///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CINEMA 4D SDK // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // (c) MAXON Computer GmbH, all rights reserved // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __C4DNETWORK_H_ #define __C4DNETWORK_H_ #ifndef __API_INTERN__ #include "c4d_string.h" #include "c4d_basecontainer.h" #include "ge_prepass.h" #else #include "ge_string.h" #endif #include "ge_math.h" #ifdef USE_API_MAXON #include "basearray.h" #else #include "c4d_misc/datastructures/basearray.h" #endif class IpAddrPort; class ZeroConfTask; class IpConnection; #ifndef __PC #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 #endif #define NETWORK_INTERFACE_ANY 0 #ifndef AF_INET #define AF_INET 2 #endif #ifndef AF_INET6 #define AF_INET6 30 #endif //--Common Network API-- #define NetCall(fnc) (*C4DOS.Ne->fnc) #define IpCall(fnc) (this->*C4DOS.Ne->fnc) #define IPV4_SIZE 4 //IPv4 32-Bit #define IPV6_SIZE 16 //IPv6 128-Bit union GeSockAddrIn { UChar ipv4[IPV4_SIZE]; UChar ipv6[IPV6_SIZE]; }; class IpAddr { protected: IpAddr(_DONTCONSTRUCT v); public: IpAddr(); IpAddr(const IpAddr& a); IpAddr(UChar a, UChar b, UChar c, UChar d); IpAddr(Int16 x1, Int16 x2, Int16 x3, Int16 x4, Int16 x5, Int16 x6, Int16 x7, Int16 x8); ~IpAddr(); void Flush(); Bool SetIPv4(UChar a, UChar b, UChar c, UChar d); Bool SetIPv6(Int16 x1, Int16 x2, Int16 x3, Int16 x4, Int16 x5, Int16 x6, Int16 x7, Int16 x8); Bool GetIPv4(UChar& a, UChar& b, UChar& c, UChar& d) const; Bool GetIPv6(Int16& x1, Int16& x2, Int16& x3, Int16& x4, Int16& x5, Int16& x6, Int16& x7, Int16& x8) const; Bool IsEmpty() const; Bool Compare(const IpAddr& adr) const; int GetNativeProtocol() const; //AF_INET, AF_INET6 Bool Write(HyperFile* hf) const; Bool Read(HyperFile* hf); Bool CopyTo(IpAddr& adr) const; Bool IsPrivateAddress() const; Bool IsValid() const; String GetString(Int port = NOTOK) const; PROTOCOL GetProtocol() const; const IpAddr& operator =(const IpAddr& source); Bool operator ==(const IpAddr& adr) const { return Compare(adr); } Bool operator !=(const IpAddr& adr) const { return !Compare(adr); } const IpAddrPort operator +(Int port); const GeSockAddrIn* GetGeSockAddrIn() const; private: C4D_RESERVE_PRIVATE_TYPE(GeSockAddrIn, dummy1); C4D_RESERVE_PRIVATE_TYPE(PROTOCOL, dummy2); }; class IpAddrPort : public IpAddr { typedef IpAddr SUPER; public: IpAddrPort(); IpAddrPort(const IpAddr& a, Int port); IpAddrPort(UChar a, UChar b, UChar c, UChar d, Int port); IpAddrPort(Int16 x1, Int16 x2, Int16 x3, Int16 x4, Int16 x5, Int16 x6, Int16 x7, Int16 x8, Int port); Bool Write(HyperFile* hf) const; Bool Read(HyperFile* hf); Bool IsValid() const; String GetString(Bool getPort = true) const; void SetPort(Int port); Int GetPort() const; Bool operator ==(const IpAddrPort& a) const; Bool operator !=(const IpAddrPort& a) const; private: C4D_RESERVE_PRIVATE_TYPE(Int, dummy3); }; class NetworkInterface { public: void SetInterfaceIndex(Int interfaceIndex); Int GetInterfaceIndex() const; void SetInterfaceName(const String& interfaceName); String GetInterfaceName() const; void GetMacAddress(maxon::BaseArray& macAddress) const; String GetDescription() const; void SetDescription(const String& description); Bool IsLoopback() const; void SetLoopback(Bool isLoopback); Int GetCountAddress() const; Bool Append(const IpAddr& ipAddr, const IpAddr& broadcastAddress, const IpAddr& subnetMask); IpAddr GetIpAddress(Int i) const; IpAddr GetBroadcastAddress(Int i) const; IpAddr GetSubnetMask(Int i) const; Bool Write(HyperFile* hf) const; Bool Read(HyperFile* hf); Bool CopyTo(NetworkInterface& networkInterface) const; BaseContainer GetCustomData() const; void SetCustomData(const BaseContainer& customData); NetworkInterface* GetClone() const; static NetworkInterface* Alloc() { return NetCall(NetworkInterfaceAlloc) (); } static void Free(NetworkInterface*& p) { NetCall(NetworkInterfaceFree) (p); } private: NetworkInterface(); ~NetworkInterface(); }; class ZeroConfService { public: Bool SetTXTRecord(const String* keys, const String* values, Int cnt); Bool RemoveTXTRecord(); }; class IpConnection { public: const IpAddrPort& GetRemoteAddr() const; const IpAddrPort& GetHostAddr() const; Int64 GetTransferedBytes() const; }; //---------------------------------------------------- /// Wakes a computer up by WOL (Wake-On-LAN). Currently only IPv4 is supported. To get /// WOL to work, a broadcast message on port '9' will be sent. // /// @return true on success if the message was sent, otherwise false /// @param macAddress mac address of the target machine /// @param broadcastAddress broadcast address where the message should be send to //---------------------------------------------------- Bool WakeOnLan(const maxon::BaseArray& macAddress, const IpAddr& broadcast); //--------------------------------------------------------------- /// Get the mac address of the machine. When this function returns false an error occurred, but then macAddress is filled at least with a /// random-generated macAddress. The random-generated mac address will be changed after a restart of the host application. /// @return true on success, otherwise false /// @param macAddress filled with the mac address /// @param bufSize buffer size, maximum of length 6 bytes //--------------------------------------------------------------- Bool GetMacAddress(maxon::BaseArray& macAddress); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Returns the best network interface to the specified protocol. /// @return true if a network interface was found /// @param protocol specified protocol /// @param[out] networkInterface assigned the found network interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NetworkInterface* GetBestNetworkInterface(PROTOCOL protocol = PROTOCOL_IPV4); //---------------------------------------------------------- /// Returns all current active network interface objects. /// @param[out] networkInterfaces Assigned all network interfaces //---------------------------------------------------------- Bool GetAllNetworkInterfaces(maxon::BaseArray& networkInterfaces); //-------------------------- /// Returns the host name of the local machine. /// @return the name //-------------------------- String GetHostname(); //-------------------------- /// Returns the host name of the given ip address. /// @return The host name. Can be empty if the address could not be resolved. //-------------------------- String GetHostname(const IpAddr& ipAddr); //---------------------------------------------------------- /// Returns the interface index. The interface name "all" returns 0. /// @return The index /// @param interfaceIndex The name //---------------------------------------------------------- Int GetInterfaceIndex(const String& interfaceName); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Resolves a host name. If the address object can be an ip address object, you should use GetIpAddress(address, a, true) instead. /// @return Returns RESOLVERESULT_OK on success, otherwise the resolve operation failed /// @param address host name to resolve /// @param ptype pass PROTOCOL_IPV4 if the result should just contain IPv4 address, same for PROTOCOL_IPV6 with IPv6 address and PROTOCOL_ALL for all addresses /// @param[out] addrs contains the addresses of the host name when the function succeeded /// @param firstMatch address array has a maximum size of 1 element /// @param forceResolve if false use the DNS cache if the address is a host name and already known. Use true for an automatic mode. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESOLVERESULT ResolveHostname(const String& address, PROTOCOL ptype, maxon::BaseArray& addrs, Bool firstMatch = true, Bool forceResolve = false); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Converts a host name, IPv4 or IPv6 address into an ip address object. A port value in the address will be ignored. When the resolve /// option is enabled, the call blocks and waits for the DNS system when the address is a host name. E.g: /// address: Sebastians-Macbook-Pro.local (DNS system used, call blocks) /// address: (no DNS system used, call does not block) /// /// @return true on success, otherwise false /// @param address IP address or host name. If the string is a host name, resolve must be set to true otherwise the function fails /// @param[out] a assigned ip address object. /// @param resolve set to true to resolve the address via the DNS system //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool GetIpAddress(const String& address, IpAddr& a, Bool resolve = false, Bool forceResolve = false); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Converts a host name, IPv4 or IPv6 address into an ip address object. The address can have a port value. When the resolve option is enabled, the /// call blocks and waits for the DNS system when the address is a host name. E.g: /// address: Sebastians-Macbook-Pro.local:1234 (DNS system used, call blocks) /// address: (no DNS system used, call does not block) /// @return true on success, otherwise false /// @param address IP address or host name. If the string is a host name, resolve must be set to true otherwise the function fails /// @param[out] a assigned IP address object /// @param resolve set to true to resolve the address via the DNS system //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool GetIpAddress(const String& address, IpAddrPort& a, Bool resolve = false, Bool forceResolve = false); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Split a specified scheme with host name and port into it's components. Can handle IPv4, IPv6 addresses and host names. /// For instance: // // // http://[AB:AB:AB:AB:AB:AB]:1234 // // Sebastians-Macbook-Pro.local:80 // /// @address The host name to split. Can optionally contain a scheme, host and port /// @scheme The assigned scheme, can be empty if no scheme was found /// @host The assigned address/host name without port scheme and port number. /// @port The port, if no port was found port NOTOK is assigned. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool SplitAddress(String address, String* scheme, String* host, Int* port); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Opens a connection. Supports IPv4. /// @return connection object for the outgoing connection. Must be freed with GeIpCloseConnection /// @param adr destination address to connect to. /// @param initialTimeout timeout in seconds for the initial connection /// @param timeout timeout in seconds for receive and send operations /// @param useNagleAlgorithm pass true to set the TCP/IP flag for TCP_NODELAY. For more information see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms817942.aspx /// @param error assigned error if the connection failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IpConnection* GeIpOpenOutgoing(const IpAddrPort& adr, BaseThread* thread = nullptr, Int initialTimeout = 30, Int timeout = 10, Bool useNagleAlgorithm = true, Int* error = nullptr); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Opens a connection. Supports IPv4. /// @return connection object for the outgoing connection. Must be freed with GeIpCloseConnection /// @param adr destination address to connect to (ipv4 address or host name) /// @param initialTimeout timeout in seconds for the initial connection /// @param timeout timeout in seconds for receive and send operations /// @param useNagleAlgorithm pass true to set the TCP/IP flag for TCP_NODELAY. For more information see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms817942.aspx /// @param error assigned error if the connection failed //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IpConnection* GeIpOpenOutgoing(const String& adr, BaseThread* thread = nullptr, Int initialTimeout = 30, Int timeout = 10, Bool useNagleAlgorithm = true, Int* error = nullptr); Int GeIpBytesInInputBuffer(IpConnection* ipc); Int GeIpReadBytes(IpConnection* ipc, void* buf, Int size); Int GeIpSendBytes(IpConnection* ipc, const void* buf, Int size); IpConnection* GeIpOpenListener(const IpAddrPort& adr, BaseThread* thread, Int timeout, Bool dontwait, Int* error); IpConnection* GeIpOpenListener(const String& adr, BaseThread* thread, Int timeout, Bool useNagleAlgorithm, Int* error); IpConnection* GeIpWaitForIncoming(IpConnection* listener, BaseThread* connection, Int* error); void GeIpKillConnection(IpConnection*& ipc); void GeIpCloseConnection(IpConnection*& ipc); //--ZeroConf API-- //------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Get the version number of the bonjour version. /// @return true if Bonjour is installed, otherwise false. /// @param versionNumber[out] The main version number of bonjour. /// @param revisionNumber[out] The revision number /// @param isRunning[out] If the function returns false, isRunning can be true to indicate that the bonjour service is running but this process cannot connect to it. /// This can happen if the process is blocked by a firewall to connect to //------------------------------------------------------------------ Bool GetBonjourVersion(Int& versionNumber, Int& revisionNumber, Bool& isRunning); ZeroConfBrowser* StartZeroConfBrowser(const String& serviceType, ZeroConfBrowserCallback browseCallback, ZeroConfBrowserResolvedCallback resolveCallback, void* context); void StopZeroConfBrowser(ZeroConfBrowser* browser); ZeroConfService* RegisterZeroConfService(String serviceName, const String& serviceType, Int lInterface, Int port, const String& domainName = String()); void DeregisterZeroConfService(ZeroConfService* service); #endif