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Keyboard active on power off  Navigation by keyboard 4! OK2 \n Tips {  zȀ) Done bt Notes~L( Donexπ Navigation by keyboard - enables to browse through the positions, the list, and access to the details and notes windows. . Agenda: Next position. . Address: Prev position. . To do: Details . Note: Your notes . Up/Down: List Next,Prev. Keyboard active after power off - enables to come back to the last position by hitting a key, if the Palm shut down while Palmasutra was running. Choose a position in the list. Tap the image for details. Check it to add to your prefered list. A will appear in the list. Tap the Notes icon and enter your comments, for each position. Enable the keyboard in preferences to browse through the positions, the list, and open the Details and Notes windows. Otherwise, use menu and shortcuts.In this position, the woman executes a back and forth movement, which is very exciting for the man. She can control the penis angle and degree of penetration, and can stimulate her G spot. Intense stimulation is received by both partners. The accordion is an advisable position when an erection is difficult to maintain or obtain. It can wake up the most exhausted penis!The more the woman opens her thighs, the more she increases the penetration depth. She can easily control the penis friction in this position.The man can caress her easily. By tightening her legs, the penis pressure becomes very intense, and the labial stimulus increases.The G spot is very much stimulated. The woman totally dominates the situation if the man remains relaxed. He can enjoy the sight of the woman's body and the ability to caress the woman freely.This is an ideal position to help cure premature ejaculation.Penetration is deep and clitoral excitation intense, but body contact area is minimal. The sensations are delightful when the man varies the strokes by changing the penetration angle. The woman is pinned down on the mattress and cannot move.This position enables the penis to have very close contact with the labia and vaginal walls. The penis is totally surrounded, inducing very strong sensations. The man leans forward from time to time to reach and caress his partner's breasts. The stimulation of the G spot can be very effective in this position. The rear penetration positions are certainly not the most romantic, and the woman may sometimes feel depreciated by the male domination inherent to these positions, but they produce intense stimulations for both partners.The woman's braced body causes the penis to be totally surrounded, inducing very good sensations. The full view of the woman's offered body is an added stimulant. The man controls all the movements and she can sometimes feel like a prisoner if she does not wish to remain passive. But penetration is very lively because of the close genital contact. The man cannot caress his partner.Tenderness is not absent, but is not very evident! Caresses are impossible and there is no skin to skin contact. This position resembles more a sexual exercise than a loving embrace. But the sensations are excellent: the penis dives deeply and vertically into the vagina. The man can observe his partner's intimate parts, which can be very stimulating. Female orgasm is difficult to reach. The woman can quickly suffer a backache and a stiff neck.This position brings an easy stimulation of the vaginal and clitoral areas. The penis is almost vertical. Penetration can be very deep. Lovers feel an intense physical closeness. By pulling up her knees against her chest and by putting her legs on her lover's shoulders, the woman lengthens and stretches her vagina, facilitating penetration. If she keeps only one leg on her partner's shoulder, the lovers enjoy the "Slit Flute."A very tender, soft and harmonious position, but never tiring. Possibly one of the most comfortable positions for both partners. Penetration can be deep and voluptuous. This rear vaginal penetration enables the man to caress his partner's breasts, abdomen and clitoris.Penetration is intense and produces wild sensations as the woman is penetrated slightly sideways.The man's leg, situated between the two female thighs, rubs against the clitoris at each deep thrust and tenderly stimulates her.Penetration is deep, and the man has good control over the penetration angle. This position allows for a good stimulation of the G spot. The penis is in very tight contact. The position is a bit animal-like and very disconcerting. This type of position produces an air-pumping phenomenon that can makes a rather astonishing noise. Rear-entry positions, where the woman has her head down, enable deep and full genital contact.Penetration is very pleasant and deep. The scrotum rhythmically caresses the clitoris. The man can enjoy the view of the woman's offered posterior, thereby further enhancing his arousal. Penetration can be painful if there is insufficient vaginal lubrication; ardent foreplay is essential. This position is very exciting but relatively athletic.The woman feels strong sensations that she can vary by modifying the angle of her pelvis and by swinging back and forth. The man enjoys this position as his penis penetrates very deeply and tightly. His male instinct is gratified by this dominating position. It is recommended to restrain one's eagerness so as to delay ejaculation. Penetration can be painful for the woman if the vagina is not sufficiently aroused and lubricated.There can be lots of tenderness in this position. The front vaginal wall is very well stimulated. This position is very intimate and never exhausting.This position requires a strong erection. The woman is very active as she squeezes the penis with her perineum muscles. When the man's legs are well apart, she exerts rotations that stimulate the union. Both partners may clearly observe their genital union, which enhances the excitement and intimacy.In this position, penetration is deep and there is a steady escalation of intensity to orgasm. But the penetration angle is not optimal for inducing pleasure because the G spot is not stimulated very well. The man can add to the woman's pleasure by pressing his pubis against her clitoral region.This position is psychologically very stimulating. Penetration is deep and forceful. The man expresses his virility. Sensations are excellent after the partners find the proper rhythm, which is not always as easy. The position is ideal for explosive orgasms. It is recommended for men with above average strength. Without additional support, the union is often disappointing because of the woman's reduced amplitude for sliding on the penis.This position is extremely pleasant for both partners. The man feels his exitement develop very quickly. However, the ability to caress each other is very limited and the position is tiring for the woman.This position enables the man to control his arousal well and to delay his ejaculation. The woman can elect to adjust the position of her thighs to press her companion's penis: she crosses and raises her legs. She can also enjoy this position passively, letting the man take the initiative.The woman feels very intense sensations on the front of the vagina in this position. The man enjoys the penetration depth and the feeling of domination. The woman can choose to stretch out her legs to feel new and exciting sensations on her clitoris and the small lips. In this case, stronger pressure is exerted on the penis, but penetration is not as deep.By being supported on the ground, the woman can control the penetration angle and depth. By moving her pelvis, she can precisely guide the penis tip to where stimulations are most effective: delectable friction on the vaginal walls and intense clitoral excitement. This position is very sensual where caresses are very ardent. A variation where the woman sits backwards facing away from the man is also very exciting. The man can then manually stimulate genital area of his partner. The man enjoys visualizing the entire vulva. In this position he enjoys a sensation of domination: the woman is powerless and feels a very, very deep penetration. When a feeling of submissiveness is desired, this position is wonderful.Penetration is very deep and the vaginal walls are well stimulated. This position enables the man to deliver all sorts of very pleasant thrusts. He can alternate between deep and shallow penetrations.If the woman is not too heavy, the man easily controls the back and forth movements. Partners cannot kiss nor look at each other, but their bodies touch over a large area. This is a position that favors fantasy. Penetration is not deep and the woman can control the depth by raising her pelvis. This position is recommended for pregnant women. One of the few positions where the man can control the penetration while the woman is on top.The anus is constricted by a powerful muscle that makes penetration painful without lubrication and a prior introduction of one, and then several fingers. Too frequent penetrations can cause the anal sphincter to distend and thereby compromise its constriction role. Anal penetration can generate intense orgasms to partners that choose to practice it.1.4e2