#include "_apibase_debug" //---Architectures--- ARCHS = x86_64 //---Build Options--- DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf-with-dsym //---Deployment--- COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO DEPLOYMENT_POSTPROCESSING = YES SEPARATE_STRIP = NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT = NO STRIP_STYLE = debugging //---Code Generation--- GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 3 GCC_UNROLL_LOOPS = YES // Disabled warning flags for Intel Compiler // #68: integer conversion resulted in a change of sign // #191: type qualifier is meaningless on cast type // #279: controlling expression is constant // #654: overloaded virtual function xyz is only partially overridden in class zxy // #858: type qualifier on return type is meaningless // #1899: character literals // #10120: overriding '-O0' with '-O3' ICC_OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = -wd68,191,279,654,858,1899,10120 -fp-speculationsafe -unroll -O3 //---Preprocessing--- GCC_PREFIX_HEADER = $(C4D_ROOTDIR)/resource/_api/ge_mac_flags.h GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS = YES // Link Time Optimization: Needs huge amount of RAM but seems to work for LLVM >= 2.0 //LLVM_LTO = YES