPiecesTapDownPiecesScore:+Tap groups of 3 or more similar, adjacent blocks to advance.Please enter your name, as it appears in the registration e-mail:Please enter your id, also as it appears in the registration e-mail:Lastly, enter the numeric code sent in the registration e-mail:Thank you for registering TapDown! This copy is now registered to .Unable to authenticate code. Please check the information and try again. If you are experiencing difficulties, drop us an e-mail at support@dejobaan.com.Ordering TapDownSo you've fought yourway to the top. Areyou ready for more? More levels More tilesets The whole shebang! Order online for only$9.95...Visit us at:www.dejobaan.com/tapdownOrder TapDown on ourwebsite for $9.95, andwe'll e-mail you a codeto unlock the registeredversion!Enter CodeNext PageMain MenuTapDownLast tap:OptionsCurrently OnCurrently OffUnevenSpeedClassicClearSound:Pieces:Rows:Scores:Unregistered - RegisterRegistered to:online for only $9.95!Match Won!You've tapped yourway to level 5 in minutes.But that was just awarm-up... Want tograb some more?(Tap to continue...)Welcome toLevel ! pointsTarget Score:Click to begin!Tap groups of 3 or moreblocks to advance.Tip: Create larger groups forexponentially more points.Welcome!The goal in TapDownis deceptively simple:Tap groups of 3 ormore blocks to makethem vanish from anever-growing stack.GroupsBlocks that are directyadjacent to eachother, and are of thesame type, form agroup, like these:Clicking on a groupwill make it vanishfrom the growingstack, and increaseyour score.-> Points!Scoringmuch larger scores thando smaller ones. On level1, for instance, a 3-blockgroup is worth 3 points,whereas a 6-block groupis worth 63.End of MatchThe match gains speedand complexity, endingwhen the stack reachesthe top of the screen.At this point, the finalscores are tallied, andrecorded for posterity.Game TypesUnder the 'Options'menu, you can select'Classic', 'Uneven', or'Speed' play. 'Uneven'mode causes thecolumns rise at randomintervals...In 'Speed' mode, pointsare doubled for tapsmade within 3 secondsof each other, but arehalved for taps mademore than 5 secondsapart.If you enjoy TapDown,feel free to drop us avisit at:www.dejobaan.com.Enjoy!high score / most blocks eliminatedlongest matchYou hold the new record for Enter your name for the High Scores list:AnonymousBest ScoreEnduranceMost BlocksHigh Scores - m sPauseEnd MatchDejobaanNext RowDejobaan GamesPlay!TutorialOrderingExitNew MatchFinal score: Level: Match time: min secPieces removed: Pieces removed/sec: EliteGrandmasterMasterJourneymanApprenticeRank: Match paused. Tap OK to continue.End the match now?TapDown is by Dejobaan Games. Visit us at www.dejobaan.com. Order TapDown online for only $9.95!Clear high scores -- are you sure?Confirmed -- High scores erased.Cancelled -- High scores kept.(P%:    ! 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To obtain the full version, which allows you to write and compile your own applets: Visit OrbWorks at www.orbworks.comThis is a list of the applet-created databases currently on your PalmPilot. If one of these databases was created by an applet that is no longer installed, you may want to delete it to save space.TapDown1.5 p3s@s`s`````@؀s   9999)|9