// Global StringResource STRINGTABLE { IDS_ANIM_PLA "PLA"; IDS_ANIM_SOUND "Sound"; IDS_ANIM_MORPH "Morph"; IDS_SOUNDSTEREO "Stereo"; IDS_SOUNDMONO "Mono"; IDS_RENDERSOUND_1 "Animating..."; IDS_RENDERSOUND_2 "Processing:"; IDS_OHNEWAV "Untitled"; IDS_OBJECTMANAGER "Object Manager..."; IDH_OBJECTMANAGER "Opens Object Manager"; IDS_LAYERMANAGER "Layer Manager..."; IDH_LAYERMANAGER "Open Layer Manager"; IDS_LAYER "Layer"; IDS_FOLDER "Folder"; IDS_DEFAULT " --- Default ---"; IDC_SB_ADDTOLAYER "Add to Layer"; IDS_SB_VERTICAL "Vertical Tags"; IDH_SB_VERTICAL "Show Tags in vertical order"; IDS_SB_ICONSIZE1 "Small Icons"; IDH_SB_ICONSIZE1 "Switch to Small Icons Display"; IDS_SB_ICONSIZE2 "Medium Icons"; IDH_SB_ICONSIZE2 "Switch to Medium Icons Display"; IDS_SB_ICONSIZE3 "Large Icons"; IDH_SB_ICONSIZE3 "Switch to Large Icons Display"; IDS_SB_SHOW_PATH "Show Path Bar"; IDH_SB_SHOW_PATH "Show Path Bar"; IDS_SB_SHOW_FIND "Show Search Bar"; IDH_SB_SHOW_FIND "Show Search Bar"; IDS_SB_SET_PATH "Set as Root"; IDH_SB_SET_PATH "Set as Root"; IDS_SB_MAIN_PATH "Goto Main Level"; IDH_SB_MAIN_PATH "Goto Main Level"; IDS_SB_UP_PATH "One Level Up"; IDH_SB_UP_PATH "Go One Level Up"; IDS_SB_BOOK_ADD "Add Bookmark"; IDH_SB_BOOK_ADD "Add Bookmark"; IDS_SB_BOOK_MAN "Manage Bookmarks..."; IDH_SB_BOOK_MAN "Manage Bookmarks..."; IDS_SB_BOOK_RES "Default Bookmark"; IDH_SB_BOOK_RES "Default Bookmark"; IDS_SB_BOOK_TL "Timeline Bookmarks"; IDS_SB_BOOK_SB "Object Manager Bookmarks"; IDS_SB_SHOW_FLAT "Flat Tree"; IDH_SB_SHOW_FLAT "Display Flat Tree"; IDS_SB_SORT_NAME "Sort by Name"; IDH_SB_SORT_NAME "Sort by Name"; IDS_SB_SORT_TYPE "Sort by Type"; IDS_SB_SHOW_FILTER "Enable Filter"; IDH_SB_SHOW_FILTER "WE Filter"; IDS_SB_EXPAND "Unfold All"; IDH_SB_EXPAND "Unfold All"; IDS_SB_COLLAPSE "Fold All"; IDH_SB_COLLAPSE "Fold All"; IDS_LM_SOLO "Solo"; IDS_LM_VIEW "View"; IDS_LM_RENDER "Render"; IDS_LM_MANAGER "Manager"; IDS_LM_LOCKED "Locking"; IDS_LM_GENERATORS "Generators"; IDS_LM_DEFORMERS "Deformers"; IDS_LM_EXPRESSIONS "Expressions"; IDS_LM_ANIMATION "Animation"; IDS_LM_XREF "XRef"; IDS_LM_S_TREE "Name"; IDS_LM_S_SOLO "S"; IDS_LM_S_VIEW "V"; IDS_LM_S_RENDER "R"; IDS_LM_S_MANAGER "M"; IDS_LM_S_LOCKED "L"; IDS_LM_S_GENERATORS "G"; IDS_LM_S_DEFORMERS "D"; IDS_LM_S_EXPRESSIONS "E"; IDS_LM_S_ANIMATION "A"; IDS_LM_S_XREF "X"; IDH_LM_SOLO "Show Solo Option"; IDH_LM_VIEW "Show View Option"; IDH_LM_RENDER "Show Render Option"; IDH_LM_MANAGER "Show Manager Option"; IDH_LM_LOCKED "Show Locked Option"; IDH_LM_GENERATORS "Show Generators Option"; IDH_LM_DEFORMERS "Show Deformers Option"; IDH_LM_EXPRESSIONS "Show Expressions Option"; IDH_LM_ANIMATION "Show Animation Option"; IDH_LM_XREF "Show XRef Option"; IDS_LM_FILE "File"; IDS_LM_EDIT "Edit"; IDS_LM_SHOW "View"; IDS_LM_ADD "Add Objects to Layer"; IDH_LM_ADD "Add Selected Objects to Layer"; IDS_LM_DEL "Delete"; IDH_LM_DEL "Delete Layer"; IDS_LM_SEL "Select from Layer"; IDH_LM_SEL "Select Objects on Layer"; IDS_LM_LAYER "New Layer"; IDH_LM_LAYER "New Layer"; IDS_LM_DEL_ALL "Delete All"; IDH_LM_DEL_ALL "Delete All Layers"; IDS_LM_EXPAND "Unfold All"; IDH_LM_EXPAND "Unfold All"; IDS_LM_COLLAPSE "Fold All"; IDH_LM_COLLAPSE "Fold All"; IDS_LM_OPEN "Open..."; IDH_LM_OPEN "Open..."; IDS_LM_SAVE "Save as..."; IDH_LM_SAVE "Save as..."; IDS_LM_MERGE "Merge Layers"; IDH_LM_MERGE "Merge Layers"; IDS_LM_SELECTALL "Select All"; IDH_LM_SELECTALL "Select All"; IDS_LM_SELECTNONE "Select None"; IDH_LM_SELECTNONE "Select None"; IDS_LM_SELECTTOG "Invert Selection"; IDH_LM_SELECTTOG "Invert Selection"; IDS_LM_DEL_EMPTY "Remove Unused Layers"; IDH_LM_DEL_EMPTY "Remove Unused Layers"; IDS_LM_LAYERFROM "New Layer from Object Selection"; IDH_LM_LAYERFROM "New Layer from Selection"; IDS_SB_LAYERED "Layers"; IDH_SB_LAYERED "Layers"; IDS_SB_BOOK "Bookmarks"; IDH_SB_BOOK "Bookmarks"; IDS_SB_LAYERS "Layers"; IDH_SB_LAYERS "Layers"; IDS_SB_REMOVE "Remove from Layer"; IDH_SB_REMOVE "Remove from Layer"; IDS_SB_NEWLAYER "Add to New Layer"; IDH_SB_NEWLAYER "Add to New Layer"; IDS_SB_LISTSELECTIONS "Restore Selection"; IDH_SB_LISTSELECTIONS "Restore Selection"; IDS_SB_LOADOBJEKT "Merge Objects..."; IDH_SB_LOADOBJEKT "Merge Objects..."; IDS_SB_SAVEOBJEKT "Save Selected Objects as..."; IDH_SB_SAVEOBJEKT "Save Selected Objects as..."; IDS_SB_SAVEMELANGE "Save Project for Melange..."; IDH_SB_SAVEMELANGE "Save Project for Melange..."; IDS_SB_SELECTALL "Select All"; IDH_SB_SELECTALL "Select All"; IDS_SB_SELECTTOG "Invert Selection"; IDH_SB_SELECTTOG "Invert Selection"; IDS_SB_SELECTVISIBLE "Select Visible"; IDH_SB_SELECTVISIBLE "Select Visible"; IDS_SB_SELECTNONE "Select None"; IDH_SB_SELECTNONE "Select None"; IDS_SB_SELECTCHILDS "Select Children"; IDH_SB_SELECTCHILDS "Select Children"; IDS_SB_OBSEARCHAKTU "Scroll to First Active"; IDH_SB_OBSEARCHAKTU "Scroll to First Active"; IDS_SB_EDITAKTUOBJ "Edit..."; IDH_SB_EDITAKTUOBJ "Edit..."; IDS_SB_RENAME "Rename..."; IDH_SB_RENAME "Rename..."; IDS_SB_GROUP "Group Objects"; IDH_SB_GROUP "Group Objects"; IDS_SB_RESOLVE "Expand Object Group"; IDH_SB_RESOLVE "Expand Object Group"; IDS_SB_INFORMATIONOBJECT "Object Information..."; IDH_SB_INFORMATIONOBJECT "Display Object Information..."; IDS_SB_INFORMATIONSCENE "Project Information..."; IDH_SB_INFORMATIONSCENE "Display Project Information..."; IDS_SB_TRANSFERTAG "Copy Tag to Children"; IDH_SB_TRANSFERTAG "Copy Tag to Children"; IDS_SB_SELECTTAG "Select Identical Child Tags"; IDH_SB_SELECTTAG "Select Identical Child Tags"; IDS_SB_RESTORESELECTION "Restore Selection"; IDS_SB_LOADTAGPRESET "Load Tag Preset"; IDS_SB_MATERIALS "Materials"; IDS_SB_RENDER "Render"; IDS_SB_EDITORDISPLAY_NONE "Editor Unchanged"; IDH_SB_EDITORDISPLAY_NONE "Editor Unchanged"; IDS_SB_EDITORDISPLAY_ON "Editor On"; IDH_SB_EDITORDISPLAY_ON "Editor On"; IDS_SB_EDITORDISPLAY_OFF "Editor Off"; IDH_SB_EDITORDISPLAY_OFF "Editor Off"; IDS_SB_RENDERDISPLAY_NONE "Renderer Unchanged"; IDH_SB_RENDERDISPLAY_NONE "Renderer Unchanged"; IDS_SB_RENDERDISPLAY_ON "Renderer On"; IDH_SB_RENDERDISPLAY_ON "Renderer On"; IDS_SB_RENDERDISPLAY_OFF "Renderer Off"; IDH_SB_RENDERDISPLAY_OFF "Renderer Off"; IDS_SB_TOGGLE_OBJECT_STATE "Object Activation"; IDH_SB_TOGGLE_OBJECT_STATE "Object Activation"; IDS_BOOKMARK "Bookmark."; IDS_NOTHING "None"; IDS_BYTES "ca. # KBytes"; IDS_OHNETITEL "Untitled.c4d"; IDS_SB_DELETE "Delete"; IDH_SB_DELETE "Delete"; IDS_SELECTION "Selection"; IDS_SB_PLUGINTAGS "New Tag"; IDH_SB_PLUGINTAGS "Add New Tag"; IDS_NO_OBJECT_SELECTED "<< No Object selected >>"; IDS_SB_FUNCTIONS "Functions"; IDS_MATERIAL_MANAGER_FILE "Create"; IDS_MATERIAL_MANAGER_FUNCTION "Function"; IDS_LOADMATERIALPRESET "Load Material Preset"; IDS_DEFAULT_LAYER "(Undef. Layer)"; IDS_FILTER_HOOK "Filter Hook"; IDS_LM_PATH "Layerset.set"; IDS_FM_OBJECTS "Objects"; IDS_FM_TAGS "Tags"; IDS_FM_MATERIALS "Materials"; IDS_FM_SHADERS "Shaders"; IDS_FM_RENDERS "Render Settings"; IDS_FM_POSTS "Post Effects"; IDS_FM_SCULPT "Sculpting Layer"; IDS_FM_TRACKS "Tracks"; IDS_FM_LAYERS "Layers"; IDS_FM_DOC "Project"; IDS_FM_SUMMARY "Summary"; IDS_FM_GVNODES "Xpresso Nodes"; IDS_FM_NLA "Motion"; IDS_FM_SH "Scene Hook"; IDS_SB_EXP_SEL "Unfold Selected"; IDH_SB_EXP_SEL "Unfold Selected"; IDS_SB_COL_SEL "Fold Selected"; IDH_SB_COL_SEL "Fold Selected"; IDS_SB_SHOW_LEGACY "Right aligned Icons"; IDH_SB_SHOW_LEGACY "Show Object Icons in Legacy Mode"; IDS_SB_CUT "Cut"; IDH_SB_CUT "Cut"; IDS_SB_COPY "Copy"; IDH_SB_COPY "Copy"; IDS_SB_PASTE "Paste"; IDH_SB_PASTE "Paste"; IDS_PIVOT "Pivot Object"; //Cathleen begin IDS_TL_TIMELINE "Timeline"; IDS_TL_TITLEPREFS "Timeline/Spline Gadget"; IDS_TL_TITLE "Timeline"; IDH_TIMELINE "Open Timeline"; IDS_TL_CMD "Timeline..."; // Menu strings IDS_TL_M_REGIONTOOL "Region Tool"; IDS_TL_M_NEWKEY "Record Current State"; IDS_TL_M_REMOVE "Delete Unused Tracks"; IDS_TL_M_DELETE "Delete"; IDS_TL_M_PREFS "Timeline Preferences..."; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSETDLG "Snap Settings..."; IDS_TL_M_ANIMATEDONLY "Show Animated"; IDS_TL_M_FIT "Frame All"; IDS_TL_M_BAKE "Bake"; IDS_TL_M_DELETEFRAME "Delete every nth Key"; IDS_TL_M_RIDGE "Ridge"; IDS_TL_M_RAMPUP "Ramp up"; IDS_TL_M_RAMPDOWN "Ramp down"; IDS_TL_M_SELALLOBJ "Select All Objects"; IDS_TL_M_SELALLELEMENTS "Select All Keys/Clips"; IDS_TL_M_INVERTSELOBJ "Invert Object Selection"; IDS_TL_M_INVERTSELELEMENTS "Invert Key/Clip Selection"; IDS_TL_M_DESELALLOBJ "Deselect All Objects"; IDS_TL_M_DESELALLKEY "Deselect All Elements"; IDS_TL_M_SELKEYFROMTODLG "Select Range..."; IDS_TL_M_FRACTIVEFRAME "Goto Current Frame"; IDS_TL_M_FRSEL "Frame Selected"; IDS_TL_M_FRSTART "Goto Start"; IDS_TL_M_FREND "Goto End"; IDS_TL_M_FRFROMTODLG "Frame Range..."; IDS_TL_M_FRGLOBALTIME "Frame Project Settings"; IDS_TL_M_FRMARKER "Goto Marker"; IDS_TL_M_FRRIGHTMAR "Goto Next Marker"; IDS_TL_M_FRLEFTMAR "Goto Previous Marker"; IDS_TL_M_FRNEXTKEY "Goto Next Keys/Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_FRPREVKEY "Goto Previous Key/Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_FRPREVIEW "Frame Preview Range"; IDS_TL_M_SETPREVSEL "Set Preview to Selection"; IDS_TL_M_SETPREVFT "Set Preview Range"; IDS_TL_M_SETPREVLT "Set Preview to View"; IDS_TL_M_PLAYBACK "Playback"; IDS_TL_M_PLAYBACK_PREV "Preview"; IDS_TL_M_PLAYBACK_LOCAL "View"; IDS_TL_M_PLAYBACK_GLOBAL "Project"; IDS_TL_M_GRIDSUB "Subframes"; IDS_TL_M_GRID1 "Fine"; IDS_TL_M_GRID2 "Middle"; IDS_TL_M_GRID3 "Per Second"; IDS_TL_M_GRID4 "fps"; IDS_TL_M_FOLDALL "Fold All"; IDS_TL_M_UNFOLDALL "Unfold All"; IDS_TL_M_FOLDSELECTED "Fold Selected"; IDS_TL_M_UNFOLDSELECTED "Unfold Selected"; IDS_TL_M_BAKEOBJ "Bake Objects"; IDS_TL_M_TRACKSPLINE "Position Track to Spline"; IDS_TL_M_SPLINETRACK "Spline to Position Track"; IDS_TL_M_REMOVESELOBJ "Remove Selected Objects"; IDS_TL_M_REMOVEALLOBJ "Remove All Objects"; IDS_TL_M_REMOVEFROMLAYER "Remove from Layer"; IDS_TL_M_SETMARKERLT "Create Markers at View Boundary"; IDS_TL_M_SETMARKERCT "Create Marker at Current Frame"; IDS_TL_M_DELALLMARKER "Delete All Markers"; IDS_TL_M_ADDTOLAYER "Add to Layer"; IDS_TL_M_FUNCTIONS "Function"; IDS_TL_M_SOFT "Soft"; IDS_TL_M_LINEAR "Linear"; IDS_TL_M_STEP "Step"; IDS_TL_M_MIRRORX "Mirror X"; IDS_TL_M_MIRRORY "Mirror Y"; IDS_TL_M_SIMPLIFYCUR "Simplify Curve"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWTANG "Show All Tangents"; IDS_TL_M_SNAP "Enable Snap"; IDS_PLUGIN_SEPERATOR "--"; IDS_TL_R_SUBMENU1 "Spline Types"; IDS_TL_R_SUBMENUOBJ1 "Before"; IDS_TL_R_SUBMENUOBJ2 "After"; IDS_TL_M_FCSHOWALL "Show All Tracks"; IDS_TL_M_AUTORELATIVE "Auto Relative"; IDS_TL_M_RESETRELATIVE "Reset Relative"; IDS_TL_M_FUNCTION "Functions"; IDS_TL_M_FORMULA "Formula"; IDS_TL_STATUS_CURRFRAME "Current Frame"; IDS_TL_STATUS_PREVIEW "Preview"; IDS_TL_STATUS_LOOPTIME "Loop Time"; IDS_TL_STATUS_SELECTION "Selection"; IDS_TL_LOOPSHORT "LC"; IDS_UNTRIMMED "Org Time"; IDS_TL_VECTOR "Vector"; IDS_TL_B_KEY "Key/F-Curve/Motion Mode"; IDS_TL_SWITCHFC "F-Curve Mode"; IDS_TL_SWITCHKEY "Key Mode"; IDS_TL_SWITCHMOTION "Motion Mode"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWATIVELAYER "Show Only Active Animation Layer"; IDS_TL_M_LINKSELECTION "Link TL/OM Selection"; IDS_TL_M_CLEANTRACKS "Clean Tracks"; IDS_TL_M_ADDTRACKS "Add Tracks"; IDS_TL_M_ADDPROPERTYTRACKS "Add Property Tracks"; IDS_TL_M_ADDPLUGINTRACKS "Add Special Tracks"; IDS_TL_M_ADDKEYATDLG "Add Key At..."; IDS_TL_M_SETLOOPDLG "Set Loop..."; IDS_TL_M_DIVIDEDLG "Divide..."; IDS_TL_M_DELETEFRAMEDLG "Delete every nth Frame..."; IDS_TL_M_DELETEFROMTODLG "Delete Frames..."; IDS_TL_M_SETPREVFROMTODLG "Set Preview Range..."; IDS_TL_M_SPLINETRACKDLG "Spline to Position Track..."; IDS_TL_M_SIMPLIFYDLG "Simplify..."; IDS_TL_M_FORMULADLG "Formula..."; IDS_TL_M_BAKEDLG "Bake Objects..."; IDS_TL_M_QUANTIZE "Quantize Selection"; IDS_TL_M_DELETEFROMTO "Delete Frames"; IDS_TL_M_SETMARKERSELECTION "Set Marker to Selection"; IDS_TL_M_ICONSIZE1 "Small Icons"; IDS_TL_M_ICONSIZE2 "Medium Icons"; IDS_TL_M_ICONSIZE3 "Large Icons"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWPATH "Show Path Bar"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWSEARCH "Show Search Bar"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWFILTER "Show Filter"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWSOURCE "Show Motion Sources"; IDS_TL_M_SETPATH "Set as Root"; IDS_TL_M_MAINPATH "Goto Main Level"; IDS_TL_M_UPPATH "One Level Up"; IDS_TL_M_BOOKADD "Add Bookmark"; IDS_TL_M_BOOKMAN "Manage Bookmark"; IDS_TL_PATHTEXT "Path"; IDS_TL_M_LINKPREVIEW "Link View with Preview Range"; IDS_TL_M_AUTOMATICMODE "Automatic Mode"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSET "Snap"; IDS_TL_M_ADDKEYAT "Add the Key At"; IDS_TL_M_FRFROMTO "Frame the View From/To"; IDS_TL_M_SELKEYFROMTO "Select the Keys From/To"; IDS_TL_M_LAYERS "Layers"; IDS_TL_SHOW "Show"; IDC_TL_DYNMARKER "Frame Marker"; IDC_TL_ADDTOLAYER "Add to Layer"; IDS_TL_M_BOOKMARKS "Bookmarks"; IDS_TL_M_DELSEARCH "Delete Search"; IDC_TL_DYNSOUND "Sounds"; IDS_TL_ALL "All"; IDS_TL_M_DYNMARKER "Frame Marker"; IDS_TL_M_DYNSOUND "Sounds"; IDS_WORLD_TL_HOOK "Key Interpolation"; IDS_WORLD_TODO_HOOK "To Do"; IDS_TODOTAG "To Do"; IDS_TODO_CUSTOMGUI "ToDo CustomGUI"; IDS_TODO_CUSTOMDATA "ToDo CustomGUIData"; IDS_TODO_FRAME "Frame"; IDS_FROM "Start"; IDS_TO "End"; IDS_OM_FEXISTS "The specified name already exists.|Do you want to overwrite the existing file?"; IDS_TL_M_QUANTIZEINTERACTION "Enable Frame Snapping"; IDS_TL_M_FRFIRSTKEY "Goto First Key/Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_FRLASTKEY "Goto Last Key/Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_FRFIRSTMARKER "Goto First Marker"; IDS_TL_M_FRLASTMARKER "Goto Last Marker"; IDS_TL_M_VELOCITY "Show Velocity"; IDS_DOCUMENT "Project"; IDS_MARKER_HOOK "Marker Hook"; IDS_TL_M_HIDESEL "Hide Selected Elements"; IDS_TL_M_HIDEDESEL "Hide Unselected Elements"; IDS_TL_M_UNHIDEALL "Unhide All"; IDS_TL_M_LINKSM "Link View to Object Manager"; IDS_TL_M_REGCUT "Cut Keys/Motion Clips"; IDS_TL_M_REGPASTE "Paste Keys/Motion Clips"; IDS_TL_M_REGCOPY "Copy Key/Motion Clips"; IDS_TL_M_MUTE "Key Mute"; IDS_TL_M_UNMUTE_OLD "Key Unmute"; IDS_TL_M_REGROLLRIPPLE "Ripple Edit"; IDS_TL_M_CYCLE "Cycle"; IDS_TL_M_CYCLEOFFSET "Cycle with Offset"; IDS_TL_M_CYCLEDLG "Cycle..."; IDS_TL_M_SHOWSOUND "Show Soundwave"; IDS_TL_M_EASEIN "Ease In"; IDS_TL_M_EASYEASE "Ease Ease"; IDS_TL_M_EASEOUT "Ease Out"; IDS_TL_M_UNIFY "Unify"; IDS_TL_M_TRIMBEFORE "Trim Before"; IDS_TL_M_TRIMAFTER "Trim After"; IDS_TL_M_NEWLAYER "Add to New Layer"; IDS_TL_M_TOLERANTSELECTION "Tolerant Selection"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWTRACKVALUES "Show Track Values"; IDS_TL_M_ENABLEPREVIEW "Show Preview Range"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWMINMAX "Show Min/Max Values"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT1ON "View Snapshot 1"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT1MAKE "Create Snapshot 1"; IDS_TL_R_SNASHOT1SWAP "Swap Snapshot 1"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT2ON "View Snapshot 2"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT2MAKE "Create Snapshot 2"; IDS_TL_R_SNASHOT2SWAP "Swap Snapshot 2"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT3ON "View Snapshot 3"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT3MAKE "Create Snapshot 3"; IDS_TL_R_SNASHOT3SWAP "Swap Snapshot 3"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT4ON "View Snapshot 4"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT4MAKE "Create Snapshot 4"; IDS_TL_R_SNASHOT4SWAP "Swap Snapshot 4"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT5ON "View Snapshot 5"; IDS_TL_M_SNAPSHOT5MAKE "Create Snapshot 5"; IDS_TL_R_SNASHOT5SWAP "Swap Snapshot 5"; IDS_TL_M_ARROWLEFT "Move Key/Motion Clip Left"; IDS_TL_M_ARROWRIGHT "Move Key/Motion Clip Right"; IDS_TL_M_NOGRID "No Grid"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWKEYSSELECTED "Show Keys of Selected Curves"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWTANGENTSELECTED "Show Tangents of Selected Keys"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWKEYS "Show All Keys"; IDS_TL_M_MENUSLOPELENGTH "Zero Angle/Length"; IDS_TL_M_MOVESEQCURVE "Move Sequence/Curve"; IDS_TIMETRACK "Time Track"; IDS_DEFAULTTRACK "Track"; IDS_TL_M_RESETBOOKMARK "Default Bookmark"; IDS_TL_M_SOUND2DDLG "2D Sound Rendering..."; IDS_TL_M_SOUND3DDLG "3D Sound Rendering..."; IDS_TL_M_LOCKTIME "Lock Time"; IDS_TL_M_LOCKVALUE "Lock Value"; IDS_TL_M_AUTO "Auto Tangents"; IDS_TL_M_BREAK "Break Tangents"; IDS_TL_M_ZEROLOPE "Zero Angle (Tangent)"; IDS_TL_M_ZEROLENGTH "Zero Length (Tangent)"; IDS_TL_M_LOCKSLOPE "Lock Tangent Angles"; IDS_TL_M_LOCKLENGTH "Lock Tangent Length"; IDS_TL_M_CLAMP "Clamp"; IDS_TL_M_KEYREDUCERDLG "Key Reducer..."; IDS_TL_M_KEYREDUCER "Key Reducer"; IDS_TL_M_HLERESETDLG "Reset RM Curve..."; IDS_TL_M_ADDFROMTO "Insert Frames"; IDS_TL_M_BREAKDOWN "Make Relative"; IDS_TL_M_RBOFF "Off Before"; IDS_TL_M_RBCONSTANT "Constant Before"; IDS_TL_M_RBCONTINUE "Continue Before"; IDS_TL_M_RBREPEAT "Repeat Before"; IDS_TL_M_RBOFFSETREPEAT "Offset Repeat Before"; IDS_TL_M_RBOSCILLATE "Oscillate Before"; IDS_TL_M_RAOFF "Off After"; IDS_TL_M_RACONSTANT "Constant After"; IDS_TL_M_RACONTINUE "Continue After"; IDS_TL_M_RAREPEAT "Repeat After"; IDS_TL_M_RAOFFSETREPEAT "Offset Repeat After"; IDS_TL_M_RAOSCILLATE "Oscillate After"; IDS_TL_M_HLEMODE "Reduced Modification Mode"; IDS_TL_M_HLE_MODNOCURVE "No Curve Edit"; IDS_TL_M_HLE_CURVE "Curve"; IDS_TL_M_HLE_MOVE "Move"; IDS_TL_M_HLE_SCALE "Scale"; IDS_TL_M_HLE_RESET "Reset RM Curve"; IDS_TL_M_DELREGION "Delete all Regions"; IDS_TL_M_MOVESCALEDLG "Move/Scale..."; IDS_TL_M_MOVESCALE "Move/Scale"; IDS_TL_M_PREPOSTON "Show Before/After Curve"; IDS_TL_M_BAKECLIPS "Bake Clips"; IDS_TL_M_CONVLAYERTOKEY "Convert Layer to Keyframe Animation"; IDS_TL_M_SETCONSTANT "Set Constant Velocity"; IDS_TL_M_DELCONSTANT "Reset Constant Velocity"; IDS_TL_M_UNIFYTANGENT_L "Unify Tangent Length"; IDS_TL_M_UNIFYTANGENT_A "Unify Tangent Angle"; IDS_TL_M_KEEPANGLE "Keep Visual Angle"; IDS_TL_M_NEWCLIP "Add Motion Clip with Animation"; IDS_TL_M_NEWEMPTYLAYER "Add Motion Layer"; IDS_TL_M_NEWMOTIONLAYER "Add Motion Layer with Animation"; IDS_TL_M_CONVERTTOCLIP "Convert to Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_NEWEMPTYCLIP "Add Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_CONVERTTOSOURCE "Convert to Motion Source"; IDS_TL_M_MOTIONINTL "Show in Key Mode"; IDS_TL_M_MOTIONINFC "Show in F-Curve Mode"; IDS_TL_M_MAKETRANSITION "Make Transition"; IDS_TL_M_MAKECUTCONNECT "Cut/Connect"; IDS_TL_M_MAKECOMPOUND "Add Compound Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWCOMPOUND "Show Compound Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_MOTIONMOVEKEY "Move Keys with Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_MTREMOVEMC "Remove Motion Clips after Compound Creation"; IDS_TL_M_CREATECLIP "Add Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_MOTIONVIEW "Config Motion View"; IDS_TL_M_MTTLMOTION "Add Motion"; IDS_TL_M_MTTLNEWSOURCE "Add Motion Source"; IDS_TL_M_CLIPTOSOURCE "Convert Motion Clip to Motion Source"; IDS_TL_M_CONVTOCLIPLAYER "Convert to Motion Clip"; IDS_TL_M_FCINTERACTIONINLAYER "F-Curve Interaction in Motion Layer"; IDS_TL_M_SHOWANIMATIONLAYER "Show Animation Layer"; IDS_TL_M_NEWCLIPDLG "Add Motion Clip at...."; IDS_TL_M_MOTIONVIEWDLG "Motion View..."; IDS_MT_COPYSOURCEDLG "Copy Motion Source..."; IDS_MT_ADDPICTURE "Add Picture to Motion Source"; IDS_MT_MAKEANILAYERREL "Add Relative Animation Layer"; IDS_MT_MAKEANILAYERABS "Add Absolute Animation Layer"; IDS_MT_SOURCEFROMTODLG "Add Motion Clip..."; IDS_TL_M_ADDFROMTODLG "Insert Frames..."; IDS_TL_M_ASCII "ASCII Animation Import..."; IDS_PLUGIN_DESCR "Import ASCII files into the timeline"; IDS_HEADLINE "File"; IDS_FINISHED "Import was sucessful."; IDS_INFO1 "Too many characters in the special character field."; IDS_INFO2 "Wrong file format"; IDS_INFO3 "Problems: line:"; IDS_INFO4 "value:"; IDS_INFO5 "To many values in line"; IDS_INFO6 "Not enough values in line"; IDS_MT_STR_ACTIVE "Active"; IDS_MT_STR_MIXING "Mixing"; IDS_MT_STR_ADDITATIV "Relative"; IDS_MT_STR_OVERWRITE "Absolute"; IDS_MT_STR_DEFAULT "Default Layer "; IDS_MT_PRESET "Motion Source Preset"; IDS_PV_PRESET "Filter Preset"; IDS_PRESET_EXISTS "# already exists. Overwrite?"; //Cathleen end // PowerSlider IDS_PSLIDER_MANAGER "Time Scrollbar"; IDS_PSLIDER_OPTIONS "Options"; IDS_PSLIDER_EDIT "Edit"; IDS_PSLIDER_CUT "Cut"; IDS_PSLIDER_KILLMARKERS "Delete Markers"; IDS_PSLIDER_COPY "Copy"; IDS_PSLIDER_PASTE "Paste"; IDS_PSLIDER_PASTEINPLACE "Paste In Place"; IDS_PSLIDER_DELETE "Delete"; IDS_PSLIDER_REVERSE "Reverse Sequence"; IDS_PSLIDER_SELALL "Select All"; IDS_PSLIDER_SELNONE "Deselect All"; IDS_PSLIDER_UNLINKTIME "Unlink Time"; IDS_PSLIDER_USEFRAMES "Use Time Format"; IDS_PSLIDER_RIPPLE "Ripple Edit"; IDS_PSLIDER_SHOWSOUND "Show Soundwave"; IDS_PSLIDER_SPLITOFF "No Split"; IDS_PSLIDER_SPLITKEYS "Split PSR Keys"; IDS_PSLIDER_SPLITVECTOR "Split Vector Keys"; IDS_PSLIDER_INACTIVE "Show Inactive Keys"; IDS_PSLIDER_TRIMTOSEQ "Trim to Work Area"; IDS_PSLIDER_EXPANDTODOC "Expand to Full Time"; IDS_PSLIDER_QUANTIZE "Quantize"; IDS_PSLIDER_SHIFTLEFT "Shift Left"; IDS_PSLIDER_SHIFTRIGHT "Shift Right"; IDS_PSLIDER_FILL "Fill"; IDS_PSLIDER_POPUP "Time Scrollbar Popup"; IDS_PSLIDER_ADVANCED "Advanced Mode"; IDS_PSLIDER_SOUNDMENU "Sounds"; // PowerSlider IDS_SB_REMOVEPARENT "Delete Without Children"; IDH_SB_REMOVEPARENT "Delete Without Children"; IDS_OBJECTMANAGER_TIT "Objects"; IDS_LAYERMANAGER_TIT "Layers"; IDS_TL_M_SPLINETYPE "Spline"; IDS_TL_HELP_NEWKEY "Create New Key"; IDS_TL_HELP_REMOVE "Delete unused Tracks"; IDS_TL_HELP_SPLINETYPE "Set the key type to spline"; IDS_TL_HELP_REGIONTOOL "Activate the Region tool (CTRL: region copy/region deselection, SHIFT: Create several regions/Move Region without keys, ALT: move all regions) "; IDS_TL_HELP_REGROLLRIPPLE "Activate the Ripple Tool"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELETE "Delete Tracks/Keys/Layer/Clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_PREFS "Open the Timeline Preference Dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_REGCUT "Cut all selected keys/clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_REGPASTE "Paste keys/clips at the selected tracks/layer"; IDS_TL_HELP_REGCOPY "Copy all selected keys/clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_SELALLOBJ "Select all objects"; IDS_TL_HELP_SELALLELEMENTS "Select all keys/clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_INVERTSELOBJ "Invert object selection"; IDS_TL_HELP_INVERTSELELEMENTS "Invert key/clip selection"; IDS_TL_HELP_SELKEYFROMTO "Select keys/clips from/to"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRACTIVEFRAME "Frame the view to the current time"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRSEL "Frame the view to all selected keys/clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRSTART "Frame the view to the Project Start"; IDS_TL_HELP_FREND "Frame the view to the Project End"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRGLOBALTIME "Frame the view to the Project Settings"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRMARKER "Frame the view to the selected marker"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRRIGHTMAR "Frame the view to the next marker"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRLEFTMAR "Frame the view to the previous marker"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRNEXTKEY "Frame the view to the next key/motion clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRPREVKEY "Frame the view to the previous key/motion clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRFIRSTKEY "Frame the view to the first key/motion clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRLASTKEY "Frame the view to the last key/motion clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRPREVIEW "Frame the view to the preview range"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETPREVSEL "Set the preview range to the current selection range"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETPREVFT "Set the preview range"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETPREVLT "Set the preview range to the view range"; IDS_TL_HELP_FIT "Frame all"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRFROMTO "Frame the view from/to"; IDS_TL_HELP_ANIMATEDONLY "Shows only animated elements"; IDS_TL_HELP_LINKPREVIEW "Link the view to the preview range"; IDS_TL_HELP_AUTOMATICMODE "Shows automatically all project elements"; IDS_TL_HELP_ICONSIZE1 "Define Icon Size 1"; IDS_TL_HELP_ICONSIZE2 "Define Icon Size 2"; IDS_TL_HELP_ICONSIZE3 "Define Icon Size 3"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWPATH "Display the path bar"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETPATH "Set the Timeline Path (Display Entry Point)"; IDS_TL_HELP_MAINPATH "Set the Timeline Path to the project level"; IDS_TL_HELP_UPPATH "Set the Timeline Path on element up"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWSEARCH "Display the search bar"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWFILTER "Display the Filter Manager"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWANIMATIONLAYER "Display the Animationlayer in the Motion Modus"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWSOURCE "Display the Motion Source Manager"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELSEARCH "Clean the search entry"; IDS_TL_HELP_TOLERANTSELECTION "Enable/Disable tolerant selection"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWTRACKVALUES "Display the track values in the object area"; IDS_TL_HELP_ENABLEPREVIEW "Enable/Disable the preview"; IDS_TL_HELP_LINKSM "Link Timeline display with the Object Manager"; IDS_TL_HELP_HIDESEL "Hide all selected tracks/layer"; IDS_TL_HELP_HIDEDESEL "Hide all deselected tracks/layer"; IDS_TL_HELP_UNHIDEALL "Unhide all"; IDS_TL_HELP_REMOVESELOBJ "Remove selected objects in individual mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_REMOVEALLOBJ "Remove all objects in individual mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_FOLDALL "Fold all elements"; IDS_TL_HELP_UNFOLDALL "Unfold all elements"; IDS_TL_HELP_BAKEOBJ "Bake the selected objects"; IDS_TL_HELP_TRACKSPLINE "Convert animation path to spline"; IDS_TL_HELP_SPLINETRACK "Convert spline to animation path"; IDS_TL_HELP_BAKE "Bake"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELETEFRAME "Delete every nth frame"; IDS_TL_HELP_QUANTIZE "Quantize the selected track"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELETEFROMTO "Delete a frame range"; IDS_TL_HELP_TRIMBEFORE "Delete all keys/clips before the current time"; IDS_TL_HELP_TRIMAFTER "Delete all keys/clips after the current time"; IDS_TL_HELP_ADDKEYAT "Add key at the given time"; IDS_TL_HELP_MUTE "Mute the selected keys"; IDS_TL_HELP_UNMUTE_OLD ""; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAP "Enable the snap settings"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSET "Set the snap settings"; IDS_TL_HELP_QUANTIZEINTERACTION "Quantize all timeline interactions (e.g Move)"; IDS_TL_HELP_GRID1 "Display fine grid settings"; IDS_TL_HELP_GRID2 "Display middle grid settings"; IDS_TL_HELP_GRID3 "Display per second grid"; IDS_TL_HELP_GRID4_OLD ""; IDS_TL_HELP_GRIDSUB "Display sub frame grid"; IDS_TL_HELP_NOGRID "Display no grid"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWMINMAX "Display the Min/Max Values in the F-Curves"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWSOUND "Displays the soundwave in the F-Curve mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_VELOCITY "Show velocity in F-Curve mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_AUTORELATIVE "Set all selected curves to auto relative"; IDS_TL_HELP_RESETRELATIVE "Reset all selected curves from auto relative"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWKEYSSELECTED "Display keys of selected curves"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWTANGENTSELECTED "Display tangents of selected keys"; IDS_TL_HELP_FCSHOWALL "Show all tracks in F-Curve mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWKEYS "Show all keys"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOVESEQCURVE "Move the sequence in key mode and the curve in F-Curve mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_FUNCTIONS "Set the selected tracks to function"; IDS_TL_HELP_SOFT "Set the selected keys to soft interpolation type"; IDS_TL_HELP_LINEAR "Set the selected keys to linear interpolation"; IDS_TL_HELP_STEP "Set the selected keys to step interpolation"; IDS_TL_HELP_EASEIN "Set the selected keys to easein interpolation type"; IDS_TL_HELP_EASYEASE "Set the selected keys to easyease interpolation type"; IDS_TL_HELP_EASEOUT "Set the selected keys to easeout interpolation type"; IDS_TL_HELP_MIRRORX "Mirror the selected keys/curve in X direction"; IDS_TL_HELP_MIRRORY "Mirror the selected keys/curve in Y direction"; IDS_TL_HELP_SIMPLIFYCUR "Simplify the selected curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWTANG "Show all tangents in FCmode"; IDS_TL_HELP_MENUSLOPELENGTH "Set the selected keys to zero angle/length"; IDS_TL_HELP_AUTO "Set the selected keys to auto tangents"; IDS_TL_HELP_BREAK "Set the selected keys to break tangents"; IDS_TL_HELP_LOCKTIME "Set the selected keys to locked time"; IDS_TL_HELP_LOCKVALUE "Set the selected keys to locked value"; IDS_TL_HELP_ZEROLOPE "Set the selected keys tangents to zero angle"; IDS_TL_HELP_ZEROLENGTH "Set the selected keys tangents to zero length"; IDS_TL_HELP_LOCKSLOPE "Set the selected keys tangents to locked angle"; IDS_TL_HELP_LOCKLENGTH "Set the selected keys tangents to locked length"; IDS_TL_HELP_CLAMP "Set the selected keys to clamp"; IDS_TL_HELP_FORMULA "Set the selected tracks/curves to formula"; IDS_TL_HELP_RIDGE "Set the selected tracks/curves to ridge"; IDS_TL_HELP_RAMPUP "Set the selected tracks/curves to ramp up"; IDS_TL_HELP_RAMPDOWN "Set the selected tracks/curves to ramp down"; IDS_TL_HELP_CYCLE "Set the selected tracks/curves to cylce"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT1ON "Enable snapshot 1"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT1MAKE "Create snapshot 1 from current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNASHOT1SWAP "Swap snapshot 1 with current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_NEWLAYER "Create a new Motion Layer."; IDS_TL_HELP_REMOVEFROMLAYER "Remove the element from the Motion Layer"; IDS_TL_HELP_RESETBOOKMARK "Reset all settings to the default bookmark"; IDS_TL_HELP_BOOKADD "Add a bookmark with the current settings"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETMARKERLT "Add markers at begin/end of visible range"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETMARKERCT "Add marker at current time"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELALLMARKER "Delete all markers"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETMARKERSELECTION "Set the marker to the selection time"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRFIRSTMARKER "Frame the first marker"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRLASTMARKER "Frame the last marker"; //Button IDs IDS_TL_HELP_KEY "Change Key/F-Curve/Motion mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_UNIFY "Set the selected keys to unify"; IDS_TL_HELP_KEYREDUCER "Reduce keys of selected tracks/curves"; IDS_TL_HELP_LINKSELECTION "Link selection of Timeline and Object Manager"; IDS_TL_HELP_CLEANTRACKS "Remove redundant keys"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT2ON "Enable snapshot 2"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT3ON "Enable snapshot 3"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT4ON "Enable snapshot 4"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT5ON "Enable snapshot 5"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT2MAKE "Create snapshot 2 from current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT3MAKE "Create snapshot 3 from current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT4MAKE "Create snapshot 4 from current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSHOT5MAKE "Create snapshot 5 from current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNASHOT2SWAP "Swap snapshot 2 with current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNASHOT3SWAP "Swap snapshot 3 with current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNASHOT4SWAP "Swap snapshot 4 with current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNASHOT5SWAP "Swap snapshot 5 with current curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_ADDFROMTO "Insert frames from/to"; IDS_TL_HELP_BREAKDOWN "Set the selected keys to relative"; IDS_TL_HELP_RBOFF "Set the track before setting to off"; IDS_TL_HELP_RBCONSTANT "Set the track before setting to constant"; IDS_TL_HELP_RBCONTINUE "Set the track before setting to continue"; IDS_TL_HELP_RBREPEAT "Set the track before setting to repeat"; IDS_TL_HELP_RBOFFSETREPEAT "Set the track before setting to offset repeat"; IDS_TL_HELP_RBOSCILLATE "Set the track before setting to oscillate"; IDS_TL_HELP_RAOFF "Set the track after setting to off"; IDS_TL_HELP_RACONSTANT "Set the track after setting to constant"; IDS_TL_HELP_RACONTINUE "Set the track after setting to continue"; IDS_TL_HELP_RAREPEAT "Set the track after setting to repeat"; IDS_TL_HELP_RAOFFSETREPEAT "Set the track after setting to offset repeat"; IDS_TL_HELP_RAOSCILLATE "Set the track after setting to oscillate"; IDS_TL_HELP_HLEMODE "Enable the reduced modification curve (RMC) mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_HLE_MODNOCURVE "Modify on the RMC curve and not the original curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_HLE_CURVE "Display the RMC curve calculated from the original curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_HLE_MOVE "Display the RMC move curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_HLE_SCALE "Display the RMC scale curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_HLE_RESET "Reset the selected RMC curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_PREPOSTON "Display the before/after curve"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOVESCALE "Move/Scale the selected keys"; IDS_TL_HELP_ARROWLEFT "With the left arrow all selected keys are moved one frame to the left"; IDS_TL_HELP_ARROWRIGHT "With the right arrow all selected keys are moved one frame to the right"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELREGION "Delete all regions in region mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_NEWCLIP "Create new motion clip with motion source"; IDS_TL_HELP_NEWEMPTYLAYER "Create new motion layer"; IDS_TL_HELP_NEWMOTIONLAYER "Create new motion layer with motion source"; IDS_TL_HELP_NEWEMPTYCLIP "Create new motion clip"; IDS_TL_HELP_CONVERTTOSOURCE "Convert clips to new source"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOTIONINTL "Show motion in key view"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOTIONINFC "Show motion in F-Curve view"; IDS_TL_HELP_MAKETRANSITION "Create transition between 2 mclips in the layer track"; IDS_TL_HELP_MAKECUTCONNECT "Cut/Connect/Trim motion clips (SHIFT: Trim Before, CTRL: Trim After)"; IDS_TL_HELP_MAKECOMPOUND "Create compound clip of the selected mclips"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWCOMPOUND "Show compound clip in motion view"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOTIONMOVEKEY "Move keys in layer track with clip move"; IDS_TL_HELP_MTREMOVEMC "Remove original clips after compound clip creation"; IDS_TL_HELP_CREATECLIP "Create new mclip"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOTIONVIEW "Display the motion mode settings"; IDS_TL_HELP_MTTLMOTION "Create new motion depending on the timeline selection"; IDS_TL_HELP_MTTLNEWSOURCE "Create new source depending on the timeline selection"; IDS_TL_HELP_CLIPTOSOURCE "Convert new motion source from selected motion clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_SWITCHFC "Switch to FCuve mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_SWITCHKEY "Switch to Key mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_CONVTOCLIPLAYER "Convert to motion clip"; IDS_TL_HELP_SWITCHMOTION "Switch to Motion mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_SHOWATIVELAYER "Show the active Layer in the Timeline"; IDS_TL_HELP_FCINTERACTIONINLAYER "F-Curve Interaction in Motion Mode"; IDS_TL_HELP_HIDEANIMATIONLAYER "Hide the animation layer"; IDS_TL_HELP_SNAPSETDLG "Open the snap settings dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_SELKEYFROMTODLG "Open the select keys from/to dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_FRFROMTODLG "Open the frame from/to dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_ADDKEYATDLG "Open the add key dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELETEFRAMEDLG "Open the delete every nth frame dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELETEFROMTODLG "Open the delete from/to dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETPREVFROMTODLG "Open the set preview dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_ADDFROMTODLG "Open the add frame from/to dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_SIMPLIFYDLG "Open the simplify dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_FORMULADLG "Open the formula dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_CYCLEDLG "Open the cycle dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_SOUND2DDLG "Open the sound 2D rendering dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_SOUND3DDLG "Open the sound 3D rendering dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_KEYREDUCERDLG "Open the keyreducer dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_HLERESETDLG "Open the reset RMC dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOVESCALEDLG "Open the move/scale dialog"; IDS_FILTER_SELECT "Select all '#'"; IDS_FILTER_DESELECT "Deselect all '#'"; IDS_TL_HELP_BAKECLIPS "Bake Clips"; IDS_TL_HELP_CONVLAYERTOKEY "Convert Layer to Keyframes"; IDS_TL_HELP_SETCONSTANT "Set the track to constant velocity"; IDS_TL_HELP_DELCONSTANT "Delete the constant velocity on a track"; IDS_TL_HELP_UNIFYTANGENT_L "Unifys the tangent length of the selected keys"; IDS_TL_HELP_UNIFYTANGENT_A "Unifys the tangent angle of the selected keys"; IDS_TL_HELP_KEEPANGLE "Keeps the visual angle between broken tangents"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOTIONFROMTODLG "Open the create motion source from/to dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_NEWCLIPDLG "Open the create motion clip dialog"; IDS_TL_HELP_MOTIONVIEWDLG "Open the motion mode settings"; //NLA begin IDS_MT_SAVEALLSOURCE "Save All Motion Sources As..."; IDS_MT_SAVESOURCE "Save Motion Source As..."; IDS_MT_LOADSOURCE "Load Motion Source..."; IDS_MT_RESETSOURCE "Reset Motion Source Length"; IDS_MT_MAKE "Create Motion"; IDS_MT_OPTIMIZE "Clean Motion Source"; IDS_MT_OPENBROWSER "Open Motion Source Preset..."; IDS_MT_SAVEBROWSER "Save Motion Source Preset..."; IDS_MT_MAKEMOTIONLAYER "Add Empty Motion Layer"; IDS_MT_GROUP "Group Motion Source"; IDS_MT_UNGROUP "Ungroup Motion Source"; IDS_MT_TAG "Motion System"; IDS_MT_LAYER "Motion Layer"; IDS_MT_LAYERANIM "Animation Layer"; IDS_MT_CLIP "Motion Clip"; IDS_MT_SOURCESTRUCT "Motion Source Group"; IDS_MT_CLIPNAME "Motion Clip"; IDS_MT_SOURCENAME1 "s"; IDS_MT_SOURCENAME2 "Motion Source"; IDS_MT_SOURCENAMECOPY "Copy"; IDS_MT_LAYERNAME "Layer"; IDS_MT_NOSOURCE "No Motion Source"; IDS_MT_COMPOUND "Compound Clip"; IDS_MT_SOURCECUSTOMGUI "Motion Source Custom Gui"; IDS_MT_SOURCECUSTOMDATA "Motion Source Custom Data"; IDS_MT_BITMAPARRAYDATA "Bitmap Array Data"; IDS_MT_BITMAPARRAYRENDERDATA "Motion Source Render Data"; IDS_MT_DISABLEMOTION "Use Motion System"; IDS_MT_DELETEUNUSED "Delete Unused Motion Sources"; IDS_MT_MAKESOURCE "Store Animation in Source"; IDS_MT_COPYSOURCE "Copy Motion Source"; IDS_SOURCEMAN "Motion Sources"; IDS_HELP_DISABLEMOTION "Disable the motion system"; IDS_HELP_MAKE "Create new motion depending on the OM selection"; IDS_HELP_MAKESOURCE "Create new source depending on the OM selection"; IDS_HELP_OPTIMIZE "Optimize all motion source"; IDS_HELP_DELETEUNUSED "Delete all unused motion sources in project"; IDS_HELP_COPYSOURCE "Copy the selected motion source"; IDS_HELP_SOURCEFROMTODLG "Open the motion source dialog and create new source depending on the OM selection"; IDS_HELP_COPYSOURCEDLG "Copy the selected motion source"; IDS_HELP_ADDPICTURE "Add a self defined picture to the motion source"; IDS_HELP_MAKEANILAYERREL "Create Relative Animation Layer"; IDS_HELP_MAKEANILAYERABS "Create Absoulte Animation Layer"; IDS_HELP_MAKEMOTIONLAYER "Create a Motion Layer"; IDS_HELP_LOADSOURCE "Load motion source in source manager"; IDS_HELP_SAVESOURCE "Save motion source in source manager"; IDS_HELP_SAVEALLSOURCE "Save all sources from Project"; IDS_HELP_GROUP "Create a group from the selected motion source"; IDS_HELP_UNGROUP "Ungroup the selected motion source"; IDS_HELP_SOUND2DDLG "Open the 2D Sound Rendering Dialog."; IDS_HELP_SOUND3DDLG "Open the 3D Sound Rendering Dialog."; IDS_HELP_SNAPSETDLG "Open the Snap Settings dilaog to define your snap properties."; IDS_HELP_SELKEYFROMTODLG "Open the Select Keys dialog and select the keys of the selected tracks."; IDS_HELP_FRFROMTODLG "Open the Frame from/to dialog and frame the current TL view."; IDS_HELP_ADDKEYATDLG "Open the Add Key dialog and add keys to the selected tracks."; IDS_HELP_DELETEFRAMEDLG "Open the Delete every nth Frame dialog and every nth frame in the selected tracks."; IDS_HELP_DELETEFROMTODLG "Open the Delete from to dialog and delete the defined range."; IDS_HELP_SETPREVFROMTODLG "Open the Set Preview dialog and defines the preview range."; IDS_HELP_ADDFROMTODLG "Open the Add from/to dialog to insert empty frames."; IDS_HELP_SIMPLIFYDLG "Open the Simplify dialog and simplifies the selected cuves."; IDS_HELP_FORMULADLG "Open the Formula dialog and set the curve of kthe selected tracks depending on the formula."; IDS_HELP_CYCLEDLG "Open the Cycle dialog and clyle the selected keys."; IDS_HELP_KEYREDUCERDLG "Open the Keyreducer and reduce keys of the selected tracks."; IDS_HELP_HLERESETDLG "Open the Reset HLE dilaog to reset the selected hle cuves."; IDS_HELP_MOVESCALEDLG "Open the Move Scale dialog and move/scale all selected keys."; IDS_HELP_MOTIONFROMTODLG "Open the Create Motion dialog and and add a motions to the first selected element in the TL."; IDS_HELP_NEWCLIPDLG "Open the New Clip dialog and add new clips to all selecgted layers in the TL."; IDS_HELP_MOTIONVIEWDLG "Open the Motion View dialog for define the Motion view properties."; IDS_HELP_BAKEDLG "Open the Bake dialog and bake all selected objects in the TL."; IDS_HELP_RESETSOURCE "Reset motion source Length"; IDS_DELTA "\u0394"; IDS_FC "F-Curve Mode"; IDS_KEY "Key Mode"; IDS_MOTION "Motion Mode"; IDS_MT_SOURCE_SOURCENAME "Name"; IDS_MT_SOURCE_SOURCEPIC "Picture"; IDS_MT_SOURCE_SOURCESTART "Start"; IDS_MT_SOURCE_SOURCEEND "End"; IDS_MT_SOURCE_SOURCELENGTH "Length"; //NLA end IDS_NEWTL_M_FILE "Create"; IDS_NEWTL_M_EDIT "Edit"; IDS_NEWTL_M_SELECTION "Selection"; IDS_NEWTL_M_LAYER "Layer"; IDS_NEWTL_M_MARKER "Marker"; IDS_NEWTL_M_VIEW "View"; IDS_NEWTL_M_PREVIEW "Preview"; IDS_NEWTL_M_ICONSIZE "Icon Size"; IDS_NEWTL_M_FRAMEVIEW "Frame"; IDS_NEWTL_M_FRKEY "Frame Key"; IDS_NEWTL_M_FRMARKER "Frame Marker"; IDS_NEWTL_M_OBJECTSTRACKS "Functions"; IDS_NEWTL_M_OBJECTS "Objects"; IDS_NEWTL_M_CURVES "F-Curve"; IDS_NEWTL_M_PLAYBACK "Playback"; IDS_NEWTL_M_GRID "Grid"; IDS_NEWTL_M_KEY "Key"; IDS_NEWTL_M_FUNCTIONS "Shapes"; IDS_NEWTL_M_KEYSTTINGS "Key Settings"; IDS_NEWTL_M_KEYINTERPOLATION "Key Interpolation"; IDS_NEWTL_M_KEYINTERSPLINE "Spline Types"; IDS_NEWTL_M_LOOP "Loop"; IDS_NEWTL_M_BOOKMARK "Bookmarks"; IDS_NEWTL_M_MOTION "Motion System"; IDS_NEWTL_M_SNAPSHOTSWAP "Swap Snapshot"; IDS_NEWTL_M_SNAPSHOTMAKE "Make Snapshot"; IDS_NEWTL_M_SNAPSHOTON "View Snapshot"; IDS_NEWTL_M_AFTER "Track After"; IDS_NEWTL_M_BEFORE "Track Before"; IDS_NEWTL_M_HLECURVEMODE "Reduced Modification Type"; IDS_NEWTL_M_SHOWMENU "Show"; IDS_NEWTL_M_HIDEMENU "Hide"; IDS_NEWTL_M_LINK "Link"; IDS_NEWTL_M_BAR "Bars"; IDS_NEWTL_M_ADD "Add"; //ProjectionMan begin IDS_PROJECTIONLAYER "Projection Layer"; IDS_PM_FILENOTFOUND "Cannot find file '#'"; IDS_PM_SAVEFAIL "Projection Man was unable to save file:||#"; IDS_PM_IMAGEHOVER_FILENOTFOUND "File not found"; IDS_PM_IMAGEHOVER_MEMORYONLY "In Memory"; IDS_PM_UNASSIGNEDOBJECTS "Unassigned Objects"; IDS_PM_ANYCHANNEL "Any Channel"; IDS_PM_LINKCAMERATOVIEW "Link Camera to Active View"; IDS_PM_RENAMECAMERA "Rename Camera"; IDS_PM_UNPROTECTCAMERA "Un-Protect Camera"; IDS_PM_PROTECTCAMERA "Protect Camera"; IDS_PM_DUPLICATECAMERA "Duplicate Camera"; IDS_PM_PROTECTIONTESTEDITOR "Projection Test Render (Editor)..."; IDS_PM_PROTECTIONTESTFILE "Projection Test Render..."; IDS_PM_COVERAGERENDEREDITOR "Coverage Render (Editor)..."; IDS_PM_COVERAGERENDERFILE "Coverage Render..."; IDS_PM_NEWCAMERA "New Projection Camera "; IDS_PM_IMAGE_FROM_FILE "Load Bitmap..."; IDS_PM_IMAGE_FROM_INMEMORY "Existing Bitmaps"; IDS_PM_IMAGE_FROM_COVERAGERENDER "Coverage Render..."; IDS_PM_IMAGE_FROM_NEW "New Bitmap..."; IDS_PM_USE_IMAGEALPHA "Use Image Alpha"; IDS_PM_REMOVE "Remove"; IDS_PM_NOIMAGE "<>"; IDS_PM_TITLE "Projection Man..."; IDS_PM_DLGTITLE "Projection Man"; IDS_PROJECTIONMAN_TOPHOTOSHOP "To Photoshop"; IDS_PROJECTIONMAN_BAKE "Bake"; IDS_PROJECTIONMAN_TOBP "To BodyPaint 3D"; IDS_PM_NAME "Name"; IDS_PM_PMAT "PMat"; IDS_PM_CHOOSE "Choose Layerset: "; IDS_PM_SELECTOBJECT "Please Select at least one object!"; IDS_PM_ALLOBJECTS "All Objects"; IDS_PM_SELECTIMAGE "Please Select an image"; IDS_PM_CAM "PCam"; IDS_PM_DELETE "The material '#' is no longer assigned to any object||Do you want to delete it?"; IDS_PM_TESTRENDER "Select Filename for test render"; IDS_PM_INHERITEDGROUP "Inheriting Objects"; IDS_PM_LAYERVIS_TO_SEL "Layer Selection from Texure Layer Visibility"; IDS_PM_LAYERVIS_FROM_SEL "Layer Selection to Texture Layer Visibility"; IDS_PM_EDIT_LAYERSET "Edit Layerset..."; IDS_PM_CLEARCHANNEL "Clear Channel"; IDS_PM_CHANNELPAINENABLE "Enable 3D Paint"; IDS_PM_CHANNELPAINTDISABLE "Disable 3D Paint"; IDS_PM_MATPAINTENABLE "Enable 3D Paint"; IDS_PM_MATPAINTDISABLE "Disable 3D Paint"; IDS_PM_MMODE "Mode"; IDS_PM_MMODE_PS "Photoshop"; IDS_PM_MMODE_BP "BodyPaint 3D"; IDS_PMPREFSDIALOG "Projection Man"; IDS_PM_OPENINPS "Open in Photoshop..."; IDS_PM_OPENINBP "Open in BodyPaint 3D..."; IDS_PM_RELOAD_BITMAP "Reload Bitmap"; IDS_PM_CLOSE_BITMAP "Close Bitmap"; IDS_PM_RESOLUTIONGROUP "Image Format"; IDS_PM_FILENAME "Filename"; IDS_PM_DOTS "..."; IDS_PM_WIDTH "Width"; IDS_PM_HEIGHT "Height"; IDS_PM_OVERWRITE "'#' already exists and will be overwritten!"; IDS_PM_OVERWRITE_INMEM "An image with the name '#' is loaded and will be replaced!"; IDS_PM_CONTINUE "Do you want to continue?"; IDS_PM_NOPHOTOSHOP "Warning: Photoshop executable '#' not found|Please adjust your preferences."; IDS_PM_ASSIGN "Do you want to assign the same Layer Set to each object?||YES - All objects get the same Layer Set|NO - All objects get a different Layer Set"; IDS_PM_ASSIGN2 "Do you want to assign the same Material to each object?||YES - All objects get the same Material|NO - All objects get a different Material"; IDS_PM_PSPATH_DEFAULT_WIN "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Photoshop.exe"; IDS_PM_PSPATH_DEFAULT_LINUX ""; IDS_PM_PSPATH_DEFAULT_MAC "Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe Photoshop CS2.app"; IDS_PM_MENU1 "General"; IDS_PM_MENU2 "Camera"; IDS_PM_MENU3 "Edit"; //ProjectionMan end //Picture Viewer begin IDS_PV_TITLE "Picture Viewer"; IDS_PV_MOVIEFORMAT "Movie"; IDS_PV_FROMCACHE "From Cache"; IDS_PV_COPY "Copy"; IDS_PV_LOADERROR "Unable to open file|#"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_DIALOGNEW "Picture Viewer..."; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_DIALOGNEW "Opens a New Picture Viewer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_DIALOG "Picture Viewer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FOLDER_NODE "Folder"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PIC_NODE "Image"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTER "Color Correction"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SAVE "Save as ..."; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SAVE "Save Images..."; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_OPEN "Open..."; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_OPEN "Open An Image"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STOP "Stop Rendering..."; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_STOP "Stops the Renderer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SMALL_ICONS "Small Icons"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SMALL_ICONS "Use Small Icons"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_MEDIUM_ICONS "Medium Icons"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_MEDIUM_ICONS "Use Medium Icons"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_LARGE_ICONS "Large Icons"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_LARGE_ICONS "Use Large Icons"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RENDER_OUTPUT "Render Output"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_RENDER_OUTPUT "Renders are sent to this Dialog"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CLEAR "Remove Image"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CLEAR "Remove the Active Image from the History"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CLEARALL "Remove All Images"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CLEARALL "Remove All Images from the History"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_REMOVEUNSAVED "Clear Hard Disk Cache"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_REMOVEUNSAVED "Clean up the Hard Disk Cache"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_AB "AB Compare"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_AB "Toggle AB Compare"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SWAP "Swap AB"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SWAP "Swaps AB Image Links"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SWAPVH "Swap Vert./Horiz."; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SWAPVH "Swaps between Vertical and Horizontal Compare"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SHLINE "Show Line"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SHLINE "Shows the Compare Line"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SYNC "Sync AB Animation"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SYNC "Syncronizes the AB Animation"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SHTEXT "Show Text"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SHTEXT "Shows the AB Image Names"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SET_A "Set as A"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SET_A "Sets The A Image"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SET_B "Set as B"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_SET_B "Sets The B Image"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_ANIM_A "Animate Second "; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_ANIM_A "Animate The Second Component"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_DIFFERENCE "Difference"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COMPARE_DIFFERENCE "Show the difference between A and B"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_NETLOG "Show Team Render Log"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_NETLOG "Shows the Team Render Log"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SETPREVSTART "Set as Preview Start"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SETPREVSTART "Defines the Preview Start range depending on the current time"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SETPREVEND "Set as Preview End"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SETPREVEND "Defines the Preview End range depending on the current time"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PVDOCACHE "Fill Cache"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PVDOCACHE "Cache maximum number of frames"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_START "Goto Preview Start"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_START "Goto Start of the Preview Area"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_PREV "Goto Previous Image"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_PREV "Goto Previous Image"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAY_BACKWARDS "Play Backwards"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAY_BACKWARDS "Play Backwards"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAY_STOP "Play Stop"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAY_STOP "Play Stop"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAY_FORWARDS "Play Forwards"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAY_FORWARDS "Play Forwards"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_NEXT "Goto Next Image"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_NEXT "Goto Next Image"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_END "Goto Preview End"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_GOTO_END "Goto the End of the Preview Area"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RUN "Run from Start"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_RUN "Run The Sequence from Start"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_LINK_TIME "Link Time"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_LINK_TIME "Links Project Time to Realtime Player Time"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PINGPONG "PingPong"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PINGPONG "PingPong The Ramplayer Timeline"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CYCLE "Cycle"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CYCLE "Cycle The Ramplayer Timeline"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SIMPLE "Simple"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SIMPLE "Simple Play The Ramplayer Timeline"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWEXPLORER "Show File in Explorer/Finder"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWEXPLORER "Show File in Explorer/Finder"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWBP "Show in BodyPaint 3D"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWBP "Shows the picture in BodyPaint 3D"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PRESMODE "Full-Screen Mode"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PRESMODE "Dislays the Picture Viewer in Full-Screen Mode"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_HIDEOUTLINE "Hide Outline in Full-Screen Mode"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_HIDEOUTLINE "Hides the Outline in the FullScreen Mode"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_ACTSAFE "Show Action Safe"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_ACTSAFE "Display the Action Safe Area in the Picture Viewer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_TITLESAFE "Show Title Safe"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_TITLESAFE "Display the Title Safe Area in the Picture Viewer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COLORPROFILE "Show Color Profile"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COLORPROFILE "Display the Color Profile in the Picture Viewer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_TOPTAB_STATE "Display Navigator/Histogram"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_TOPTAB_STATE "Displays the Navigator and the Histogram in the Picture Viewer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERSAVED "Saved Elements"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERLOAD "Loaded Elements"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERRENDER "Rendered Elements"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERANIM "Animations"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERSTILL "Stills"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERSAVED "Display all saved Elements"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERLOAD "Display all loaded Elements"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERRENDER "Display all rendered Elements"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERANIM "Display all Animations"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTERSTILL "Display all Stills"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_12 "12.5%"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_12 "12.5% View"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_25 "25%"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_25 "25% View"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_50 "50%"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_50 "50% View"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_100 "100%"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_100 "100% View"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_200 "200%"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_200 "200% View"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_400 "400%"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_400 "400% View"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_800 "800%"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_800 "800% View"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_GROESSER "Zoom In"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_GROESSER "Zoom In"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_KLEINER "Zoom Out"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_KLEINER "Zoom Out"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FITTOSCREEN "Auto Zoom Mode"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_FITTOSCREEN "Automatically adjusts the picture size to the view"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_NODE_FPS "Sequence FPS"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_NODE_FPS "Use Sequence FPS Value"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_VIDEOPOST_TEXT "Info Text"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_TRACERWORKS "The external renderer is calculating an image.|Do you want to stop it?"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_UNKNOWN_FORMAT "Picture Viewer was unable to load file:||#"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RELOAD "File # is already present in the history.|Do you want to reload it?"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_DELETE "Do you want to delete unsaved files?"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SAVING "Saving #"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SAVE_OK "Saved Ok"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_LOADING "Loading"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_LOADING2 "Prepare Loading..."; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FEXISTS "The specified name already exists. |#|Do you want to overwrite the existing file?"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SAVEFAIL "Picture Viewer was unable to save file:||#"; //IDS_PV_NOHDMEM "Not enough space in the hard drive cache. Do you want to clear the cache? ||YES - The hard drive cache will be cleared |NO - The rendering will be canceled"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_HISTORY_NAME "Name"; IDS_PV_ALLPV "Additional Picture Viewers"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RO "Render Output"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_NAME "Picture Viewer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_ZOOM "Zoom"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SIZE "Size: #x#"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STEREO "Stereoscopic: #"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RGBDISPLAY "RGB (#Bit)"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_GRAYDISPLAY "Grayscale (#Bit)"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RGBADISPLAY "RGB+Alpha (#Bit)"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_GRAYADISPLAY "Grayscale+Alpha (#Bit)"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CLIPBOARD "Clipboard"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_OF "of"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FRAME "F"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RENDER_STATUS_DLG "Render Status"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_RENDER_STATUS_DLG "Render Status"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STATUS_RENDERING "Rendering"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STATUS_USERBREAK "Interupted"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STATUS_NOMEM "Out Of Memory"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STATUS_TEXMISSING "Missing Texture"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STATUS_FINISHED "Finished"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STATUS_FRAME "Frame"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_STATUS_SEQUENCE "Sequence"; IDS_MT_BAKE "Baking"; IDS_TL_COPY "Copy"; IDS_MT_SOUND "Rendering Sound"; //Cat added IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PREFS "Picture Viewer Preferences..."; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PREFS "Display the Picture Viewer Preferences"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_DIALOGDUP "Open Duplicates Picture Viewer"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_DIALOGDUP "Open a Picture Viewer With The Same Settings"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_ASPECT "Show Pixel Aspect"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_ASPECT "Show Pixel Aspect"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_MULTIPASS "Enable Multi-Pass Layers"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_MULTIPASS "Enable Multi-Pass Layers"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWFILTER "Enable Filter"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWFILTER "Enable Filter"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAYSOUND "Play Sound"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_PLAYSOUND "Play Sound in Picture Viewer"; IDS_PV_R_SUBMENUICON "Icon Size"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FOLDALL "Fold All"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_FOLDALL "Fold all folders in the history"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_UNFOLDALL "Unfold All"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_UNFOLDALL "Unfold all folders in the history"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_ADDTOLIST "Add Rendering to List"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_ADDTOLIST "Add Rendering to List"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_COPYRENDER "Create Render Setting from Render..."; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_COPYRENDER "Create Render Setting from the Render"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWRENDER "Show Rendering"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SHOWRENDER "Shows the active Rendering"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CLEARCACHE "Clear Cache"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CLEARCACHE "Clear the global cache"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE100 "Full Size"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE100 "Full Size"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE50 "Half Size"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE50 "Half Size"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE25 "Quarter Size"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE25 "Quarter Size"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE33 "Third Size"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHE33 "Third Size"; IDS_PVSAVE_DEPTH_8 "8 bits/channel"; IDS_PVSAVE_DEPTH_16 "16 bits/channel"; IDS_PVSAVE_DEPTH_32 "32 bits/channel"; IDS_PVSAVE_NAMETYPE_0 "Name0000.TIF"; IDS_PVSAVE_NAMETYPE_1 "Name0000"; IDS_PVSAVE_NAMETYPE_2 "Name.0000"; IDS_PVSAVE_NAMETYPE_3 "Name000.TIF"; IDS_PVSAVE_NAMETYPE_4 "Name000"; IDS_PVSAVE_NAMETYPE_5 "Name.000"; IDS_PVSAVE_NAMETYPE_6 "Name.0000.TIF"; IDS_SAVE_IMAGE_STR "Still Image"; IDS_SAVE_ANIM_STR "Animation"; IDS_SAVE_SELFR_STR "Selected Frames"; IDS_PV_SAVEDLG "Save Dialog"; IDS_PV_HIS_AB "AB"; IDS_PV_HIS_TREE "Name"; IDS_PV_HIS_PIC ""; IDS_PV_HIS_FPS "FPS"; IDS_PV_HIS_RES "Resolution"; IDS_PV_HIS_REN "R"; IDS_PV_HIS_RENDERTIME "Render Time"; IDS_PV_HIS_A "A"; IDS_PV_HIS_B "B"; IDS_PVHISTORY_FN "Directory"; IDS_PVHISTORY_FNNAME "File Name"; IDS_PVHISTORY_TIME "Added to List"; IDS_PVHISTORY_MEM "Memory"; IDS_PVHISTORY_STEREOMEM "Stereoscopic Memory"; IDS_PVHISTORY_RENDER "Render Time"; IDS_PVHISTORY_RENDER2 "total"; IDS_PVHISTORY_FPS "FPS"; IDS_PVHISTORY_NAME "Name"; IDS_PVHISTORY_INFO "Information"; IDS_PVHISTORY_FRCOUNT "Frame Count"; IDS_PVHISTORY_DEPTH "Depth"; IDS_PVHISTORY_COLORPROFILE "Color Profile"; IDS_PVHISTORY_ANIM "Animation"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_LAYER_NAME "Layer"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_FILTER_NAME "Filter"; IDS_PV_TIME "Current"; IDS_PV_FPS "Fps"; IDS_TAB_HISTORY "History"; IDS_TAB_LAYER "Layer"; IDS_TAB_FILTER "Filter"; IDS_TAB_INFO "Info"; IDS_TAB_NAVIGATOR "Navigator"; IDS_TAB_HISTOGRAM "Histogram"; ID_PV_FILTER_RED_STR "Red"; ID_PV_FILTER_GRE_STR "Green"; ID_PV_FILTER_SAT_STR "Saturation"; ID_PV_FILTER_BLU_STR "Blue"; ID_PV_FILTER_BRI_STR "Brightness"; ID_PV_FILTER_CON_STR "Contrast"; ID_PV_FILTER_GAM_STR "Gamma"; ID_PV_FILTER_EXP_STR "Exposure"; ID_PV_FILTER_BLP_STR "Black Point"; ID_PV_FILTER_WHP_STR "White Point"; ID_PV_FILTER_RESET_STR "Reset Filter"; ID_PV_FILTER_ON_STR "Enable Filter"; ID_PV_FILTER_INVERT_STR "Invert"; ID_PV_FILTER_GRADING_STR "Grading Intensity"; ID_PV_FILTER_GRADINGMIN_STR "Min"; ID_PV_FILTER_GRADINGMAX_STR "Max"; ID_PV_FILTER_CURVE_STR "Curve"; ID_PV_FILTER_CRED_STR "Red"; ID_PV_FILTER_CGREEN_STR "Green"; ID_PV_FILTER_CBLUE_STR "Blue"; ID_PV_FILTER_TAB_STR "Color Grading"; ID_PV_FILTER_CREATE_STR "Create Post Effect..."; IDS_PV_CUSTOM "Custom Background"; IDS_PV_WHITE "White Background"; IDS_PV_BLACK "Black Background"; IDS_PV_BG "Default Background"; ID_PV_FILTER_LOADPS_STR "Load Preset..."; ID_PV_FILTER_SAVEPS_STR "Save Preset..."; ID_PV_INFOASPECT_STR "Pixel Aspect"; ID_PV_INFOTITLE_STR "Title Safe"; ID_PV_INFOACTION_STR "Action Safe"; ID_PV_INFOAPPLY_STR "Apply Changes to Animation"; ID_PV_NAVIZOOM_STR "Zoom"; IDS_PVHISTORY_COLORPROFILE_NONE "None"; ID_PV_HISTOFILTER_STR "Display Filter"; IDS_PV_HISTO_RGB "RGB"; IDS_PV_HISTO_R "Red"; IDS_PV_HISTO_G "Green"; IDS_PV_HISTO_B "Blue"; IDS_PV_HISTO_LUMI "Luminance"; IDS_PV_HISTO_ALL "All"; ID_PV_LAYER_ON_STR1 "Image"; ID_PV_LAYER_ON_STR2 "Single-Pass"; ID_PV_LAYER_ON_STR3 "Multi-Pass"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_SINGLEPASS "Enable Single-Pass Layers"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_SINGLEPASS "Enable Single-Pass Layers"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHEAUTO "Automatic Size"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_CACHEAUTO "Automatic Size"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_RECENT "Recent Files"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_RECENT "Recent Files"; IDS_PICTUREVIEWER_OPENSTEREO "Create Stereo Image From AB"; IDH_PICTUREVIEWER_OPENSTEREO "Creates an Stereo Picture from the AB Selection (A -First Channel B - Secound Channel)"; IDS_PVRM_PREFS "Picture Viewer/Render Queue"; IDS_RM_TITLE "Render Queue"; IDS_RM_CMD "Render Queue..."; IDS_RM_NODE "Render Queue Node"; IDS_RM_QUEUE "In Queue"; IDS_RM_PROGRESS "In Progress"; IDS_RM_FINISHED "Finished"; IDS_RM_STOPPED "Stopped"; IDS_RM_PAUSED "Paused"; IDS_RM_ERROR "Error"; IDS_RM_WARNING "Warning"; IDS_RM_ERR_MEM "Error - Out Of Memory"; IDS_RM_ERR_NOMACHINE "Error - No Machine Available"; IDS_RM_ERR_TEX "Error - Missing Textures"; IDS_RM_ERR_MP "Error - MP"; IDS_RM_ERR_IMG "Error - Saving Image"; IDS_RM_ERR_GI "Error - Saving GI Cache"; IDS_RM_ERR_DEL "Error - Project Deleted"; IDS_RM_ERR_UNKNOWN "Error- Unknown"; IDS_RM_PRESET "Render Queue Preset"; IDS_RM_UPDATE "Update"; IDS_RM_ERR_OUTPUT "Error - Invalid Output Path"; IDS_RM_ERR_OUTPUTMULTI "Error - Invalid Output Multi-Pass Path"; IDS_RM_ERR_TEXFAIL "Error - Missing Files"; IDS_RM_ERR_TEXFAIL2 "Missing Files"; IDS_RM_TREE_POS "Pos."; IDS_RM_TREE_RENDER "Render"; IDS_RM_TREE_NET "Team"; IDS_RM_TREE_SCNE "File"; IDS_RM_TREE_STUS "Status"; IDS_RM_TREE_REN "R"; IDS_RM_F "F"; IDS_RM_TREE_CAM "Camera"; IDS_RM_TREE_RSET "Render Settings"; IDS_RM_TREE_MSG "Message"; IDS_TAB_BASIC "Basic"; IDS_TAB_MODIFY "Modify"; IDS_TAB_OUTPUT "Output"; IDS_TAB_SCENE "Project"; IDS_TAB_LOG "Logfile"; IDS_TAB_STEREO "Stereo"; IDS_PV_STEREO_CHANNEL "Channel"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SAVE "Save"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SAVE_FILE "File"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SAVE_FOLDER "Folder"; IDS_PV_STEREO_TYPE "Mode"; IDS_PV_STEREO_PARALAX "Additional Parallax (pixel)"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SWAP "Swap Left/Right"; IDS_PV_STEREO_ANA_TYPE "System"; IDS_PV_STEREO_ANA_COL_LEFT "Left"; IDS_PV_STEREO_ANA_COL_RIGHT "Right"; IDS_PV_STEREO_ANA_SYS "Method"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_ALIGN "Alignment"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_ALIGNLR "Horizontal"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_ALIGNOU "Vertical"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_SEPA "Separation (pixel)"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_LEFTMX "Left Mirror X"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_RIGHTMX "Right Mirror X"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_LEFTMY "Mirror Y"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_RIGHTMY "Mirror Y"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SBS_INCLINE "Incline"; IDS_PV_STEREO_INTER_TYPE "Type"; IDS_PV_STEREO_SHOWORG "Display Rendered Image"; IDS_STEREO_ANA "Anaglyph"; IDS_STEREO_SBS "Side-by-Side"; IDS_STEREO_INTER "Interlaced"; IDS_STEREO_MONO "Mono"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_FULL_RB "Red - Blue"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_FULL_RG "Red - Green"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_FULL_RC "Red - Cyan"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_FULL_YB "Yellow - Blue"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_FULL_GM "Green - Magenta"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_FULL_CT "Custom"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_NON_FULL_R "Red"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_NON_FULL_G "Green"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_NON_FULL_B "Blue"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_NON_FULL_Y "Yellow"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_NON_FULL_M "Magenta"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_NON_FULL_CT "Custom"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_FULL "Full"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_GRAY "Gray"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_HALFCOL "Half Color"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_OPT "Optimized"; IDS_STEREO_ANA_COL "Color"; IDS_STEREO_SBS_NORMAL "Normal"; IDS_STEREO_SBS_HORIZONTAL "Horizontal"; IDS_STEREO_SBS_VERTICAL "Vertical"; IDS_STEREO_INTER_VERT "Vertical"; IDS_STEREO_INTER_HOR "Horizontal"; IDS_STEREO_INTER_CHECKER "Checkerboard"; IDS_STEREO "Stereoscopic"; IDS_PV_STEREO_MODE_ORG "Non-Stereoscopic Image"; IDS_PV_STEREO_MODE_STEREO "Merged Stereoscopic Image"; IDS_PV_STEREO_MODE_MONO "Single Channel"; IDS_PV_STEREO_MODE_INTER "Interactive Merge"; IDS_PV_STEREO_MODE_ALLCHANNELS "Individual Channels"; IDS_RM_COPY "Copy of"; IDS_RM_OPEN "Open..."; IDS_RM_PERSPECTIVE "Default Camera"; IDS_RM_PERSSHORT "Editor"; IDS_RM_INCREMENT "Incremental Image Name"; IDS_RM_INCREMENT2 "incremental Muti-Pass Image Name"; IDS_RM_AUTOMATIC "Automatic Image Name"; IDS_RM_MODIFIED "Project modified"; IDS_RM_CLEARALL "Do you really want to delete the jobs in the queue and stop rendering?"; IDS_RM_CLEARALL2 "Do you really want to delete the jobs in the queue?"; IDS_RM_SAVE "Do you want to save the changes to the|project before adding it to the Render Queue?"; IDS_RM_TO "To"; IDS_RM_OF "of"; IDS_RM_ON "on"; IDS_RM_OFF "off"; IDS_RM_POS "Pos."; IDS_RM_JOB "Job"; IDS_RM_DUMMY "Project"; IDS_RM_DEFAULT "Default"; IDS_RM_M_DELETESCENE "Delete"; IDS_RM_M_ADDSCENE "Add Current Project"; IDS_RM_M_EDITSCENE "Edit Project"; IDS_RM_M_STARTRENDER "Start Rendering"; IDS_RM_M_PAUSERENDER "Pause Rendering"; IDS_RM_M_STOPRENDER "Stop Rendering"; IDS_RM_M_RESETRENDER "Revert to Saved"; IDS_RM_M_SHOWINPV "Open in Picture Viewer..."; IDS_RM_M_OPENFILE "Open..."; //IDS_RM_M_UPDATESCENE "Update Project"; //IDS_RM_M_SAVETOFILE "Save Project"; IDS_RM_M_PREFERENCE "Renderer Preferences..."; IDS_RM_M_GLOBADD "Add to Render Queue..."; IDS_RM_M_CLEARALL "Clear All"; IDS_RM_M_OPENLOG "Open Log"; IDS_RM_M_OPENOUTPUT "Open Image in Finder/Explorer"; IDS_RM_M_OPENOUTMULTIPUT "Open Multi-Pass Image in Finder/Explorer"; IDS_RM_M_OPENDETAILS "Display Details"; IDS_RM_M_LOADPRESET "Load Preset..."; IDS_RM_M_SAVEPRESET "Save Preset..."; IDS_RM_M_FILTERSYS "System"; IDS_RM_M_FILTERRENDER "Render"; IDS_RM_M_FILTERSCENE "Project"; IDS_RM_M_TEXTURE "Texture Errors"; IDS_RM_M_CHECKTEXTURE "Check Textures"; IDH_RM_M_TEXTURE "Stops rendering if a texture error occurs"; IDH_RM_M_CHECKTEXTURE "Checks the projects for texture errors before rendering"; IDS_RM_STOPRENDERING "The Render Queue is calculating an image.|Do you want to stop it?"; IDH_RM_M_DELETESCENE "Delete the current project from list"; IDH_RM_M_ADDSCENE "Add the last saved project state of the current project to the render queue"; IDH_RM_M_EDITSCENE "Open the selected project in C4D"; IDH_RM_M_STARTRENDER "Starts the Rendering of the first Project"; IDH_RM_M_PAUSERENDER "Pause the current Rendering"; IDH_RM_M_STOPRENDER "Stops the current Rendering"; IDH_RM_M_RESETRENDER "Reset the Rendering"; IDH_RM_M_SHOWINPV "Displays the Rendering in the Picture Viewer"; IDH_RM_M_OPENFILE "Add a File to the Render Queue"; IDH_RM_M_PREFERENCE "Opens the preferences for the render queue"; IDH_RM_M_GLOBADD "Add the last saved project state of the current project to the render queue"; IDH_RM_M_CLEARALL "Deletes all Jobs in the Render Queue"; IDH_RM_M_OPENLOG "Opens the Log File with the default application"; IDH_RM_M_OPENOUTPUT "Shows the Output in Finder/Explorer"; IDH_RM_M_OPENOUTMULTIPUT "Shows the MutiPass Output in Finder/Explorer"; IDH_RM_M_OPENMULTI "Shows the Multipass in Finder/Explorer"; IDH_RM_M_LOADPRESET "Load a Preset into the Render Queue"; IDH_RM_M_SAVEPRESET "Save the Render Queue to a Preset "; IDH_RM_M_FILTERSYS "Displays only the system information in the log tab"; IDH_RM_M_FILTERRENDER "Displays only the render information in the log tab"; IDH_RM_M_FILTERSCENE "Displays only the project information in the log tab"; IDH_RM_M_OPENDETAILS "Displays the information and log tab"; IDS_RM_LOG_MACHINEINFO "Machine Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_MACHINENAME "Machine Name"; IDS_RM_LOG_USER "User Name"; IDS_RM_LOG_PROCESSORTYPE "Processor Type"; IDS_RM_LOG_PROCESSORNAME "Procesor Name"; IDS_RM_LOG_PROCESSORNUMBER "Processor Count"; IDS_RM_LOG_OS "OS"; IDS_RM_LOG_OSVERSION "OS Version"; IDS_RM_LOG_OGLNAME "OGL Vendor"; IDS_RM_LOG_OGLRENDERNAME "OGL Card"; IDS_RM_LOG_OGLINFO "OGL Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_C4DINFO "C4D Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_C4DVERSION "C4D Version"; IDS_RM_LOG_C4DPLUGINS "C4D Plugins"; IDS_RM_LOG_FILEINFO "File Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_FILENAME "File Name"; IDS_RM_LOG_FILEPATH "File Path"; IDS_RM_LOG_RENDERDATA "Render Data"; IDS_RM_LOG_RENDERSET "Render Settings"; IDS_RM_LOG_CAMERA "Camera"; IDS_RM_LOG_WIDTH "Width"; IDS_RM_LOG_HIGHT "Height"; IDS_RM_LOG_FILMASPECT "Film Aspect"; IDS_RM_LOG_PIXELASPECT "Pixel Aspect"; IDS_RM_LOG_FPS "FPS"; IDS_RM_LOG_FROM "From"; IDS_RM_LOG_TO "To"; IDS_RM_LOG_STEPS "Step"; IDS_RM_LOG_SAVEINFO "Save Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_MPINFO "Multipass Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_PATH "Path"; IDS_RM_LOG_DEPTH "Depth"; IDS_RM_LOG_FORMAT "Format"; IDS_RM_LOG_MPPASSES "Multipasses"; IDS_RM_LOG_VIDEOPOST "PostEffects"; IDS_RM_LOG_FILE "File"; IDS_RM_LOG_RENDERINFO "Render Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_TEXERROR "Texture Error"; IDS_RM_LOG_GENERAL "General Render Information"; IDS_RM_LOG_ADDED "Project Added"; IDS_RM_LOG_STARTED "Rendering Started"; IDS_RM_LOG_TIME "Rendering Time"; IDS_RM_LOG_RESULT "Rendering Result"; IDS_MESSAGE "Message:"; IDS_NAME "File:"; IDS_QUEUE "Added to Queue:"; IDS_START "Render started on:"; IDS_RTIME "Render Time:"; IDS_ETIME "Estimated Time:"; IDS_LFRAME "Last Frame:"; IDS_EMPTY ""; IDS_RES "Resolution"; IDS_LOGPATH "Log:"; IDS_TEXPATH "Texture Error:"; IDS_RENDER "Render Settings"; IDS_CAMERA "Camera"; IDS_MPATH "Multi-Pass Image:"; IDS_OPATH "Output Path:"; IDS_WARNING "Warning: Files will be overwritten if they already exist."; IDS_JOB "Jobs:"; // Combine command IDS_COMBINE "Combine Project"; IDS_COMBINE_HELP "Combines and re-organizes the project by materials or layers"; IDS_COMB_COMBINEMODE "Combine mode"; IDS_COMB_COMBINEMODE_JOIN "Join Command (no Normal tag support)"; IDS_COMB_COMBINEMODE_CONNECT "Connect & Delete (Normal tag support)"; IDS_COMB_MODE "Mode"; IDS_COMB_MODE_BYMAT "By Material"; IDS_COMB_MODE_BYLAYER "By Layer"; IDS_COMB_REMOVEINACTIVE "Remove inactive objects"; IDS_COMB_CLEANUP "Clean up hierarchy"; IDS_COMB_JOIN "Convert & join geometries"; IDS_COMB_JOIN_NONORMALTAGONLY "Only without Normal tag"; IDS_COMB_CLEANUP2 "Remove duplicate Texture and Selection tags"; IDS_COMB_INFO "Please note: Merge will not function properly after combining geometry"; IDC_COMB_STATUS_STAGE "Stage #:"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_0 "Removing inactive objects"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_1 "Unique naming of #"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_1_M "Materials"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_1_L "Layers"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_2 "Creating new groups"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_3 "Resolving instance objects"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_3B "Resolving texture inheritance"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_4 "Sorting objects"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_5 "Cleaning up old hierarchy"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_6 "Joining geometries"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_7 "Cleaning up hierarchy"; IDS_COMB_STATUS_STAGE_8 "Cleaning up materials, texture tags, selection tags"; IDS_COMBRES_OK "Successfully finished!#Processing took # msec (# objects before, # after)"; IDS_COMBRES_OUTOFMEMORY "Out of memory!"; IDS_COMBRES_UNKNOWNERROR "Unknown error!"; IDS_COMBRES_NA "Combine Project: N/A"; IDS_COMB_OBJ_MASTER "Master"; IDS_COMB_OBJ_MAT "Mat"; IDS_COMB_OBJ_LAYER "Layer"; IDS_COMB_PROGRESS_TITLE "Combine Progress"; IDS_VPWATERMARK "Watermark"; // Strings that appear in the Watermark's Text layer IDS_VPWATERMARK_RENDERTIME "Render Time:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_ACTIVECAMERA "Camera:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_TIMECODE "Timecode:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_DATE "Date:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_SCENENAME "Project:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_POLYCOUNT "Polycount:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_C4DVERSION "Version:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_MACHINEINFO "Machine:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_EDITORCAMERA "Default"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_DEFAULT_CUSTOMTEXT "by"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_MP_COLOR "Watermark"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_MP_ALPHA "Watermark (Alpha)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_LOGOERROR "Error opening watermark logo bitmap:"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_NA "N/A"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_PERSPECTIVE "Perspective"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_PARALLEL "Parallel"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_LEFT "Left"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_RIGHT "Right"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_FRONT "Front"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_BACK "Back"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_TOP "Top"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_BOTTOM "Bottom"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_MILITARY "Military"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_FROG "Frog"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_BIRD "Bird"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_GENTLEMAN "Gentleman"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_ISOMETRIC "Isometric"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_PROJECTION_DIMETRIC "Dimetric"; // The following strings are all the same as the RDATA strings from the render settings (see xtensions) IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_RENDERENGINE_PREVIEWSOFTWARE "Software Preview"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_RENDERENGINE_STANDARD "Standard"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_FORMATDEPTH_8 "8 Bit"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_FORMATDEPTH_16 "16 Bit"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_FORMATDEPTH_32 "32 Bit"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_ANTIALIASING_NONE "None"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_ANTIALIASING_GEOMETRY "Geometry"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_ANTIALIASING_BEST "Best"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_STILLIMAGE "Cubic (Still Image)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_ANIMATION "Gauss (Animation)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_BOX "Box"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_CATMULL "Catmull"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_MITCHELL "Mitchell"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_SINC "Sinc"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_VIDEO "PAL/NTSC"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AAFILTER_TRIANGLE "Triangle"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AALEVEL_1 "1x1"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AALEVEL_2 "2x2"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AALEVEL_4 "4x4"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AALEVEL_8 "8x8"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_RDATA_AALEVEL_16 "16x16"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_XMB_SAMPLER_ADAPTIVE "Adaptive"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_XMB_SAMPLER_FIXED "Fixed"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_XMB_SAMPLER_INTERACTIVE "Progressive"; // The following strings are all the same as the strings from the Global Illumination descriptions IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_IC_IC "IR (Still Image)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_IC_IC_CAMERA "IR (Camera Animation)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_QMC "QMC"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_IC_QMC "IR + QMC (Still Image)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_IC_QMC_CAMERA "IR + QMC (Camera Animation)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_IC_QMC_FULL "IR + QMC (Full Animation)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_IC_QMC_FULL_NET "IR + QMC (NET Render)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_MASTER_MODE_SKY "Sky Sampler"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_RADIANCE_MODE_NORMAL "Normal"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_RADIANCE_MODE_POINTS "Visualize Texels"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_RADIANCE_MODE_SHADED "Visualize Shading"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_RADIANCE_MODE_SHADED_FRONT "Visualize Shading (Front)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_GI_SETUP_RADIANCE_MODE_SHADED_BACK "Visualize Shading (Back)"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_MSG_ACTIVE "on"; IDS_VPWATERMARK_MSG_INACTIVE "off"; // Names/Titles of placeholders IDS_WATERMARK_PH_C4DTYPE "C4D Type"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_C4DVERSION "C4D Version"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_BUILDID "C4D Build ID"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_OSTYPE "OS Type"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_OSVER "OS Version"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CPUTYPE "CPU Type"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CPUNAME "CPU Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CPUMHZ "CPU GHz"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CPUCNT "CPU Count"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CPUHTCNT "CPU Hyperthread Count"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_MACHINE "Machine"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_MACHMDL "Machine Model"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_PHYSRAM "Physical Memory"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_COMPNAME "Computer Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_USERNAME "User Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_DOCCOPYRIGHT "Project Copyright"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_DOCAUTHOR "Project Author"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_LICNAME "License Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_LICORG "License Organization"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_LICNR "License Number"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_DOCNAME "Project Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_DOCPATH "Project Path"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_RENDERER "Renderer: Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_RAYDEPTH "Renderer: Ray Depth"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_REFLDEPTH "Renderer: Reflection Depth"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_SHADOWDEPTH "Renderer: Shadow Depth"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_FORMATDEPTH "Renderer: Output Format Depth"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_AAFILTER "Antialias Filter"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_AA "Antialias Mode"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_AATHRESHOLD "Antialias Threshold"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_AAMAX "Antialias Max"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_AAMIN "Antialias Min"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_RAYTHRESHOLD "Renderer: Ray Threshold"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_LOD "Renderer: Level of Detail"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_MODE "Mode"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_DIFFDEPTH "Diffuse Depth"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_ACCURACY "Accuracy"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_SAMPLES "Samples"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_DENSITY "Density"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_XMB_MBLUR "Motion Blur"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_XMB_SAMPLING "Sampling"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_XMB_BLURRY "Blurry"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_XMB_GI "GI"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_XMB_HDRTHRESH "HDR Threshold"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_RENDERTIME "Render Time"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_POLYCOUNT "Polygon count"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_NAME "Active Camera"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_FL "Focal Length"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_TARGETDIST "Focus Distance"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_WB "White Balance (K)"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_PHY_FNUMBER "Physical Camera: F-Stop (f/#)"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_PHY_ISO "Physical Camera: ISO"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_PHY_GAIN "Physical Camera: Gain (dB)"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_PHY_SHUTTER "Physical Camera: Shutter Speed (s)"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_PHY_DISTORT "Physical Camera: Lens Distortion"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAM_PHY_ABERRATION "Physical Camera: Chromatic Aberration"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_OBJCOUNT "Object count"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_LIGHTCOUNT "Light count"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_STARTTIME "Render Start Time"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_STARTDATE "Render Start Date"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_RENDERSETTING "Render Setting Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_XMB_SAMPLER "Sampler Name"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_SAMPLING_HEMISPHERIC "Hemispherical Sampling"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_SAMPLING_AREA "Discrete Area Sampling"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_SAMPLING_SKY "Discrete Sky Sampling"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_GI_SAMPLING_RADMAP "Radiosity Maps"; // Placeholder categories IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_CINEMA "CINEMA 4D"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_SYSTEM "System"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_DOC "Project"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_RENDERER "Renderer"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_STATS "Statistics"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_GI "Global Illumination"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_XMB "Physical Renderer"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_CAM "Camera"; IDS_WATERMARK_PH_CAT_AA "Anti-Aliasing"; // PositionPass Videopost Effect IDS_VPPOSITIONPASS "Position Pass"; IDS_VPPOSITIONPASS_MP "Position"; IDS_VPPOSITIONPASS_MP_WORLD "World"; IDS_VPPOSITIONPASS_MP_CAMERA "Camera"; IDS_VPPOSITIONPASS_MP_OBJECT "Object"; // NormalPass Videopost Effect IDS_VPNORMALPASS "Normal Pass"; IDS_VPNORMALPASS_MP "Normal"; IDS_VPNORMALPASS_MP_WORLD "World"; IDS_VPNORMALPASS_MP_CAMERA "Camera"; IDS_VPNORMALPASS_MP_OBJECT "Object"; IDS_COMMANDER_TITLE_STR "Commander"; IDS_COMMANDER_DLGMAIN_EDIT_INPUT_HELP "Enter your command..."; IDS_COMMANDER_DLGMAIN_LABEL_NORESULT "Sorry, no results found - try altering your search."; IDS_COMMANDER_MODULNAME_XP "XPresso Editor"; IDS_COMMANDER_MODULNAME_TP "Thinking Particles"; IDS_COMMANDER_MODULNAME_CA "Character Animation"; IDS_COMMANDER_LABEL_TAG "Tag"; IDS_COMMANDER_CONTEXT_EXECUTECMD "Execute"; IDS_COMMANDER_CONTEXT_APPLYTAG "Apply"; IDS_COMMANDER_CONTEXT_SHOWITMHELP "Show Help for"; IDS_COMMANDER_MODULNAME_TR "Team Render"; IDS_CMD_TIMELINESCROLL "Timeline Scroll Bar (Key Area)"; IDS_CMD_TIMELINESCROLL_HELP "Timeline Scroll Bar (Key Area)"; IDS_CMD_TIMELINESCROLL2 "Timeline Scroll Bar (Power Area)"; IDS_CMD_TIMELINESCROLL2_HELP "Timeline Scroll Bar (Power Area)"; IDS_SEARCH_HELP "<>"; }