// C4D-StringResource // Identifier Text STRINGTABLE { IDS_ONLINE_UPDATER "Online Updater"; IDS_ADMIN_MSG "The application needs administrator privileges to install the update(s)."; IDS_ADMIN_CAPTION "MAXON Online Updater"; IDS_HEADER_NAME "Name"; IDS_HEADER_VERSION "Version"; IDS_HEADER_INSTALL "Install"; IDS_UNKNOWN "unknown"; IDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR "There was an error downloading the update. Please try again later."; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_CALCULATE_SPACE "Calculate required space"; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_CREATE_BACKUP "Create Backup Copy"; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_GENERATE_COPY "Copy Installer Files"; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_RESTART "Restart Installer"; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_UPDATE "Update"; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_INSTALL "Install"; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_FINISH "Finish Installation"; IDS_INSTALL_PROGRESS_ROLLBACK "Rollback"; IDS_INSTALL_RESTART "The application needs to restart now. Please finish your work and press the Restart button."; IDS_NO_ADMIN_LOGIN "The application could not acquire administrator privileges. Please try again or log in as administrator.|Installation will stop now."; IDS_CANCEL_INSTALL "Do you really want to cancel the installation?"; IDS_NO_COPY_FILE "Could not copy # to #. Please make sure that there is enough free disk space."; IDS_NO_CREATE_FILE "Could not create file #. Please make sure that there is enough free disk space."; IDS_NO_WRITE_FILE "Could not write to file #"; IDS_NO_READ_FILE "Could not read from file #"; IDS_NO_OPEN_FILE "Could not open file # for reading"; IDS_NO_MOVE_FILE "Could not move file # to #"; IDS_NO_PATH "Could not open or create path #"; IDS_ZIP_OPEN_FAIL "Failed to open archive #"; IDS_ZIP_EXTRACT_FAIL "Failed to extract # from #"; IDS_NO_LICENSE "Installation canceled since no license was accepted"; IDS_NO_DISKSPACE "There is not enough disk space|required: # MB|available: # MB"; IDS_CANT_PATCH_VERSION "Could not change version number of #"; IDS_COULD_NOT_COPY_FILE "Could not copy the file"; IDS_INSTALL_THREAD_CANCEL "Installation has been canceled"; IDS_INSTALL_THREAD_NO_MEM "There is not enough memory to complete installation"; IDS_INSTALL_THREAD_UNKNOWN_ERROR "Unknown error during installation"; IDS_INSTALL_UPDATE_HELP_ERROR "There was an error in the update helper, line %d"; IDS_INSTALL_UPDATE_QUIT_ERROR "Could not quit the application properly. Please close the application manually and try again."; IDS_INSTALL_UPDATE_AUTH_FAIL "The authentication timed out, was cancelled or the updater could not be started."; IDS_BPS "Byte/s"; IDS_B "Byte"; IDS_KBPS "KB/s"; IDS_KB "KB"; IDS_MBPS "MB/s"; IDS_MB "MB"; IDS_GBPS "GB/s"; IDS_GB "GB"; IDS_TIME_H "h"; IDS_TIME_M "m"; IDS_TIME_S "s"; IDS_LOAD_UPDATE "Please choose the C4DUPDATE file you want to install"; IDS_NO_VALID_UPDATE_FILE "The selected file is not a valid Update"; IDS_NO_VALID_SETUP_FILE "# is an invalid setup file"; IDS_EXTRACTING_FILE "Extracting..."; IDS_DOWNLOADING_FILE "Downloading..."; IDS_INITIALIZING "Initializing..."; IDS_FILE_EXTRACT_FAILED "Could not extract file #. The updater will try to replace this and all following files even if they are read-only if you press Retry."; IDS_CHECK_NOW "Check for Updates..."; IDS_CHECK_NOW_HELP "Connects to the update server and checks for software updates"; IDS_MANUAL_INSTALL "Manual Installation..."; IDS_MANUAL_INSTALL_HELP "Installs the update from an extra file"; IDS_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_CANCEL "A Download is in progress. Do you really want to close the application?"; IDS_NO_SECOND_INSTALL "A Download or Update is already in progress. You cannot start a new installation at the moment."; IDS_UPDATE_DLG_CLOSE "Close"; IDS_UPDATE_DLG_CANCEL "Cancel"; IDS_UPDATE_DLG_INSTALL "Install >>"; IDS_UPDATE_DLG_CONTINUE "Continue >>"; IDS_UPDATE_DLG_UNINSTALL "Uninstall >>"; IDS_UPDATE_DLG_RESTART "Restart >>"; IDS_UPDATE_DLG_FINISH "Finish"; IDS_CREATE_BACKUP_COPY "Would you like to create a backup copy of your current installation?"; IDS_HIDDEN "Hidden"; IDS_REMOVED_FROM_SERVER "Removed from server"; IDS_NOT_AVAILABLE "Not available"; IDS_NEW_LANGUAGE "New"; IDS_WRITE_PROTECTION "# already exists.|Would you like to overwrite it, even if it is read-only?"; IDS_REALLY_DELETE_LICENSE "Do you really want to delete the selected license?"; IDS_REALLY_DELETE_ITEM "Do you really want to delete the selected file or update?|(Deleting an update will also delete its entire folder)"; IDS_MAKE_DISTRI_SUCCESS "Make Distribution has finished sucessfully"; IDS_MAKE_DISTRI_FAILED "Make Distribution failed"; IDS_MAKE_DISTRI_RENEW_LINKS_LOST "Links to this update will be lost if you renew the ID.|Continue?"; IDS_UPDATE_NAME "Name"; IDS_UPDATE_BETA "Beta"; IDS_UPDATE_RELEASE "Release"; IDS_UPDATE_RELEASE_LINE "Release Line"; IDS_UPDATE_USER_DEVELOPER "Developer"; IDS_UPDATE_USER_QA "QA"; IDS_UPDATE_USER_BETA "Beta Tester"; IDS_UPDATE_USER_TESTUSER "Test User"; IDS_UPDATE_USER_RELEASE "Release"; IDS_TIME_FORMAT "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"; IDS_UPDATES "Updates"; IDS_FEATURES "Features"; IDS_OPTIONAL "Optional"; IDS_INSTALLED "History"; IDS_SIZE "Size"; IDS_INSTALLED_AT "Installed on"; IDS_UNABLE_TO_GET_INSTANCES "Unable to count running instances of the application. Please close all open programs and click OK."; IDS_CLOSE_OTHER_INSTANCES "There are other instances of the application running. Please close all open programs and click Retry."; IDS_CLOSE_OTHER_INSTALLERS "There are other MAXON Installers running at the moment. Please wait until they have finished."; IDS_UNINSTALL_CLOSE_RUNNING "There are some applications running in the uninstallation path. Please close them and try again."; IDS_COULD_NOT_RESTART "Could not restart the application."; IDS_NO_UPDATES_AVAILABLE "There are currently no updates available"; IDS_NO_SERVER_CONNECT "Could not connect to the update server"; IDS_NEW_LANGUAGE_ABBR "Abbreviation"; IDS_NEW_LANGUAGE_NAME "Name"; IDS_NEW_LANGUAGE_TITLE "New Language"; IDS_KEEP_ID_AFTER_COPY "Would you like to keep the ID of the selected items during copying?"; IDS_COPY_SOURCES "Would you like to copy the sources and contents to #?"; IDS_INSTALLER_CAPTION "Setup"; IDS_UNINSTALL_CAPTION "MAXON Uninstaller"; IDS_UNINSTALL_COMPLETE "Uninstallation has completed successfully"; IDS_UNINSTALL_FAILED "Uninstallation has failed. Please restart the uninstaller and try again"; IDS_UPDATE_WAIT_EXTRACT "Please wait while the files are being extracted."; IDS_REGISTRATION "Registration"; IDS_SELECT_INSTALL_PATH "Please select the path where you want to install the application"; IDS_SELECT_PREVIOUS_PATH "Please select the path where the application has been installed"; IDS_NO_MODULE_INSTALL "You can only install modules or components in a folder where you have installed the application."; IDS_NO_INSTALL_PATH "No installation path was set. Please choose a path where you want to install the application."; IDS_SPEED "Speed"; IDS_CHANGE_LANGUAGE "Would you like to use the installed language (#) as default language next time the application is started?"; IDS_UNINSTALL_LOG_MISSING "The install log is missing. The program cannot be uninstalled."; IDS_SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND "The Source file # in # could not be found. The installation file will be corrupted."; IDS_SAVE_CHANGES "At least one file has changed. Would you like to save them encrypted?"; IDS_MENU_FILE "File"; IDS_MENU_NEW_FILE "New File..."; IDS_MENU_NEW_UPDATE "New Update"; IDS_MENU_SAVE_ALL_CHANGED "Save All Changed Encrypted"; IDS_MENU_SAVE_SELECTED "Save Selected Encrypted"; IDS_MENU_SAVE_SELECTED_UNSECURE "Save Selected Unencrypted"; IDS_MENU_FROM_ZIP "From ZIP..."; IDS_MENU_CLONE "Clone"; IDS_ENTER_APPLICATION_SERIAL "You have entered an application serial number but the Release 11.5 number is missing. You cannot install CINEMA 4D or BodyPaint 3D.|Continue?"; IDS_DELETE_APPDATA_C4D "Do you really want to delete your user settings folder?|It might still contain projects, textures, movies etc."; IDS_DELETE_APPDATA_NET "Do you really want to delete your user settings folder?|It can contain your Team Render configuration information."; IDS_DELETE_APPDATA_LIC "Do you really want to delete your user settings folder?|It can contain your licensing and license organisation information."; IDS_INCLUDED "included"; IDS_OVERWRITE_NEWER "A newer version of # already exists. Reinstallation may corrupt your installation.|Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"; IDS_REMOVE_CURRENT "Remove Current"; IDS_SHOW_IN_EXPLORER "Show in Explorer"; IDS_INSTALLER_RUNNING "Another instance of the installer is already running. The installer will quit now."; IDS_ENTER_USER_INFO "Please enter your name, street, city and country."; IDS_NO_VALID_SERIAL "Please paste at least one valid serial."; IDS_DIRECTORY_EXIST "The folder # already exists.|Installation into this directory may corrupt the current installation.|Would you like to continue?"; IDS_STUDENT_LOAD_README_FAILED "Could not load readme file #."; }