// C4D-CommandResourceStrings (english) // Identifier Title HelpText COMMANDSTRINGS { HOTKEY_CAMERA_MOVE "Move Camera" "Move Camera Hotkey"; HOTKEY_CAMERA_SCALE "Scale Camera" "Scale Camera Hotkey"; HOTKEY_CAMERA_ROTATE "Rotate Camera" "Rotate Camera Hotkey"; HOTKEY_OBJECT_MOVE "Move Object" "Move Object Hotkey"; HOTKEY_OBJECT_SCALE "Scale Object" "Scale Object Hotkey"; HOTKEY_OBJECT_ROTATE "Rotate Object" "Rotate Object Hotkey"; HOTKEY_MODEL_SCALE "Scale Modeling" "Scale Modeling Hotkey"; HOTKEY_ZOOM "Magnify" "Zoom Hotkey"; HOTKEY_SELECT_FREE "Free Selection" "Free Selection Hotkey"; HOTKEY_SELECT_LIVE "Live Selection" "Live Selection Hotkey"; HOTKEY_SELECT_RECT "Rectangle Selection" "Rectangle Selection Hotkey"; HOTKEY_WEIGHTSDS "Weight Subdivision Surface" "Weight Subdivision Surface"; HOTKEY_TIMEWARP "Timewarp" "Timewarp"; HOTKEY_MODELINGAXIS1 "Rotate Modeling Axis" "Rotate Modeling Axis"; HOTKEY_MODELINGAXIS2 "Move Modeling Axis" "Move Modeling Axis"; HOTKEY_MODELINGAXIS3 "Disable Axis Handles" "Disable Axis Handles"; // CommandDefinition for COFFEE_MANAGER IDM_CM_DROP "Undock" "Undocks the selected window"; IDM_CM_MAXIMIZE "Maximize" "Maximizes the selected window"; IDM_CM_CLOSEWINDOW "Close" "Closes the current selected Manager"; IDM_CM_MAKETAB "Convert to Tab" "Converts a window to a tab page"; IDM_CM_MAKETAB_TOP "Top" "Places tab on the top of manager/palette"; IDM_CM_MAKETAB_LEFT "Left" "Places tab to the left of manager/palette"; IDM_CM_MAKETAB_RIGHT "Right" "Places tab to the right of manager/palette"; IDM_CM_SHOWWINDOWTITLE "Show Window Title" "A window bar with title will be displayed"; IDM_CM_RENAMEWINDOW "Rename..." "Renames the active window"; IDM_CM_NEWPALETTE "New Palette..." "Creates a new Icon Palette"; IDM_CM_GROUPWINDOW "New Group Window..." "Creates a new group window"; IDM_MAINWINDOW_FLAG "Independent Window" "Detaches the active window from the main window"; IDM_FOLDPALETTE "Fold Palette" "Folds several icons on a palette into a single icon"; IDM_UNFOLDICON "Unfold Palette" "Unfolds an Icon Palette"; IDM_FIX_ICON "Lock Icon" "Locks the current icon in pop-up"; IDM_LOCK_LAYOUT "Lock Layout" "Locks the current layout, protects layout from being modified"; M_CMIP_DONTMIRROR "Don't Mirror" "Don't mirror Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM1 "1" "1 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM2 "2" "2 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM3 "3" "3 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM4 "4" "4 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM5 "5" "5 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM6 "6" "6 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM7 "7" "7 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM8 "8" "8 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_NUM9 "9" "9 Row/Column Palette"; M_CMIP_ICONS "Icons" "Show Icons"; M_CMIP_TEXT "Text" "Show Text"; M_CMIP_VERTICAL "Text below Icons" "Show text below icons"; M_CMIP_SHOWLOGO "Show Logo" "Show application logo"; M_CMIP_TRANSPOSE "Change Orientation" "Changes vertical/horizontal orientation of a palette"; M_CMIP_ICONS_SMALL "Small Icons" "Use Small Icons"; M_CMIP_ICONS_MEDIUM "Medium Icons" "Use Medium Icons"; M_CMIP_ICONS_BIG "Large Icons" "Use Large Icons"; M_CMIP_ICONS_AS_IS "Original Size" "Reverts the icons to its original/default size"; IDM_TEXT_COPY "Copy Text" "Copies the selected text"; IDM_TEXT_CUT "Cut Text" "Cuts the selected text"; IDM_TEXT_PASTE "Paste Text" "Pastes the selected text"; IDM_TEXT_DELETE "Delete Text" "Deletes the selected text"; // MultipleCommands IDM_PLUGINS "Plugins" "Opens the sub-menu for plugins"; // CommandDefinition for EDITOR IDM_NEU "New" "Creates a new project"; IDM_OEFFNE "Open..." "Opens an existing project"; IDM_HINZULADEN "Merge..." "Merge external project with active project"; IDM_REVERTFILE "Revert to Saved..." "Reverts the current project to the last saved state"; IDM_CLOSESCENE "Close" "Active project will be closed"; IDM_CLOSEALL "Close All" "All projects will be closed"; IDM_SPEICHERN "Save" "Active project will be saved"; IDM_S_C4D5 "Save as..." "Saves current project with a specified name"; IDM_FILTER3D "Export Filter" "Lets you choose the file export format"; IDM_SAVEALL "Save All" "Save all projects"; IDM_MAKEPROJECT "Save Project with Assets..." "Saves project with all assets to a new directory"; IDM_DOC_PREFS "Project Settings..." "Lets you modify the project settings"; IDM_RECENTFILES "Recent Files" "Displays the most recent projects"; IDM_BEENDEN "Quit" "Quits CINEMA 4D"; //CMDGROUP_EDITOR_EDIT IDM_UNDO "Undo" "Full undo"; IDM_REDO "Redo" "Full redo"; IDM_MODELING_UNDOLAST "Undo (Action)" "Undo the last action"; IDM_CUT "Cut" "Cut selection to clipboard"; IDM_COPY "Copy" "Copy selection to clipboard"; IDM_PASTE "Paste" "Paste selection from clipboard"; IDM_DELETE "Delete" "Delete selection"; IDM_SELECTALL "Select All" "Selects all"; IDM_SELECTNONE "Deselect All" "Deselects all"; IDM_INVERSION "Invert All" "Inverts current selection"; IDM_USE_ANIMATION "Use Animation" "Turn animation on/off"; IDM_USE_EXPRESSIONS "Use Expressions" "Turn Expressions on/off"; IDM_USE_GENERATORS "Use Generators" "Turn Generators on/off"; IDM_USE_DEFORMERS "Use Deformers" "Turn Deformers on/off"; //CMDGROUP_EDITOR_OBJECTS IDM_POLYACHSE "Empty Spline" "Adds an empty spline object to the project"; IDM_POLYACHSE2 "Empty Polygon" "Adds an empty polygon object to the project"; IDM_SPLINE_FREEHAND "Freehand" "Draw a Freehand spline"; IDM_SPLINE_BEZIER "Bezier" "Draw a Bezier spline"; IDM_SPLINE_BSPLINE "B-Spline" "Draw a B-spline"; IDM_SPLINE_CUBIC "Cubic" "Draw a Cubic spline"; IDM_SPLINE_AKIMA "Akima" "Draw a Akima spline"; IDM_SPLINE_LINEAR "Linear" "Draw a Linear spline"; IDM_CAMERATARGET "Target Camera" "Adds a camera with a target to the project"; IDM_CAMERASTEREO "Stereo Camera" "Adds a camera with enabled stereo to the project"; IDM_LIGHTTARGET "Target Light" "Adds a light with a target to the project"; IDM_LIGHTSUN "Sun Light" "Adds a Sun object to the project"; IDM_MICRO2 "Stereo" "Adds a stereo microphone rig to the project"; IDM_DTS51 "DTS 5.1" "Adds DTS 5.1 microphones to the project"; IDM_DDSEX61 "DDS EX 6.1" "Adds DDS EX 6.1 microphones to the project"; IDM_SDDS71 "SDDS 7.1" "Adds SDDS 7.1 microphones to the project"; //CMDGROUP_EDITOR_MODELING IDM_MODELING_POPUP "Modeling Pop-up" "Opens the Modeling po-pup menu"; IDM_SNAPPING_POPUP "Snap Pop-up" "Opens the Snap pop-up menu"; IDM_MODELING_SNAPENABLE "Snapping" "Enables snapping"; IDM_LUPE "Magnify" "Zoom in/out"; IDM_X "X-Axis / Heading" "X axis lock/unlock"; IDM_Y "Y-Axis / Pitch" "Y axis lock/unlock"; IDM_Z "Z-Axis / Bank" "Z axis lock/unlock"; IDM_WELT "Coordinate System" "Use World/Object Coordinate System"; IDM_ANSICHT "Camera" "Use Camera mode"; IDM_OBJEKTE "Object" "Use Object mode"; IDM_WORKPLANE "Workplane" "Use Workplane mode"; IDM_ACHSEN "Enable Axis" "Enable Axis modification"; IDM_FLOBJEKTE "Model" "Use Model mode"; IDM_TEXTUR "Texture" "Use Texture mode"; IDM_TACHSEN "Texture Axis" "Use Texture Axis mode"; IDM_UVEDIT_POINTS "UV Points" "Use UV Point Edit mode"; IDM_UVEDIT_POLYGONS "UV Polygons" "Use UV Polygon Edit mode"; IDM_PUNKTE "Points" "Use Point mode (hold CTRL to transfer active selection)"; IDM_EDGES "Edges" "Use Edge mode (hold CTRL to transfer active selection)"; IDM_VIERECKE "Polygons" "Use Polygon mode (hold CTRL to transfer active selection)"; IDM_ANIM "Animation" "Translates the animation curve in the viewport"; IDM_MAKEFLAECHEN "Make Editable" "Converts a parametric object into a polygonal object"; IDM_TAKEANIM "Current State to Object" "Converts the current state to a new object"; IDM_VERBINDEN "Connect Objects" "Connects multiple objects into a new object"; IDM_CONNECTANDDELETE "Connect Objects + Delete" "Connects multiple objects and deletes the originals"; IDM_RESETAXIS "Reset Scale..." "Resets the axis scale"; IDM_SEL_ALL "Select All" "Selects all components of the active mode"; IDM_SEL_NONE "Deselect All" "Deselect all components of the active mode"; IDM_SEL_INVERT "Invert" "Inverts the current selection of the active mode"; IDM_SEL_CONNECTED "Select Connected" "Selects all connected components of an object"; IDM_SEL_GROW "Grow Selection" "Grows the current selection of the active mode"; IDM_SEL_SHRINK "Shrink Selection" "Shrinks the current selection of the active mode"; IDM_GENERATESELECTION "Set Selection" "Saves and sets current selection"; IDM_HIDESEL "Hide Selected" "Hides the currently selected components"; IDM_HIDEUNSEL "Hide Unselected" "Hides the currently unselected components"; IDM_UNHIDE "Unhide All" "Unhides all hidden components"; IDM_HIDEINVERT "Invert Visibility" "Inverts the visibility of the current component status"; IDM_SPLINE_HARDINTER "Hard Interpolation" "Sets the current spline selection to hard interpolation"; IDM_SPLINE_SOFTINTER "Soft Interpolation" "Sets the current spline selection to soft interpolation"; IDM_SPLINE_EQUALLENGTH "Equal Tangent Length" "Makes Tangent length of the current spline selection equal"; IDM_SPLINE_EQUALDIRECTION "Equal Tangent Direction" "Equals the tangent direction of the current spline selection"; IDM_SPLINE_JOINSEGMENT "Join Segment" "Joins two spline points"; IDM_SPLINE_BREAKSEGMENT "Break Segment" "Breaks segments of the current spline point selection"; IDM_SPLINE_REORDER "Set First Point" "Sets the first point on a spline"; IDM_SPLINE_REVERSE "Reverse Sequence" "Reverses the order of a spline sequence"; IDM_SPLINE_MOVEDOWN "Move Down Sequence" "Moves the selected spline sequence down"; IDM_SPLINE_MOVEUP "Move Up Sequence" "Moves the selected spline sequence up"; IDM_CHANGEPOLYGON_ORDER "Change Point Order" "Changes the point order of a spline"; IDM_SPLINE_CREATEOUTLINE "Create Outline" "Creates an outline of the current spline selection"; IDM_SPLINE_LINEUP "Line Up" "Aligns the points of a spline"; IDM_SPLINE_CROSSSECTION "Cross-Section" "Creates a cross-section of the current spline selection"; IDM_MODELING_ALIGNNORMALS "Align Normals" "Aligns the normals of the current polygon selection"; IDM_MODELING_CENTER "Center..." "Centers the axis of the current selection"; IDM_MODELING_DISCONNECT "Disconnect..." "Disconnects the current selection"; IDM_MODELING_EXPLODESEGMENTS_POLY "Polygon Groups to Objects" "Separates polygon groups into objects"; IDM_MODELING_EXPLODESEGMENTS_SPLINE "Explode Segments" "Explodes segments of a component"; IDM_MODELING_MIRROR "Mirror" "Mirrors the current selection"; IDM_MODELING_OPTIMIZE "Optimize..." "Optimizes the current project"; IDM_MODELING_REVERSENORMALS "Reverse Normals" "Reverse the normals of the current polygon selection"; IDM_MODELING_SPLIT "Split" "Splits the current selection"; IDM_MODELING_SUBDIVIDE "Subdivide..." "Subdivides the component/object of the current selection"; IDM_MODELING_TRIANGULATE "Triangulate" "Converts quadrangle into triangles"; IDM_MODELING_UNTRIANGULATE "Untriangulate..." "Attempts to convert triangles to quadrangles"; IDM_TOGGLETOOL "Toggle Active Tool" "Toggles the active tool"; IDM_TOGGLEMODE "Toggle Modeling Mode" "Toggles the modeling tool"; IDM_TEXTURAUFOBJEKTANPASSEN "Fit to Object" "Fit texture to object"; IDM_FITBITMAP "Fit to Image..." "Fit texture to image"; IDM_FITREGION "Fit to Region" "Fit texture to region"; IDM_OBJEKTACHSENUEBERNEHMEN "Adapt to Object Axis" "Adapt texture to object axis"; IDM_WELTACHSENUEBERNEHMEN "Adapt to World Axis" "Adapt texture to world axis"; IDM_TEXTURORTHOGONAL "Adapt to View" "Adapt texture to view"; IDM_HORIZONTALSPIEGELN "Mirror Horizontally" "Mirror texture horizontally"; IDM_VERTIKALSPIEGELN "Mirror Vertically" "Mirror texture vertically"; IDM_ASSIGN_UVW "Assign UVW Coordinates" "Assign UVW coordinated to the currently selected object"; IDM_GENERATE_UV "Generate UVW Coordinates" "Generate UVW coordinates of the currently selected object"; IDM_BAKEPARTI "Bake Particles..." "Bakes all standard particles of the project"; //CMDGROUP_EDITOR_PLUGINS IDM_RELOAD_PLUGINS "Reload C.O.F.F.E.E. Plugins" "Reloads C.O.F.F.E.E. plugins" ; IDM_EXECUTE_LAST "Execute Last Plugin" "Executes last plugin"; //CMDGROUP_EDITOR_RENDERING IDM_RENDERALL "Render View" "Renders the currently active view"; IDM_RENDERAKTU "Render Active Objects" "Renders the currently active objects only"; IDM_RENDERAUSSCHNITT "Render Region" "Renders the selected region"; IDM_RAYTRACING "Render to Picture Viewer" "Renders the active project in the Picture Viewer"; IDM_RENDERSETTINGS "Render Settings" "Activate Render Settings"; //CMDGROUP_EDITOR_WINDOWS IDM_PERSONALIZE "Personalize..." "Opens the personalilize dialog"; IDM_MAXONSUPPORT "MAXON Support..." "Opens MAXON's online service page"; IDM_NEWVIEW "New View Panel..." "Add new View Panel" ; IDM_INFO_MANAGER "Coordinate Manager..." "Open Coordinate Manager"; IDM_MATERIAL_MANAGER "Material Manager..." "Open Material Manager"; IDM_SPREADSHEET "Structure Manager..." "Open Structure Manager"; IDM_CONSOLE "Console..." "Open Console"; IDM_UEBER "About..." "Open Program Information"; IDM_STATISTICS "Project Info..." "Open Project Information"; M_COFFEEMANAGER_GLOBALSTATUSBAR "Global Status Bar..." "Open Global Status Bar"; IDM_DOCUMENTS "Projects" "Show all open projects"; IDM_LOADLAYOUT "Load Layout ..." "Loads saved layout"; IDM_SAVELAYOUT "Save as Startup Layout" "Saves the current layout as startup layout"; IDM_SAVELAYOUTAS "Save Layout as..." "Saves layout as"; //IDM_RESETLAYOUT "Reset Layout" "Resets layout"; IDM_DEFAULT_LAYOUTS "Switch Layout" "Switch layout"; // CommandDefinition for MATERIAL_MANAGER IDM_LOADTEXTURES "Load Textures" "Loads all textures of the selected material(s) into the memory"; IDM_UNLOADTEXTURES "Unload Textures" "Unloads all textures of the selected material(s) from the memory"; IDM_PM_ENABLE "Enable 3D Paint" "Enables material for 3D painting"; IDM_PM_DISABLE "Disable 3D Paint" "Disables material for 3D painting"; IDM_MNEU "New Material" "Creates a new material"; IDM_VOLUMESHADER "3D Shader" "Adds a 3D shader"; IDM_MHINZULADEN "Load Materials..." "Loads Material Library"; IDM_MSPEICHERN "Save Materials as..." "Saves the selected material as a CINEMA 4D file"; IDM_SPEICHERNALL "Save All Materials as..." "Saves all materials as a CINEMA 4D file"; IDM_RENDERAKTUMAT "Render Materials" "Renders selected materials"; IDM_RENDERALLMAT "Render All Materials" "Renders all materials"; IDM_SORTMATS "Sort Materials" "Sorts materials"; IDM_EDITAKTUMAT "Edit..." "Edit selected material"; IDM_AKTUZUWEISEN "Apply" "Applies selected materials"; IDM_MNAME "Rename..." "Rename selected material"; IDM_DELUNUSED "Remove Unused Materials" "Removes unused materials"; IDM_DOPPELTEMATERIALIEN "Remove Duplicate Materials" "Removes duplicate materials"; IDM_LISTSELECTIONS "Restore Selection" "Restores a point/polygon selection or Vertex Map"; // CommandDefinition for SPREADSHEET IDM_SNEU "New Line" "Adds a new line"; IDM_SHINZULADEN "Import ASCII Data..." "Import ASCII data"; IDM_SSPEICHERN "Export ASCII Data..." "Export ASCII data"; IDM_RAMA "Select Area" "Select an area"; IDM_JUMPLAST "Jump Last Selection" "Jump to the last selection"; IDM_JUMPNEXT "Jump Next Selection" "Jump to the next selection"; IDM_JUMPPGUP "Jump Page Up" "Jump one page up"; IDM_JUMPPGDOWN "Jump Page Down" "Jump one page down"; IDM_JUMPHOME "Jump Home" "Jump home"; IDM_JUMPEND "Jump End" "Jump to the end"; IDM_M_POINTS "Points" "Show points"; IDM_M_POLYGONS "Polygons" "Show polygons"; IDM_M_UVW "UVW" "Show UVW"; IDM_M_NGON "N-Gons" "Show N-Gons"; IDM_M_STRUCTURE_NORMALS "Show Normal Tag" "Show Normals of normal tags"; // CommandDefinition for VIEWWINDOW IDM_VIEW_ZOOMIN "Zoom In" "Zoom in to the current view"; IDM_VIEW_ZOOMOUT "Zoom Out" "Zoom out of the current view"; IDM_UNDO_VIEW "Undo View" "Undo the view changes"; IDM_REDO_VIEW "Redo View" "Redo the view changes"; IDM_SHOWSELECTED "Frame Selected Elements" "Frames the current selected elements of the project"; IDM_SHOWACTIVE "Frame Selected Objects" "Frames the current selected objects of the project"; IDM_SHOWSCENE "Frame Geometry" "Frames the current geometry of the project"; IDM_SHOWSCENEALL "Frame All" "Frames everything in the current project"; IDM_ORIGINALGROESSE "Frame Default" "Uses frame default in the current project"; IDM_AKTUTOKAM "Set Active Object as Camera" "View project through the current active object"; IDM_EDITTOKAM "Default Camera" "Use the editor camera"; IDM_NEUZEICHNEN "Redraw" "Redraw view"; IDM_DOPTIONEN "Configure..." "Configure views"; IDM_DOPTIONEN_ALL "Configure All..." "Configure all views"; IDM_CENTRAL "Perspective" "View project from Perspective view"; IDM_PARALLEL "Parallel" "View project from Parallel view"; IDM_LEFT "Left" "View project from Left view"; IDM_RIGHT "Right" "View project from Right view"; IDM_FRONT "Front" "View project from Front view"; IDM_BACK "Back" "View project from Back view"; IDM_TOP "Top" "View project from Top view"; IDM_BOTTOM "Bottom" "View project from Bottom view"; IDM_MILITARY "Military" "View project from Military view"; IDM_FROG "Frog" "View Project from Frog view"; IDM_BIRD "Bird" "View Project from Bird's Eye view"; IDM_GENTLEMAN "Gentleman" "View project from Gentleman view"; IDM_ISOMETRIC "Isometric" "View project from Isometric view"; IDM_DIMETRIC "Dimetric" "View project from Dimetric view"; IDM_A_GOURAUD "Gouraud Shading" "View project in Gouraud Shading mode"; IDM_A_GOURAUD_WIREISO "Gouraud Shading (Lines)" "View project in Gouraud Shading mode with Wireframe/Isoparm"; IDM_A_FLATSHADING "Constant Shading" "View project in Constant Shading mode"; IDM_A_FLATSHADING_WIREISO "Constant Shading (Lines)" "View project in Constant Shading mode with Wireframe/Isoparm"; IDM_A_QUICK "Quick Shading" "View project in Quick Shading mode"; IDM_A_QUICK_WIREISO "Quick Shading (Lines)" "View project in Quick Shading mode with Wireframe/Isoparm"; IDM_A_HIDDENLINE "Hidden Line" "View project in Hidden Line mode with Wireframe/Isoparm"; IDM_A_WIRE "Wireframe" "View project in Wireframe mode"; IDM_A_ISOBATH "Isoparms" "View project in Isoparms mode"; IDM_A_NOSHADING "Lines" "View project in Wireframe only mode"; IDM_A_BOX "Box" "View project in Box mode"; IDM_A_SKELETON "Skeleton" "View project in Skeleton mode"; IDM_A_USETAGS "Tags" "Use Display tags"; IDM_A_USELWF "Linear Workflow Shading" "Use Linear Workflow shading"; IDM_A_BACKFACE "Backface Culling" "Use Backface Culling"; IDM_A_TEXTURES "Textures" "Use textures"; IDM_VIEW_XRAY "X-Ray" "View active objects in X-ray"; IDM_VIEWWIN_CAMERAS "Use Camera" "Use camera"; IDM_A_HQ_OPENGL "Enhanced OpenGL" "Enable Enhanced OpenGL"; IDM_A_HQ_OPENGL_TRANSP "Transparency" "Show transparency"; IDM_A_HQ_OPENGL_SHADOWS "Shadows" "Show shadows"; IDM_A_HQ_OPENGL_POST_EFFECTS "Post Effects" "Show post effects"; IDM_A_HQ_OPENGL_NOISES "Noises" "Show noises"; IDM_A_LAYERCOLOR "Layer Color" "Use layer color"; IDM_VIEW_SINGLE "Single View" "Single view"; IDM_VIEW_2V "2 Views Stacked" "2 views stacked"; IDM_VIEW_2H "2 Views Side-by-Side" "2 views side-by-side"; IDM_VIEW_2SPLIT_TOP "3 Views Top Split" "3 views top split"; IDM_VIEW_2SPLIT_BOTTOM "3 Views Bottom Split" "3 views bottom split"; IDM_VIEW_2SPLIT_LEFT "3 Views Left Split" "3 views left split"; IDM_VIEW_2SPLIT_RIGHT "3 Views Right Split" "3 views right split"; IDM_VIEW_4T "4 Views" "4 views evenly split"; IDM_VIEW_3SPLIT_TOP "4 Views Top Split" "4 views top split"; IDM_VIEW_3SPLIT_BOTTOM "4 Views Bottom Split" "4 views bottom split"; IDM_VIEW_3SPLIT_LEFT "4 Views Left Split" "4 views left split"; IDM_VIEW_3SPLIT_RIGHT "4 Views Right Split" "4 views right split"; IDM_VIEW_4H "4 Views Stacked" "4 views stacked"; IDM_VIEW_4V "4 Views Side-by-Side" "4 views side-by-side"; IDM_VIEW0 "View 1" "Perspective View"; IDM_VIEW1 "View 2" "XZ View"; IDM_VIEW2 "View 3" "YZ View"; IDM_VIEW3 "View 4" "XY View"; IDM_VIEW4 "All Views" "All Views"; IDM_VIEWTOGGLE "Toggle Active View" "Toggle active view"; IDM_VIEW_STEREO "Stereoscopic" "Stereoscopic"; IDM_VIEW_CONFIGURE_STEREO "Configure Stereo..." "Configure stereo"; IDM_A_POS "Position" "Turn on/off Position for recording"; IDM_A_SIZE "Scale" "Turn on/off Scale for recording" ; IDM_A_DIR "Rotation" "Turn on/off Rotation for recording" ; IDM_A_PLA "Point Level Animation" "Turn on/off Point Level Animation for recording" ; IDM_A_PARAMETER "Parameter" "Turn on/off Parameter for recording" ; IDM_RECORD "Record Active Objects" "Record Position, Scale, Rotation and PLA of active objects"; IDM_AUTOKEYS "Autokeying" "Automatic keyframing"; IDM_SOUNDONOFF "Play Sound" "Play sound during animation"; IDM_A_PREVIEW "Preview Range" "Set animation preview range" ; IDM_SIMPLE "Simple" "Simple Playback mode" ; IDM_CYCLE "Cycle" "Cycle Playback Mode" ; IDM_PINGPONG "Ping-Pong" "Ping-Pong Playback mode" ; IDM_A_DROPLESS "All Frames" "Play all frames" ; IDM_FPS_DOC "Project" "Set playback rate to Project Settings'" ; IDM_FPS_1 "1" "Set playback rate to 1 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_5 "5" "Set playback rate to 5 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_10 "10" "Set playback rate to 10 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_15 "15" "Set playback rate to 15 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_18 "18" "Set playback rate to 18 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_24 "24" "Set playback rate to 24 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_25 "25" "Set playback rate to 25 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_30 "30" "Set playback rate to 30 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_50 "50" "Set playback rate to 50 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_60 "60" "Set playback rate to 60 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_100 "100" "Set playback rate to 100 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_250 "250" "Set playback rate to 250 FPS" ; IDM_FPS_500 "500" "Set playback rate to 500 FPS" ; IDM_PLAY_FORWARDS "Play Forwards" "Play forwards" ; IDM_PLAY_BACKWARDS "Play Backwards" "Play backwards" ; IDM_U_STOP "Stop" "Stop playback" ; IDM_GOTOMIN "Goto Start" "Goto start of animation" ; IDM_GOTOMAX "Goto End" "Goto end of animation" ; IDM_GOTOFRAME "Goto Frame..." "Goto the specified frame of animation"; IDM_FRAME_NEXT "Goto Next Frame" "Goto next frame" ; IDM_FRAME_LAST "Goto Previous Frame" "Goto previous frame" ; IDM_KEY_NEXT "Goto Next Key" "Goto next keyframe" ; IDM_KEY_LAST "Goto Previous Key" "Goto previous keyframe" ; IDM_CM_CUSTOMIZE "Customize Palettes..." "Customize CINEMA 4D layout"; M_COFFEEMANAGER_MENUMANAGER "Customize Menus..." "Open Menu Manager" ; IDM_SETVERTEX_FROM_SELECTION "Set Vertex Weight..." "Sets a vertex weight to the current component selection"; IDM_EDITORDISPLAY_ON "Editor On" "Show object in Editor"; IDM_EDITORDISPLAY_OFF "Editor Off" "Hide object in Editor"; IDM_EDITORDISPLAY_NONE "Editor Unchanged" "No display change in Editor"; IDM_RENDERDISPLAY_ON "Renderer On" "Show object when rendered"; IDM_RENDERDISPLAY_OFF "Renderer Off" "Hide object when rendered"; IDM_RENDERDISPLAY_NONE "Renderer Unchanged" "No display change when rendered"; IDM_NEXT_DOCUMENT "Next Project" "Switch to next project"; IDM_PREV_DOCUMENT "Previous Project" "Switch to previous project"; IDM_LOD_LOW "Low" "Low level project detail"; IDM_LOD_MEDIUM "Medium" "Medium level project detail"; IDM_LOD_HIGH "High" "High Level project detail"; IDM_M_VERTEX "Vertex Map" "Show vertex map"; HOTKEY_GENERAL_POPUP "General Popup" "Opens the general pop-up menu"; IDM_RENDERVIEW "Use as Render View" "Use this view as render view"; IDM_TOGGLE_GENERATOR "Toggle Parent Generator" "Toggles parent generator of the current selected object"; IDM_RENDER_LOD "Use Render LOD for Editor Rendering" "Uses the Render Level of Detail settings for Editor renderings"; // IDM_KEYFRAMING_CUSTOM "Custom Interpolation" "Custom keyframe interpolation"; // IDM_KEYFRAMING_DEFAULT "Default Interpolation" "Default keyframe interpolation"; IDM_KEYFRAMING_EDIT "Custom Preferences..." "Edit custom keyframe interpolation references"; IDM_KEYFRAMING_LINKGENERATION "Link XYZ Sub-channels" "Link generation of vector and color sub-channel components (XYZ)"; IDM_FLUSHSOLUTIONS "Flush Illumination Caches" "Flushes all global illumination, caustic, shadow map caches"; IDM_LOADPALETTE "Load Palette..." "Load Icon Palette"; IDM_SAVEPALETTE "Save Palette as..." "Save Icon Palette"; IDM_SHOWONLINEHELP "Show Help..." "Opens Help for selected command"; IDM_MATERIALSHOWACTIVE "Find First Active Material" "Scroll first active material into visible area"; IDM_SELECTMATFROMOBJECT "Select Materials of Active Objects" "Selects materials of selected objects"; IDM_KEYFRAME_SELECTION "Keyframe Selection" "Sets selection object for keyframing"; IDM_SELECTALLTEXTURETAGS "Select Texture Tags/Objects" "Selects all Texture tags and objects of active materials"; IDM_SELECTCHILDS "Select Children" "Select All Children Objects"; IDM_SELECTIONFILTER "Selection Filter" "Selection filter for editor selection"; IDM_SHOWINTIMELINE "Show Tracks..." "Shows object(s) in Timeline"; IDM_SHOWINMOTION "Show Motions..." "Shows object(s) motions in Timeline"; IDM_DISPLAYFILTER "Display Filter" "Display filter"; IDM_SCRIPTS "Scripts" "Scripts"; IDM_SHOWFCURVES "Show FCurves..." "Shows object(s) in FCurve Manager"; IDM_BREAKPHONG "Break Phong Shading" "Removes Phong shading at edges"; IDM_UNBREAKPHONG "Unbreak Phong Shading" "Restores Phong shading at edges"; IDM_PHONGTOSELECTION "Select Broken Phong Edges" "Sets Broken Phong Edges as Edge Selection"; IDM_MM_MATERIAL_ONLY "Material" "Displays Material" ; IDM_MM_MATERIAL_LIST_ONLY "Material list" "Displays Material List" ; IDM_MM_LAYERS_COMPACT "Layer Manager (compact)" "Displays Layer Manager (compact)" ; IDM_MM_LAYERS_EXPANDED "Layer Manager (expanded/compact)" "Displays Layer Manager (expanded with channel previews)" ; IDM_MM_LAYERS_EXPANDED2 "Layer Manager (expanded)" "Displays Layer Manager (expanded without channel previews)" ; IDM_MM_LAYERS_ACTIVE "Layer Manager (active texture)" "Displays Layer Manager (active texture)"; IDM_MATERIAL_LEFTLIST_NO "Mini Icons" "Changes Manager icon size to Mini"; IDM_MATERIAL_LEFTLIST_SMALL "Small Icons" "Changes Manager icon size to Small"; IDM_MATERIAL_LEFTLIST_MEDIUM "Medium Icons" "Changes Manager icon size to Medium"; IDM_MATERIAL_LEFTLIST_LARGE "Large Icons" "Changes Manager icon size to Large"; IDM_MATERIAL_COLOR "Color" "Color channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_DIFFUSION "Diffusion" "Diffusion channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_LUMINANCE "Luminance" "Luminance Cchannel"; IDM_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENCY "Transparency" "Transparency channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_REFLECTION "Reflection" "Reflection channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_ENVIRONMENT "Environment" "Environment channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_BUMP "Bump" "Bump channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_ALPHA "Alpha" "Alpha channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_SPECULARCOLOR "Specular" "Specular channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_DISPLACEMENT "Displacement" "Displacement channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_NORMAL "Normal" "Normal channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_CUSTOM "Custom..." "Create a custom channel"; IDM_MATERIAL_ONELINELAYERS "Layers in Single Line" "Displays layers in a single line with a scrollbar"; IDM_MAINMENU_C4D "CINEMA 4D menu" "Switch to CINEMA 4D Menu"; IDM_MAINMENU_BP "BodyPaint 3D menu" "Switch to BodyPaint 3D Menu"; IDM_MAINMENU_USER1 "User menu 1" "Switch to User 1 Menu"; IDM_MAINMENU_USER2 "User menu 2" "Switch to User 2 Menu"; IDM_MAINMENU_USER3 "User menu 3" "Switch to User 3 Menu"; IDM_MAINMENU_USER4 "User menu 4" "Switch to User 4 Menu"; IDM_MAINMENU_USER5 "User menu 5" "Switch to User 5 Menu"; IDM_FULLSCREEN "Full-Screen Mode" "Switches to Full-Screen"; IDM_FULLSCREEN_GROUP "Full-Screen (Group) Mode" "Switches to Full-Screen (group windows preferred)"; IDM_FULLSCREEN_STICKY "Visible in Full-Screen Mode" "Keeps the Manager/Palette visible in Full-Screen mode"; IDP_TEXTURELIST "Texture List" "Texture list"; IDP_TEXTURE_NEW "New Texture..." "Create a new texture"; IDP_TEXTURE_OPEN "Open Texture..." "Opens an existing texture"; IDP_TEXTURE_REVERT "Revert Texture to Saved..." "Reverts to the last saved texture"; IDP_TEXTURE_CLOSE "Close Texture" "Closes selected texture"; IDP_TEXTURE_MERGE "Merge Texture..." "Merges texture with the current texture"; IDP_TEXTURE_SAVE "Save Texture" "Saves selected texture"; IDP_TEXTURE_SAVEAS "Save Texture as..." "Saves selected texture as..."; IDP_TEXTURE_SAVECOPYAS "Save Texture as Copy..." "Saves selected texture as copy..."; IDP_COPY_MERGED "Copy Merged" "Copy Merged"; IDP_PASTEINTO_SELECTION "Paste into Selection" "Pastes into selection"; IDM_LOCK "Locks texture" "Lock Texture"; IDP_UVEDIT_SHOWMESH "Show UV Mesh" "Displays unwrapped UV mesh"; IDM_UVEDIT_SCALE "Non-Uniform Scale" "UV non-uniform scale tool"; IDM_UVEDIT_TAPER "Shear V" "Shear V coordinates"; IDM_UVEDIT_SHEAR "Shear U" "Shear U coordinates"; IDM_UVEDIT_MAGNET "Magnet" "UV Magnet tool"; IDP_UVEDIT_MIRRORX "Mirror U" "Mirror U coordinates"; IDP_UVEDIT_MIRRORY "Mirror V" "Mirror V coordinates"; IDP_UVEDIT_REMAP "Remap..." "Remap texture to new UV"; IDP_UVEDIT_BAKE "Store UV" "Store UV coordinates"; IDP_UVEDIT_BAKE_RESTORE "Restore UV" "Restore to Baked UV"; IDP_UVEDIT_INTERACTIVE_START "Start Interactive Mapping" "Start interactive mapping of selected polygons"; IDP_UVEDIT_INTERACTIVE_STOP "Stop Interactive Mapping" "Stop interactive mapping of selected polygons"; IDP_UVEDIT_CLEARUV "Clear UV" "Delete Selected UV Coordinates"; IDP_UVEDIT_FITCANVASTOUV "Fit Canvas to UV" "Fits canvas to UV"; IDP_FITTOSCREEN "Fit to Screen" "Fits view to screen"; IDP_SHOWTILEDTEXTURE "Show Tiled Texture" "Displays tiled texture"; IDP_ACTUALPIXELS "Zoom 100%" "Zoom 100%"; IDP_ZOOMIN "Zoom In" "Zooms in"; IDP_ZOOMOUT "Zoom Out" "Zooms out"; IDP_SETZOOM "Set Zoom..." "Edit zoom factor setting"; IDP_PAINT_RIGHTLIST_NO "No Icons" "Turn Off Layer Manager Icons"; IDP_PAINT_RIGHTLIST_SMALL "Small Icons" "Changes Layer Manager icon size to small"; IDP_PAINT_RIGHTLIST_MEDIUM "Medium Icons" "Changes Layer Manager icon size to medium"; IDP_PAINT_RIGHTLIST_LARGE "Large Icons" "Changes Layer Manager icon size to large"; IDP_NEWLAYER "New Layer" "Creates a new texture layer"; IDP_NEWLAYERSET "New Layer Set" "Creates a new layer set"; IDP_CHANNEL_ADDLAYERMASK "Add Layer Mask" "Add a Layer Mask to the currently selected layer"; IDP_DUPLICATELAYER "Duplicate Layer" "Makes a copy of the selected layer"; IDP_CHANNEL_DELETE "Delete Layer" "Deletes the selected layer"; IDP_CHANNEL_FLATTEN "Flatten Layers" "Flattens the selected channel"; IDP_CHANNEL_FLATTEN_VISIBLE "Flatten Visible Layers" "Flattens all visible layers of the selected texture"; IDP_MERGEDOWN "Merge Layer Down" "Merges selected layer with the layer directly beneath it"; IDP_MERGELINKED "Merge Linked" "Merges linked layer"; IDP_LAYERMASKADDSELECTION "Add Selection to Layer Mask" "Add Current Selection to Layer Mask"; IDP_LAYERMASKSUBSELECTION "Subtract Selection from Layer Mask" "Subtracts current selection from layer mask"; IDP_SELECTIONFROMLAYER "Selection from Layer" "Creates selection from non-solid layer"; IDP_SELECTIONFROMLAYERADD "Selection from Layer (Add)" "Adds selection from non-solid layer"; IDP_SELECTIONFROMLAYERSUB "Selection from Layer (Sub)" "Subtracts selection from non-solid layer"; IDP_PAINT_HIDEANTS "Hide Selection" "Hides the selection mark"; IDP_PAINT_SETUPWIZARD "Paint Setup Wizard" "Paint Setup Wizard"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_SIZE_INC "Increase Brush Size" "Increases brush size"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_SIZE_DEC "Decrease Brush Size" "Decreases brush size"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_HARDNESS_INC "Increase Brush Hardness" "Increases brush hardness"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_HARDNESS_DEC "Decrease Brush Hardness" "Decreases brush hardness"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_PRESSURE_INC "Increase Brush Pressure" "Increases brush pressure"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_PRESSURE_DEC "Decrease Brush Pressure" "Decreases brush pressure"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_ROTATION_CLOCKWISE "Rotate Brush Clockwise" "Rotates brush clockwise"; IDP_PAINT_BRUSH_ROTATION_COUNTERCLOCKWISE "Rotate Brush Counterclockwise" "Rotates brush counter-clockwise"; IDP_NEWALPHACHANNEL "New Alpha Channel" "Adds New Alpha channel"; IDP_CONVERTTOGRAY "Convert to Grayscale" "Converts Image to grayscale"; IDP_CONVERTTORGB "Convert to RGB" "Converts image to RGB"; IDP_CONVERTTO_UCHAR "Convert to 8-bit / Channel" "Converts Image to 8-bit per channel"; IDP_CONVERTTO_UWORD "Convert to 16-bit / Channel" "Converts Image to 16-bit per channel"; IDP_CONVERTTO_FLOAT "Convert to 32-bit / Channel" "Converts image to 32-bit per channel"; IDP_REVERTTOSAVED "Revert to Saved..." "Reverts to previously saved texture"; IDP_BITMAPINFO "Bitmap Properties" "Bitmap properties"; IDP_BRUSH_NEWFOLDER "New Group..." "Creates a new brush group"; IDP_BRUSH_NEWLIB "New Library..." "Creates a new brush library"; IDP_BRUSH_SAVE "Save" "Overwrites the current brush settings"; IDP_BRUSH_SAVEAS "Save as..." "Saves current Brush Settings as..."; IDP_BRUSH_SHOWINCB "Show in Content Browser" "Displays a brush in the Content Browser"; IDP_BRUSH_IMPORT "Load Brushes..." "Import Brush Presets (.lib4d/.abr/.b3d)..."; IDP_BRUSH_EXPORTSELECTION "Export Selection..." "Exports selected brushes"; IDP_BRUSH_RENAME "Rename..." "Rename brush"; IDP_BRUSH_DELETE "Delete" "Delete brush"; IDP_BRUSH_GROUPS "Brush Groups" "Brush groups"; IDP_BRUSH_ASLIST "As List" "Browse brushes in list format"; IDP_BRUSH_ASICON "As Icon" "Browse brushes by icons"; IDP_BRUSH_SMALLICONS "Small Icons" "Small Brush Icons"; IDP_BRUSH_MEDIUMICONS "Medium Icons" "Medium brush icons"; IDP_BRUSH_LARGEICONS "Large Icons" "Large brush icons"; IDP_COLOR_NEWFOLDER "New Group..." "Creates a new color group"; IDP_COLOR_NEWLIB "New Library..." "Creates a new color library"; IDP_COLOR_SHOWINCB "Show in Content Browser" "Displays a color in the Content Browser"; IDP_COLOR_IMPORT "Import BodyPaint 3D Presets..." "Import BodyPaint 3D presets (.lib4d/.b3d)..."; IDP_COLOR_EXPORTSELECTION "Export Selection..." "Export selected colors"; IDP_COLOR_RENAME "Rename..." "Rename color"; IDP_COLOR_DELETE "Delete" "Delete color"; IDP_COLOR_GROUPS "Color Groups" "Color groups"; IDP_COLOR_ASLIST "As List" "Browse colors in list format"; IDP_COLOR_ASICON "As Icon" "Browse colors by icons"; IDP_COLOR_SMALLICONS "Small Icons" "Small color icons"; IDP_COLOR_MEDIUMICONS "Medium Icons" "Medium color icons"; IDP_COLOR_LARGEICONS "Large Icons" "Large color icons"; IDP_COLOR_ADDPRESET "Add Single Channel Preset..." "Adds a single-channel color preset"; IDP_COLOR_ADDPRESET_MULTI "Add Multi Channel Preset..." "Adds a multi-channel color preset"; IDP_COLOR_OVERWRITE "Overwrite Preset" "Overwrite color preset"; IDP_COLOR_COPY "Copy" "Copy color"; IDP_COLOR_PASTE "Paste" "Paste color"; IDP_BRUSH_ADDPRESET "Save Brush..." "Save brush preset"; IDP_NEWTEXTUREVIEW "New Texture View..." "Open texture view window"; IDP_COLORSETTINGS "Color Settings" "Open color settings window"; IDP_BRUSHPRESETS "Brush Presets" "Open brush presets window"; IDP_COLORPRESETS "Color Swatches" "Open color swatches window"; IDP_TEXTUREMANAGER "Layer Manager" "Opens the Layer Manager"; IDP_PREVIEW_COLOR "Preview: Color" "Preview: Color"; IDP_PREVIEW_DIFFUSION "Preview: Diffusion" "Preview: Diffusion"; IDP_PREVIEW_LUMINANCE "Preview: Luminance" "Preview: Luminance"; IDP_PREVIEW_TRANSPARENCY "Preview: Transparency" "Preview: Transparency"; IDP_PREVIEW_REFLECTION "Preview: Reflection" "Preview: Reflection"; IDP_PREVIEW_ENVIRONMENT "Preview: Environment" "Preview: Environment"; IDP_PREVIEW_BUMP "Preview: Bump" "Preview: Bump"; IDP_PREVIEW_ALPHA "Preview: Alpha" "Preview: Alpha"; IDP_PREVIEW_SPECULARCOLOR "Preview: Specular" "Preview: Specular"; IDP_PREVIEW_DISPLACEMENT "Preview: Displacement" "Preview: Displacement"; IDP_PREVIEW_NORMAL "Preview: Normal" "Preview: Normal"; IDP_PREVIEW_ACTIVECHANNEL "Preview: Active Channel" "Preview: Active Channel"; IDP_PREVIEW_MULTI "Multi Channel Mode" "Enable/Disable Multi Channel Mode"; IDP_PROJECTIONPAINT "Projection Painting" "Enable/Disable Projection Painting"; IDP_PROJECTIONPAINT_APPLY "Apply Projection" "Apply the Content of Projection Paint Plane"; IDP_PROJECTIONPAINT_DISCARD "Discard Projection" "Discard the Content of Projection Paint Plane"; IDP_PROJECTIONPAINT_RELEASE_PLANE "Detach Projection Plane" "Detach Projection Plane"; IDP_TOGGLE_FGBG "Toggle Fore-/Background" "Toggles foreground/background color"; IDP_PROJECTIONPAINT_PROJECTBACK "Project on Hidden Polygons" "Applies Projection Painting to hidden polygons"; IDP_PAINT_CONVERTTOPROFILE "Convert To Profile..." "Converts texture to a different color profile"; IDP_PAINT_ASSIGNPROFILE "Assign Profile..." "Assigns a new color profile to the Texture"; IDP_CLOSEALLTEXTURES "Close All Textures" "Closes all textures"; IDP_SAVEALLTEXTURES "Save All Textures" "Saves all textures"; IDP_TOOL_SELECTCIRCLE "Select Circle" "Creates a Circle selection"; IDP_TOOL_SELECTRECT "Select Rectangle" "Creates a Rectangle selection"; IDP_TOOL_SELECTFREEHAND "Select Lasso" "Creates a Lasso selection"; IDP_TOOL_SELECTPOLYLINES "Select Polylines" "Creates a Polyline selection"; IDP_TOOL_MAGICWAND "Magic Wand" "Magic Wand Selection Tool"; IDP_TOOL_SELECTCOLORRANGE "Select Color Range" "Select by color range"; IDP_PAINT_SELECTALL "Select All" "Selects all"; IDP_PAINT_DESELECTALL "Deselect All" "Deselects all"; IDP_PAINT_INVERSESELECTION "Invert All" "Inverts selection"; IDP_TOOL_MOVELAYER "Move Layer" "Moves layer"; IDP_TOOL_MAGNIFY "Magnify" "Magnify tool"; IDP_TOOL_PICKUP "Eyedropper" "Eyedropper tool"; IDP_TOOL_BRUSH "Brush" "Brush tool for painting textures"; IDP_TOOL_SMEAR "Smear Tool" "Smear tool"; IDP_TOOL_DODGE "Dodge Tool" "Dodge tool"; IDP_TOOL_BURN "Burn Tool" "Burn tool"; IDP_TOOL_SPONGE "Sponge Tool" "Sponge tool"; IDP_TOOL_BLUR "Blur Tool" "Blur tool"; IDP_TOOL_SHARPEN "Sharpen Tool" "Sharpen tool"; IDP_TOOL_HSV "Colorize Tool" "Colorize tool"; IDP_TOOL_CLONE "Clone Tool" "Paint using a cloned selection"; IDP_TOOL_ERASER "Eraser" "Eraser tool"; IDP_TOOL_FILLBITMAP "Fill Bitmap" "Fills bitmap with the current Color"; IDP_TOOL_TRANSFORMBITMAP "Transform Bitmap" "Transforms bitmap"; IDP_TOOL_DRAWLINE "Draw Line" "Draw Line"; IDP_TOOL_GRADIENT "Gradient Tool" "Draws gradients"; IDP_TOOL_DRAWTEXT "Draw Text" "Draws text"; IDP_TOOL_POLYGONSHAPE "Draw Polygon Shape" "Draws polygon shape"; IDP_TOOL_SPLINESELECTION "Edit Spline Tool" "Edit spline"; IDP_PAINT_SCALE "Texture Size..." "Texture size setting"; IDP_PAINT_CANVAS "Canvas Size..." "Canvas size setting"; IDP_PAINT_ROTATE "Rotate Texture..." "Rotate texture"; IDP_PAINT_FLIPX "Flip Texture Horizontal..." "Flip texture horizontal"; IDP_PAINT_FLIPY "Flip Texture Vertical..." "Flip texture vertically"; IDP_PAINT_FILLBITMAP "Fill Layer" "Fill layer"; IDP_PAINT_DEFINEBRUSH "Define Brush Preset..." "Define brush preset from selection"; IDP_PAINT_DEFINECOLORSET "Define Color Preset..." "Define color preset from selection"; IDP_PAINT_DEFINEWALLPAPER "Define Wallpaper Preset..." "Define wallpaper from selection"; IDP_UVEDIT_FILLFACES "Fill Polygons" "Fill Selected polygons with the current color"; IDP_UVEDIT_OUTLINEFACES "Outline Polygons" "Draw Current Brush around the selected polygons"; IDP_UVEDIT_CREATEUVLAYER "Create UV Mesh Layer" "Draws the UV mesh into a new layer"; IDP_PAINT_CREATEMASKFROMSELECTION "Create Mask from Selection" "Create a new mask from selection"; IDP_DISPLAYSINGLECHANNEL "Display Selected Channel" "Display selected channel in 3D view"; IDP_PAINT_TILEU "Tile U" "Enable tiling for U direction"; IDP_PAINT_TILEV "Tile V" "Enable tiling for V direction"; IDP_CLEARBITMAP "Clear Bitmap" "Clear bitmap"; IDP_3DPAINT "3D Painting Mode" "Enable the 3D painting mode"; IDP_RAYBRUSHALL "Raybrush Render View" "Render Active View for Raybrush Painting"; IDP_RAYBRUSHACTIVE "Raybrush Render Active Objects" "Render active objects for Raybrush painting"; IDP_RAYBRUSHPART "Raybrush Render Region" "Render a region for raybrush painting"; IDP_EDITMASK "Edit Selection Mask" "Edit selection mask"; IDP_FEATHER "Feather..." "Feathers the edges of the selection"; IDP_GROWSELECTION "Grow Selection..." "Grows selection"; IDP_SHRINKSELECTION "Shrink Selection..." "Shrinks selection"; IDP_UNDOPAINTER "Undo (Texture)" "Undo last painting action"; IDP_BITMAPFILTER "Bitmap Filter" "Apply bitmap filter"; IDP_EXECUTE_LASTFILTER "Execute Last Filter" "Executes last filter"; IDP_PAINT_CROP "Crop Texture..." "Crops texture to selection"; IDP_TEXTURE_EMPTYUV "Empty Canvas" "Empty Canvas for UV Editing"; IDP_UVTAGS "Connected UVs" "Connected UV-Tags"; IDP_TOOL_ASLIST "As List" "Browse tool preset in list format"; IDP_TOOL_ASICON "As Icon" "Browse tool preset by icons"; IDP_TOOL_SMALLICONS "Small Icons" "Small tool preset icons"; IDP_TOOL_MEDIUMICONS "Medium Icons" "Medium tool preset icons"; IDP_TOOL_LARGEICONS "Large Icons" "Large tool preset icons"; IDP_FREEZE_VIEW "Freeze 3D View" "Freeze 3D view with an independent resolution for BodyPaint 3D"; IDM_CLOSEPHYSICALWINDOW "Close Window" "Close Window or Project"; IDM_EDIT_SCRIPT "Edit Script..." "Modify Script in Script Editor"; IDM_SWITCH_R2L "Switch R2L" "Switch between right->left/left->right layout"; }